Janny sticky this and you will become a legend, people will song tales about you and how based you are...

Janny sticky this and you will become a legend, people will song tales about you and how based you are. You will be worshiped on r9k and seen as the hero we don't deserve.

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Honk honk, nigger bot

me on the right

Haha mentally ill people are so funny

Now you know who the anime posters are.

I feel sorry for them. I'm miserable in my own way and looking at that person just makes me feel empathy towards them and their family. Life really sucks for a lot of people

Pic related to this dumbass post
Doesnt mean i love trannies but make actual fucking arguments you brainlets

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I have a lot of empathy for the genuinely mentally ill ones with actual persistent dysphoria etc, or those who are just autogynephile or regular loser guys who got caught by the meme.
I hower have 0 sympathy for those who try to push the same propaganda that made them buy into it in the first place on innocent people. These people are complete psychopaths, I think some are delusional enough to believe it's genuinely a good idea, but most just want more people to share their bad choices, even if that means 90% of them will look like cwc and will kts

stop larping transsexual

dios mios la goblina !

Ie goblino*

Lmaooooo. Imagine this anytime you see an anime posting transgender.

>Jow Forumstraaaaaansssss

wow you can hear the insufferable faggy uptalk before you even visit the sub

also this is what all weeb avatarfags look like

>stickying a thread on Jow Forums will take away the rights of trannies

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r/traaaaaaaannnnnnnns and r/egg_irl are the two main propaganda/recruitment center for the pill pushers on reddit

this 'person' is probably certainly a larper considering their post history. I don't even use r*ddit and just by checking it you can easily see its some random guy who just tries to make trannies look terrible and his account is also literally 3 months old, accodring to my stupid friend whos a r*dditfag the subr*ddits he posts in are also literal meme subreddits dedicated to shitting/makign fun of trannies
Very very cool fucking real post nigger, kys.
pic rel OP

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OP here, it's not a question of empathy or all that victimization bullshit. It's about trannies invading our board for years with tranny porn for no reason but just to piss us off. They have their own fucking board why not use it? Why not fucking use the lgbt board??? Why do they invade our only safespace? We already have to deal with pollacks, incels and roasties.. if we can start by cleaning the first and most cancerous layer (trannies) then we will be off a good start.

You really don't get it.
These people see words as violence, more than just equivalent, words are literally violence to them.

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Well they are mentally ill so that makes sense


>these are the people that tells you to "have sex" on Jow Forums
Really activates my almonds

What am I supposed to do if I have a son who goes trans? I obviously can't just accept it while to his "supporters" fill his mind with more ridiculous ideas so they can win at virtue signaling. But Dad's seem to never win. They either have to become abusive and damage the kid even further or just accept it and watch them tumble into a delusional world until they kill themselves at thirty. I genuinely fear this.. good thing I will never be a dad I guess.

holy shit so this are the type of retard who avatarfag

damn guise this is a shithole

Why are trannies always uglier than normal ugly people? This thing doesn't look like two humans were involved in their birth.

your best bet is to let them transition very early and always be supportive in case he does turn trans.

early transitioners usually pass and go on to have good lives as fake cis women (getting female priviledge) Late transitions are the suicidal group that look like absolute messes and tend to commit suicide later in life.

jannies and trannies are pansies

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im so sick and tired of all this tranny posting. years of this shit and theres just no sign of it stopping. fuck off

because some ugly people fall for the meme that if you're ugly as a male maybe you won't be as a female, but that meme only works for baby faced feminine looking incels

It's usually tranners having a manic episode that start threads with other ugly tranners. "Internalized transphobia" they call it

Originaloreo is original now

But that's their fucking problem. Nobody cares.

We need to take away the rights of trannies because they are mentally unstable

Making the decision when they are young is so much worse because it voids any chance that they might snap out of their infantile narcissistic dream world. It's a catch 22. I don't hate trans people, I pity them. I hate that society has decided to drive people into transdom. If they transition young and I go with it, I will have essentially allowed my child to live a life, forfeiting any honorable future for them. How could anyone support that??

So it's true that the Left can't meme.

Looking like an abomination who thinks he can hide behind anime pictures is a pretty damn good argument
I got another good argument right here!

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Imagine how much it hurts

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holy fucking F lmao

Imagine being the cucked dad. No just imagine how cucked the dads of transgenders must be. They must defend their son's choice every single day, everytime they talk about it in social situation it becomes awkward and cringe, all the family gathering are lame, all other people see them as people who failed.. really being the father of a transgender son must really fucking suck.

Is there ANYTHING more cucked than having a transgender son?

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Based as fuck.

Me in between u and a wall getting my Biloxi demolished by your boyclit, whilst lying to you saying it's so big and begging for your broth

Duh. It's the biggest redflag/signifier

Being trans hurts your dad just as much as killing yourself

woah, an actual transvestite

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It makes me smile knowing tha transgender people are degenerates that will end up killing themselves because the chances of them passing are extremely low.
And even if they pass, they'll end up being beaten up by a nigro looking for some poon or some ultrachad.
God damn i love being a white heterosexual male.

