Where do you see yourself in the next

Where do you see yourself in the next
>6 months
>1 year
>5 years

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probably dead desu

Probably in the same position I am now, with a lot more regret

Probably in millitary

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you wish
correct answer
if you haven't joined already you'll never have the guys

>Work, Home, Sleep
>Probably the same thing
>Writing my suicide note

Im 19 and it's for 6 months

What country doesn't allow you to join at 18?

What's your current position?
You are stuck there for 4 years. Be careful dude.
why do you wanna suicide?

You can join at 18 but everyone go to uni or other educational institution first
Im from greece btw

>more sleep

It's only 6 months m8

>6 months
Hopefully in a new job, and having stuck with boxing.
>1 year
Just about to graduate college, with my other career licensing stuff done.
>5 years
Being relatively experienced at one of my goal careers.
I have humble ambitions.

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Why do you wanna join the military?
why homeless?


parents will get sick of my NEETdom and get rid of me.

It's 9 months in my country

Hopefully dead for all 3 categories.

it is compulsory in my country

>no reason to live besides hedonism
>no reason to live besides hedonism
>no reason to live besides hedonism

what kind of hedonism do you engage in?
ahh I figured
what are you currently doing in life?
Just get a comfy nightgrave job

It's 9(or 8 not sure) months for most mens in my country as well,but greece has demographic problem
So families with a lot of childrens have privileges

Living with aged mother at 34, a very spartan existence where i only spend her money on food, expect her to be too old to support me in 5 years


In an apartment probably using a bit too much weed and booze, competing regularly in jui jitsu tournaments
Having a new job or being promoted at my current one, starting to teach jui jitsu part time
Hopefully living with a cute girl and going back to school, or teaching jui jitsu full time

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6mth: I should have my company running, 5% less body fat, gynecomastia just gone and chin implant done.
1 year: Body starts getting muscular and intimidating, should start being able to get an a decent income from my company.
5 year: Got a degree, a little under a million dollars in the bank, sold off 2 startups and have 2 of my current companies making me sweet cash, have my own house, a new car and a GF ready to marry.

Make small improvements in your lives over time robots, in the long term it will pay off, self improvement and consistency will make you go from overweight ugly wage-slave to chad millionaire entrepreneur in less time that you'd think.

>6 months
Probably will have had to get another job, wage, eat, sleep, repeat
>1 year
Still waging I bet
>5 years
At this point my housemate will have probably given up and entered a relationship with her orbiter, he will undoubtedly want them to live together so either she sells the house and I am forced to leave or he moves here and I am eventually forced to leave. Probably will be continuing the same hollow existence but from a different location.

>working and going to school part-time for a trade
>disappeared somewhere living in a van
>making 30-40k a year living as a minimalist doing welding or something like that

I just want out of my parents place so bad but I also wanna buy a van to travel in so I gotta save money somehow.

As leader of the world

>6 months
Exactly where I am now
>1 year
Likely exactly where I am now
>5 years
Hopefully either making about $25-30k/y+ or in the real estate business with my friend.

Same place
Same place but slightly worse

sitting where I am right now jerking off
graduating uni assuming they don't keep cutting at my wagecuck job and stop me from affording it
dunno I plan on joining the navy when I finish my degree so I guess wherever I get sent

Raping dead hookers in gas station bathrooms.

>6 months
miserable, like all winters, it just makes me feel shitty.
>1 year
through with studying
>5 years
two possible outcomes
-I kill myself, because if i don't improve, i'll probably lose everything, including my mind.
-I live a happy existence & work hard, maybe a bit of money, and my own little apartment, not sure if I'll stay in Italy or move in some other country.

>Working somewhere in my new town having a passionate hatred for women

>Hopefully still working somewhere in my new town and still having a passionate hatred for women

>Hopefully I'll have a gf at this point, but who am I kidding I won't

Okay robots i realized that the only way for me to not be super miserable is to have a job that is done from home and you don't have a strict work schedule.What are such jobs ( i live in a eastern european shithole so even making $1000-1500 month is pretty comfy)(i could go back to uni if needed)

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What place are you in now user?

what are you studying?

How can you be depressed living in Italy? You Euros seem to have it good.

why would a woman like a man who hates women?
Doesn't make much sense my friend.

Have you considered doing reservations?

>6 months
lifting and trying to get a nice body
>1 year
having a decent-nice body
>5 years
please dead

Dead to all.
Life isn't worth living if you're very ugly, very lazy, don't enjoy anything, stupid, personality-less and always unhappy.

Have you tried a radical change in your life?

I legit have brain damage probably. You can't fix stupid. I also can't fix being so ugly I hate talking to people. If you were me you'd understand all my problems are unfixable and how it's possible to be miserable forever.

