Why are incels bad?

>tfw empathize with incels and feel sorry for them being doomed to loneliness
>tfw people i respect tell me incels are bad people and deserve what they get

I don't know what to think? Why are people I consider my friends and agree with on most things bullying ugly people and creating this cognitive dissonance??

Can anyone help me understand?

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They're like ants. They don't really have their own opinions, they just say incels are bad because they're told they're bad. They're making sure you're being compliant or else they will cut you out of their lives as a form of "punishment" to make you want to comply more to their standards.

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They're just losers who fucked up their own lives and now want to be treated like victims.
I'd classify incels as "emotional communists". They don't do shit, but expect free stuff.
It's pitiful sight, to see that someone drove their life so off the rails and reached this point.

But what about men like pic related? I don't think any of my friends would be interested in dating someone that looked like him. Don't you think there are just some people that are too ugly to date? Should we not show them empathy instead of ridiculing them?

By showing empathy, you're just validating them. If you acknowledge them, you give them power. Tell them where and how they fucked up. For most, there is still hope. Scold them for their life choices and show them how to improve. This will help them far more in the long run.

But being ugly or severely mentally ill isn't always a life choice. I think you're right about some of them, but isn't it kind of the just world fallacy to think every single person is going to find a romantic partner as long as they make the right life choices?

I don't think anyone considers incels bad people. Quit the opposite actually. Everyone is a little sad about them but think they are nice, nerdy guys that haven't had luck dating or coming out of their shells.

Usually Chads are thought of as more morally degenerate than incels.

Of course incels are nice nerdy guys, only really nice guys would participate in online communities where they talk about wanting to rape and murder women.

>Quit the opposite actually
>Usually Chads are thought of as more morally degenerate than incels
I have never read more bullshit in such a small amount of text in my life.
You have obviously never heard of the halo effect, chad can get away with being a child rapist and killer and still have f*moids thinking he's somehow a good person.

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Everyone thinks of Chads as brash, confident assholes. They still respect them, maybe even because of that, but they aren't usually the stereotypical good guys.
By incels I mean people a little too old to be virgins. Of course everyone hates the hypothetical idiot who goes around spewing dumb stuff online.

If you're not part of an online incel community then you're no incel, you're just someone who doesn't feel like having sex.

i'd say the only think truly necessary for a man to be successful with women is status, smart or stupid, brash or timid is really irrelevant and chad's only consistent characteristic is liked by everyone, user's total opposite if you will.

feelin really retarded rn

>If you're not part of an online incel community then you're no incel, you're just someone who doesn't feel like having sex.
How can you even be taken seriously? Every living mammal have a sex urge, in what world are you living in?

Nowhere near as strong of an urge as you think. See: millennials. They would rather stay inside and play vidya than go out and get sex.

>but they aren't usually the stereotypical good guy
This is just absolute bullshit though, all throughout popular media the good looking guy is always perceived as being a hero and the ugly guy a vile psychopathic villain.
In reality, psychopaths are uaslly successful and good looking while if an ugly guy is an asshole it's only because of bitterness drawn on by bad people around him treating him like shit.

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incel = involuntary celibate. You know, before tumblr, reddit and instagram started moving the definition?
Also "doesn't feel like having sex" yeah I don't feel like beinf rich haha
>millenials would rather vidya than sex
In what fucking world

It's easy. Imagine this: the villain is charismatic. Bam, he steals the show. Therefore he must be repulsive so people can separate the Bad from the Good and you can reach every audience possible

H*manity needs to be exterminated.

How many people even spend much time thinking about incels let alone feel active hatred? Probably way, way less than most of you think. I swear some of you think that everyone out there is some big bad radfem SJW.

well there is a whole subreddit dedicated to it. there are some normies that spend a more than normal amount of time obssessing about incels. probably near-incels themselves projecting, but whatever

Have you been living under a rock? Millennials are having much less sex than previous generations. Mainly due to vidya and social media.

People hate incels because they disagree with their worldview. Most people that identify as incels online are extremely sexist, quite often racist, sociopathic and obsessed with how they think life is unfair to them. Its hard to have sympathy for people with such awful viewpoints and opinions as incels have.