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Imagine thinking me saying "make better arguments" meant i ever fucking liked trannies lmao

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I didn't think you were a tranny till you made this post. Now I'm convinced. It takes a special kind of delusion to think your original post was some sort of worthy argument to be tackled.

if i wanted to cut of my toes because i feel it is the true me they would throw me in a padded room but if i want to cut my dingdong off i basicaly get worshiped by society
hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm som ting aint right

>make actual arguments losers, don't you know that you're taking away their rights?
>how are we taking away their rights?
>lmao who said I liked trannies? Why do you guys think I even like them at all lmao please stop being mean to them rofl

Kinda looks like it has a syndrome of some kind, maybe treacher-collins. I've seen those facial features in genetically stunted people before but I can't remember which disorder it was.

leave for 3 days and im glad to see that jannie bashing is still going on good job anons

real question - what rights are trans people losing?

You're no better than stacy making fun of some ugly guy. Most normies are probably nicer to ugly people than the average incel.

Based fence sitter saying nothing of value
muh both sides bad, don't look at the bigger picture!

literally pic related with a wig

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trust me they aren't

Fucking newfags.

Yo post all the pics that are like
>what they
>what they

Found one. Enjoy hell, sodomite.

Don't hate the tranny, theyre innocent white men being influenced by the Jews.

Get rid of the Jew, we get rid of them.

Get him into wrestling and football and instantly correct his faggotism if you see it

This, Judaism is behind all this shits.
Same story in pre Hitler Germany

Exactly liberals talk about the "thriving LGBT underground" before WW2

GEE I wonder why Hitler removed the Jews?

>le 28% incel

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what about this argument :^)

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>people who are uncomfortable with me luring teenaged boys into my fetish discord must want to take my rights away
No, we just think you're a faggot.

You can just go gay then, easier
Sounds like bs. How would they know they're trans if they don't have any "gender therapy"?

you're dumber than the people calling you incels because of elliot

people who can't afford it, people living with shitty parents who can't stand to see anything happen to their kid that they explicitly wouldn't want, people in shitty neighborhoods who know they'll be killed or beaten, etc

>That's right goy, I can be your friend for a fee

you can just buy it online and never talk to a soul idiot, maybe try researching a little, you'll look less stupid

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Oh no no no! You can run but you can't hide from the truth tranny!

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>people who can't afford it
Very few people can't afford hormones in the usa, it's like, 10 dollars a month. As for most of the western world it's free.
>people living with shitty parents who can't stand to see anything happen to their kid that they explicitly wouldn't want
Fair, but that should be a very low number still, there's no reason young people would be more likely to be trans...
>people in shitty neighborhoods who know they'll be killed or beaten
Bs, they could just boymode
Seriously, this statistic sounds like complete bullshit. Voluntary repressors don't call themselves trans, and the most unvoluntary ones could find ways to do it anyway easily

>you can just buy it online and never talk to a soul idiot
>Many people are trans and can't transition which leads to suicide!
There is something wrong here, isn't there?
Also in most western countries you cannot just buy medicine like that over the internet

>one person did it so everyone did it
okay elliot

>10 dollars
it costs way more if you don't have decent insurance or if they're doing DiY
>le just boymode meme
okay retard that's not really transitioning though

>mentaly ill people less likely to kill themselves with treatment
>still much higher than overall population
wow, you sure showed him

I'm fucking dying of laughter, every post just reads like a scene from a comedy
This guy is trolling right?

Then don't diy? I refuse to believe the majority of trans are forced not to transition when i see people transitionning on a litteral whim left and right, specifically in the usa.
>okay retard that's not really transitioning though
So they call themselves because they can't present as girls? But if they did pass they wouldn't risk a hate crime.

>kys tranny x1000
>they do it
wow so mentally ill

I genuinely feel sorry for the guy, he was born extremely ugly and probably autistic so he found escape in thinking that he can fool the world into being a girl and that then everyone will love him.
This comes from being unloved as a child. I was unloved and rejected but I guess I'm stronger than these people because I'm still me and will always be.

Trannies should just kill themselves if it comes to this point... euthanasia or something humane
Fuck Trannies and Fuck Jannies

>killing yourself because someone on the internet told you to
>not mentally ill
Go dillate

>thinking everything happens on the internet
go outside

>muh boogyman is an obvious shitposter with shitty bait

They only do this because they trigger retards like you into thinking they're out to get retards on r9k

Janny, I WILL suck your cock.

>letting kids mutilate their genitals isn't a cause worthy to propagandize against

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The problem isn't of rights, they are perfectly entitled to them, and while some may, I and many others are not trying to "deny [their] right to exist."
The problem (in general) is propaganda. Within this board, the problem is relevancy.
Fortunately trans people have a board just for them and those accepting of them:

>my mom said I'm good at graphic design.jpg

Jannies don't have the power to pin posts

>It's only ok for me to move goal posts and cherry pick issues but bad when the libtards do it

>Society finds trannies more appealing than incels

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this image is meaningless

hot dudes will make hot girls, and ugly dudes will make ugly girls

>Janny are you woke babe?
>Are you woke babe janny?

every picture is unflattering. thats just how it is. they are unflattering people

Now you are gonna im sure refute this but off the internet, nearly all trans women do not pass, no matter how young they start. If you look at bailey she still clearly was a nigga..the likelihood of passing is a lot lower than you dumbasses say it is

>we dont need to cut off our dicks in order to please people who have rejected us

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Yeah the guy in the OP definitely wouldn't kill himself if he got therapy where they tell him he's pretty for an hour

we don't either incel

Talk about a textbook example of pic fucking related

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