Eastern Europe? Even 500$ is enough comfy here i think
I will be btw
Hopefully NEET

What I keep telling myself:
>getting my life back on track, finding motivation to pursue my goals, consistently working on my projects (stop motion film, rap music and other)
>finsihing my projects and developing a deep passion for them
>finding somewhat success with my passions (not necessarily fame or money, just getting better at it, being more and more passionate about it, earning admiration and respect)

(Probably) the sad reality;
>youtube and gaming
>youtube and gaming
>youtube and gaming

Pretty sure you're just in a bad spot right know. The fact that you are self-conscious enough to see that shows that you aren't as stupid as you think. Just do more sport and be productive, it will radically increase your concentration, creativity, IQ

>6 months
Moved out of the big city to some smaller town working a minimum wage dead end job
>1 year
Same as before but now with a motorcycle
>5 years

>, in the long term it will pay off, self improvement and consistency will make you go from overweight ugly wage-slave to chad millionaire entrepreneur in less time that you'd think.
Honestly both options sound awfully boring, the only difference is the money. Isn't there more to life than work?

>6 months
The same as i am now still pondering life's complexities and going along with the flock and trying to get in to uni even though i don't know if i want to.
>1 year
Probably in uni now, probably a meme degree as well since my ineptitude also applies to my choices in life.
>5 years
No idea too far into the future for me to think. Hopefully i'll just be comfy, having a simple job that i can endure without thinking about suicide, having a small apartament that i can call my own and finally be free from my parents. Overall it's a very simple goal yet to me it would be really good.

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>6 months
at a shitty low paid job
>1 year
>5 years

>1 year
>5 years
Hopefully dead

>6 months
Browsing r9k
>1 year
Browsing r9k but now I want to die more
>5 years

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>next 6 months
hopefully at a gesaffelstein concert

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Looking into having kids with my beautiful asian wife

>6 months
In the army
>1 year
Might still be in the army, if not i'm either studying or trying to get into the french foreign legion
>5 years
Still studying or in the legion. If i didn't off myself by then

how bad of a fuck up are you in the army that you want to go to the french foreign legion?

The legion of today is not the legion of yesteryear, hell or even the 90s/ early 2000s. Nowadays the legion is nothing but refugees, petty criminals, and romantics.

Go SF if you want to learn foreign languages and jump out of hellicopters.

When i was in a bad place i considered the ffl. Yet after meeting a green beret i reconsidered it. Funny thing is, a month before i was supposed to ship out i suffered a carrer ending back injury.

Life fucking sucks. I'm probably going to kill myself.

>worrying about the future
>worrying about the future

Let's go together user, also what's your favorite song by him?

>6 months
browsing r9k
>1 year
browsing r9k with a couple more mysterious stains everywhere
>5 years
dead or still browsing r9k

>6 months
at college working on an engineering masters
>1 year
at college working on an engineering masters
>5 years
... still at college working on an engineering masters

Cool as fuck. Dude knows how to set a mood

Does anyone here thing they will find a significant other in any of these timeframes?

Doubt it, as I am closing in on 32 and am a NEET.

>6 months
In the same bedroom doing the same things I am now.

>1 year
In the same bedroom doing the same things I am now.

>5 years

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>6 months
Either midway through or at the end of my graduate internship
>1 year
Master's degree in hand, employed in my field far away from wagieville
>5 years
In my first or second year of doctoral school

For reference my field is Industrial and Organizational Psychology.

>all these anons hoping to be dead in 5 years from now
I know the feeling but sadly it'll just turn out as bad cope for most of you

t. copemaster boomer

How can you live with yourself keeping such a defeatist attitude?

Defeatism is soothing.

>6 months
hopefully going to school or working towards something, learning more languages, and visiting another state more
>1 years
probably more or less the same
>5 years
in 5 years hopefully living in Europe, a way to support myself, and sharing that life with someone

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>1 year
Probably in trade school, also...
Good to see someone with taste on this shitty board.

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>completely friendless
>mindlessly indulging in escapism to new heights
>disappointing my father, after my grandparents die and I move in with him a shell of my childhood self
>10 years
Dead. I'm already ugly, imagine what time would do to me. No way i'm integrating with society, not to mention my shitty genes and health.

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>no fucking clue
Next question?

>6 months
In Las Vegas
>1 year
Still there with a better job
>5 years
Maybe may have moved and hopefully will have a better job and nicer place to live
What about you OP?

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>6 months
In school, maybe bringing in some money with an online business I'm working on
>1 year
Starting to ramp up the online business, saving up money for an apartment, moving along in school
>5 years
Graduated, bought an apartment with cash, independently wealthy NEET

>6 months
Doing off and on work
>1 year
Looking toward full time employment
>5 years
Doing my PhD

Here's my bedroom.
I'm also not a virgin.

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>6 months
still at uni, still working

>1 year
finishing uni (undergrad psych and criminology) trying to get into post grad medicine

>5 years
hopefully finishing medicine, deciding a speciality, moved in with gf

>6 months
Finishing my PS1 backlog
>1 year
Finishing my Dreamcast backlog
>5 years
Finishing my PS2 backlog

oh and some comfy online wagekeking to have enough money for vidya and food also

>6 years
hopefully the second year of my specialty in maxillofacial surgery.
>1 year
Dental school.

>6 months
Stilling being a NEET
>1 year
Stilling being a NEET
>5 years
Dead, hopefully

>6 months
Hopefully still employed
>1 year
In my own house/apartment living with my friend so he can move into town and find a job too
>5 years
On my own as a Bench Technician or something else electronic