>why are a bunch of angry violent losers who have access to guns a problem
I wonder.

>Its hard to have sympathy for people with such awful viewpoints and opinions as incels have.
And yet women are all to quick to sympathise with litteral inhuman demons in human form.

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All incels are murderous psychopaths, literal inhuman demons. Why aren't they getting girls?

Because looks?

Wut? That guy is butt ugly.

Ah, the "all muslim are...". Nice seeing the Jow Forums argumentation here again
Well your typical incel is WAY worse looking

No, incels are actually the sort of people who would suffer from severe PTSD after seeing the atrocities committed by chads in wartime. Incels are the types who would hide the Jewish, Polish and Russian women and children in the cellar before their comrade's chad, brad and brody would rape, torture and mutilate them.

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Yeah some crazy people do.
Most people hate their guts though.
Its just that evil is fascinating to people because they want to understand what makes a person think like that.

I just like to bully the ones that tell me to leave, I'm more experienced with both the internet and women compared to these "robots", but I do sympathize with their plight and know women can be evil.

The SS was literally made up of chads(tall blonde aryan types) and they committed some of the worst atrocities in human history.

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>Tell them where and how they fucked up.
How could anyone do that. You don't know them.
>For most, there is still hope.
Society doesn't like the facts but only a very small percentage of the bottom of the barrel can be "saved".
>Scold them for their life choices
I can say with absolute confidence this only makes people withdraw even more. I don't know why normies invented this, probably works for them.
>and show them how to improve.
Just B urself
Just get fit
Just learn some skill
Just talk to her
I'm guessing right?

99% of people hate losers. When I say losers I don't mean normies who had a bad day or two but the true robots. Just try to talk to any normie about your problems and he gets more and more upset. Not long before he pulls the "bad things only happen to bad people" card.

>"bad things only happen to bad people" card.
Hilarious, the most successful people in the world are psychopaths.

"All women are..." is okay but "all incels are..." is not? Why? Especially since all incels really are murderous psychopaths. There are no moderate incels. When has even one incel spoken up and said that wanting to rape and murder women is wrong?

People like to believe that everybody can succeed if they are a good person. Otherwise they get scared that they might end up a loser. They dont know how to respond when you tell them about your problems so they kinda push it away. They're just scared.

Incels wouldn't help anyone. At most they would take in a female and immediately attempt to rape her.

When your life problems are only "tfwnogf" you have no fucking idea how good you have it.

you sound like a lonely, jaded person, although you probably better off than me.

>At most they would take in a female and immediately attempt to rape her
How is it that I know you have a gaping hole between your legs?
We aren't the ones who bully and torment people, normies do that and in wartime that bullying becomes a whole lot worse, sickeningly worse.

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ok, i will, "harmin beople ar bawd"
now your point is invalid, as for women and muslims and whatever else i dont really hate anything.

Daily reminder that w*men are the route behind male violence as they encourage aggressive anti-social behaviour through sexual selection.

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>w*men are the root

That's the thing, I'm well off in some areas but I feel dead inside and misery loves company. My dick is so fucked I'm better off fapping than getting laid.

I wish.

Yeah yeah and children starving in africa. No gf is the loudest because young people focus on it the most.

I never hear anyone talk about incels outside of the internet. Seriously who goes on the internet, reads up some bullshit from buzzfeed and takes it out into the world for real discussion among their peers?

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I mean there's several hundred thousands people on facebook agreeing that the earth is flat. Most of them are even normans.

I don't think most robots and incels have actively done anything evil to become this way, but at the same time, you should try to avoid surrounding yourself with miserable people for your own good.

Your friends understand this on some level, but because it's somewhat cold, selfish, and dissonant with their fake moralfag posturing, to tell the truth, and say they ignore us because we're useless to them, they have to justify their position by deamonizing us instead.

"Theres nothing wrong with leaving these people to die cold and alone, if they're all secretly evil."

In reality there is nothing wrong with avoiding miserable people for the sake of your own well being. The problem is the fact that they have to lie and pretend their reasoning is based on moral grounds, and not just their own self interest.

