How do i get a jew to give me adderall and or Xanax? i want my disability bux back

how do i get a jew to give me adderall and or Xanax? i want my disability bux back

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>how do i get a jew to give me adderall and or Xanax? i want my disability bux back

i hate this shitty board so muich

Kill jew. Loot its body. Simple.

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I way that doesnt't get me shot or arrested

Go to a doctor, ask for adderall. They give you a bullshit cognitive survey, check the obvious boxes. Then they send you to psychiatry where they make you do games like "click a buzzer every time the number 9 appears". Bullshit that one too. Bam, in less than 2 weeks get all the legal adderall you want and then go to your welfare office to get NEETbux. They prescribe addies like they were candy, one phone call and two appointments is literally all you need

Jewed and Jewpilled

B-but killing filthy subhumans isn't a crime, is it?

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it shoudln't be
we would need a militia of at least 15k and we could do a lot

am i supposed to actually click it when 9 appears?

bumping this thread shiggyui

for xanax: tell your doctor you have episodes where your heart starts beating really fast and you feel like you're dying, and that you want to get your heart checked out

for adderall: look up ADHD symptoms. get a therapist for "chronic depression" but present like you have ADHD-PI, they will refer you for an evaluation. most importantly, you've felt this way your whole life but you "just thought you were lazy and forgetful". purposefully fail any working memory exercises they give you.

>and or
how are you gonna convince a doctor to give you benzos and amphetamine at the same time?

in similar vein can i ask how to get money, freebies or non-shit work opportunities? literally anything useful. idc about drugs

you need to be on disability for shit like that.

>how are you gonna convince a doctor
different doctors. I legitimately have panic disorder and a sleep disorder at the same time, I get benzos from my psychiatrist and amphetamines from my sleep doctor.

that said, I don't use large amounts of benzos - I go through 30 1mg ativan about every 3 months. it's also impossible to fake the sleep disorder that I have.

>purposefully fail any working memory exercises they give you.
what kinda stuff do they give you

they'll ask you to remember strings of numbers, lists of words, etc. and repeat them back. these are tests of working memory.

why? it had to be obvious to them that the guys bullshitting if he get's those wrong
i'v known absolute loony bins and they could still do that

If you were smart enough you'd already know how to figure it out. I'm an Ashkenazi Jew fyi

fuck you jew
i can't wait until you get killed
it will happen again sooner or later


do you have to do therapy too for the prescription?

therapy is for normalfaggots

they're long-ass strings of numbers and words. they'll ask you to repeat them once, do some other task for five minutes, and then repeat them again. the second time is where a person with ADHD would fuck up. I don't have ADHD, but I do have cognitive deficits from brain damage that present similarly, and I fuck it up.

okay that's actually believable
should i say i don't remember for the second part or what? i actually have a very good memory i just can't focus

can i just tell them my chest get's really tight and i can't function if i get nervous?
i prefere to tell the truth

Funny how attack on titan was about jews all along

why can't "doctors" just give us what we want? instead of making us play stupid games