Your looks will define your entire life, fact

Your looks will define your entire life, fact

Attached: 4002e539e0b07d97a9a20852f3d068f0--hot-guys-kasser.jpg (640x767, 72K)

no they won't

t. ugly

oh yes they fucking do, if you don't think so you're not really ugly

t. confirmed 3/10

Pretty much true. If you're more attractive, then people automatically assume that you're more intelligent, more charismatic and more successful. Ugly people have to go above and beyond to disprove this original impression.

Agreed. I'm physically tall and fit but my face looks like it was repeatedly hit with an axe and I've never bothered going for a decent haircut. The cards I were dealt killed my chances from the start

all you have to do to look like this is not be fat, get good rest, and grow up pressing your tongue on the roof of your mouth

>grow up pressing your tongue on the roof of your mouth
You got memed

Not the entirety
things completely out of your control will define the overwhelming majority if not the entirety of your life however

>Was fat fuck from grade 3-10
>Summer of grade 10 exercise and starve myself near to death.
>Head back to school and suddenly I'm popular, get a girlfriend after a couple months, people treat me well.
>Gain weight again in late grade 12.
>Not as fat as before but a bit chubby due to depression and stress.
>Girlfriend cheats on me with one of my close female friends, everybody stops talking to me, never get invited to parties or to smoke anymore.
It's true bro's, I bounced back after a year but now I spend more time alone by choice because I saw just how obviously shallow and hypocritical everyone really is.

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That's why every super successful is also a Giga Chad, right? Like Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, or even Trump.

It depends, if your on either extreme you'll get with advantages or disadvantages. If you're near center, no one cares to treat you either better or worse.

With the exception of bill who just happened to have literally one of the most revolutionarily marketable ideas of the 20th century, the others weren't that bad looking when they were younger, they only look bad now because they're old.


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You forget the fact that these are not people, they are AIs put in these positions of power

>doesn't mention elon musk

they do, that's why you are here being first

>he worships reddit-tier plutocrats
shiggydiggy, little piggy

Attached: muuuuung.jpg (750x931, 23K)

lol whats this guys name?

this nigga named mung daal

only thing that matters is confidence and not being boring

Pic related is me last Halloween, whats my life gonna be like?

Your mental state will as well. Women have the "hot/crazy" line whereas men have the "handsome/autistic" line.

>this nigga named mung daaI

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