Yea but humans are gullible by nature, it's normal for people to fall into conspiracies like flat earth because it gets them thinking about something outside the norm that gives them a sense of intellectualism and fantasy.

No one gives a shit about incells Irl. I'm an Incel in the can't get laid even if his life depended on it meaning and I still don't hate like the Incel meme says I should do,it's just lack of social skills

Because incels are associated with people like Elliot Rodger that commit crime and they also have very low opinions of women. People don't like to associate with them publicly, although on some level people understand the struggle of getting laid (especially if they have been lying about their virginity for normalcy points).
They don't think of incels as lonely/anxious dorks that suffer from tfwnogf, they think of them as hateful people and that their hatred is what keeps women away which is a self-fulfilling prophecy. While it may be that there are peaceable incels, they are not the ones that they focus on. They focus on the ones that cause them trouble, and sometimes those are the only ones they know.

That's not a voluntary thing, it's not that they enjoy vidya and social media more. It's because those two have fucked our reward systems and caused some of us to grow up isolated from actual human contact. And if someone grows up isolated, they won't be good at interacting with others, which leads to a decrease or lack in the amount of sex they'll have as an adult.

You, on the other hand, are tooootally different, right? You're the only human being with actual thoughts, right?

normies attack incels in hopes they an hero or go berserk and get locked up/killed, you have to remember in the past incels didn't exist, men who couldn't compete died

The masses are easily persuaded to think "correct" thoughts.

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this but unironically
most incels are intp which is only %3 of the population

Retard. There are people with actual problems. You have a comfy life, a roof to sleep under, food, internet to shitpost on. You have good health and your family is alive and well. You don't have to worry about how to be able to afford food or rent. Your twfnogf problem is insignificant compared to people with real problems.

Source: your ass. There are really no statistics about incels, other than the majority of them are NEETs.

The normalfag's worldview is based on the idea that the world is 100% just and everyone always gets what they deserve. So they can tell themselves what great people they are and how their achievements in life are exclusively due to their virtues and not any lucky circumstances.
But then there are people who do badly in life and a lot of these people don't do that much different from the normalfag. So they must be secretly bad people who brought everything upon themselves after all, as otherwise the just world theory would collapse. And so the normalfag punches down on anyone considered weaker in society

>women don't like me because I am angry hateful and violent
>I am angry hateful and violent because women don't like me
Circle of self-defeat.

I hate this retarded argument every time I see it. "hurr you can't be depressed because there's someone out there who has it worse than you" is a logical fallacy
Also he literally just said "nogf" isn't his only problem, can you even read?

>Why aren't they getting girls?
The incels that are murderers aren't getting girls because they are in prison, once they get out if they ever do there will be a mile long lineup of girls ready to marry them.

Isn't it funny, women only finally accept an incel once they become vile killers, really tells you a lot about what actually causes violence in this society.

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You're reversing the effect with the cause. I resort to vodka because I was ostracized at a young age, not because it was necessarily more fulfilling. If you're attractive, worthwhile, and desirable, people will voluntarily invite you to parties and social gatherings. If you're not, you resort to other avenues of socializing.

You assume a lot of things about me that you know nothing about.

Since you didn't mention anything about serious problems and only whined about tfwnogf it's clear you don't have any actual problems in life, otherwise you would have mentioned them instead.

>All incels are murderous psychopaths
holy shit how does someone end up this retarded
an incel is just someone who keeps failing at losing their virginity. there's a fuckton of people like that and the number is only going up. you seriously think millions of young men are psychopathic killers?

"I wish" was a subtle way of telling. As for my "real" problems, nobody cares about those.

>the first sentence proven bullshit with prisonners getting shit tons of love letters

not true, there's three times more guys who are not having sex than 20 years ago but girls are still having the same amount of sex that they used to. this is because they all only fuck chads now, which has been made easy with things like tinder

Nah it's because everyone has social anxiety nowadays or they're too self conscious to have a personality. That's not a problem for the girls as they don't have to take initiative when dating, but the guys will struggle. I'm not a Chad by a long shot but I've never had any trouble getting girls, even online. All you have to is talk to them and not be a weirdo.

>just ask girls out!
I did. The problem is there's other males not being manlets around me and girls quickly forget I even exist.
inb4 charisma, yeah but I don't need to be chris rock to get at least a conversation

Honestly, are incels even hateful or violent? I mean hateful (jaded) i'd say some are, not all though, but as far as violent goes perpetuating violence is a massive bother, there barely any who do that, now if you'd call them creepy, unnerving, or just plain wrong, i'd somewhat understood those critiques, but hatred and violence takes motivation and most incels are neets who are too depressed to have any.

Girls are having less sex too, stop lying.

But there aren't millions of incels, only a few thousand or so.

>keep spamming gore images of hiker girls beheaded in morocco
>praise violent islam
>want to make rape legal
Are incels hateful and violent? Hmmm.

Sounds like you're just boring and spergy and desperate. Good way to repel girls.

you seriously think there are just a few thousand adults who haven't had sex? that's pretty fucking delusional
and even if there was just a few thousand, that would be a fuckton of "psychopaths" running around killing and raping women. probably less than 1% of incels commit crimes

i'm all those things and women are still attracted to me.
Getting your foot in the door is 100% looks.

no one respects short men
I had hours long conv with a girl but she ended with a 6'1 belgian lanklet

Theres a good chance youve met an adult virgin in real life. Most of them are self aware enough to not go around telling people that they are one.

>violent islam

Jow Forums please go away

Incels are just hurt. But I think most of the bitter ones just don't know how to place the blame. Realizing that you're just not fit enough (either phisically or mentally) to attract anyone takes a load off of it. It still hurts but blaming others is not how you go about it.

who beheaded girls, those deranged, but relatively attractive people who they hooked up with, or incels?
what i am trying to say, incels did not perform any violence in your example, not to mention that opinion on event itself wasn't monolithic on website, many people were against it even here.

virgin != incel

There are a few thousand violent psychopath virgins with rape fantasies.

How short are you then? Because I can guarantee that every man your height or shorter is getting girls. You just need to not be a desperate sperg.

They didn't hook up though

it's not really a "blame" thing. I don't actually hate normies/roasties because I think they did anything wrong or that I'm superior to them like some normalfags claim about incels. I'm just mad that I'm not them
it's literally the same thing. incel means involuntarily celibate, meaning someone who is a virgin but not by choice (due to religion or whatever), just that they've just never managed to succeed with a woman for whatever reason.
nowhere in the definition does it claim that to be an incel you have to hang out online and discuss your plans for raping/killing women

And just about every single woman on earth has rape fantasies but that's cool and quirky and perfectly ok of course. But I suppose it is really because it's a fucking FANTASY.

>wahhhwahh! I can't have sex! No one likes me! Reeeeeeeeee!
So what, I can't get a million dollars. I can't drive a nice car. I have to take the bus. Life isn't fair, assholes.

Every time i try to be nice or friendly to an incel they're really rude and horrible towards me.

>make a thread about incels and stay front page for hours


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>not having sex makes you an incel
You just admitted there are lots of female incels.

I think sex messes with people more becuase there is no clear order of operation.

Problem is that IRL doesn't actually offer much in the way of genuine friends and even less in opportunities. Sadly the box offers more fulfillment nowadays.

Not actually fully what I said, I said not having sex not by choice. Women who choose to save themselves for their husband are not incels
Also even if there are some female incels, the number pales in comparison to men. the vast majority of people who are virgins for reasons other than personal choice are male

They are not doomed to loneliness and they are not like normal virgins or even like wizards, what makes an incel an incel is their pointless vitriol against women, and appalling lack of respect that clashes completely with their view of how they are supposed to be better than the partners who abuse them.
That's why they deserve like they get, it really is no different from the guy in an internet forum that thinks insulting everyone is funny yet feels hurt when he rightfully gets some insults back, incel is just a fancy word for hypocrite.

(content muted, not origami)

i dunno i remember some people said that they went to rebels controlled region and got kidnapped, then others said that they got hooked up with killers, i actually don't remember how stuff went down in that story, so i might've been wrong on that part. Although point was that they weren't group of western neets.