Why don't you play the lottery? Someone has to win it, and it could be you

Why don't you play the lottery? Someone has to win it, and it could be you.

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its just stupid. if i understood statistics better i could tell you why.

Elliot Rodger tried and actually believed that he would win it.

Maybe because there's like a one in a million chance?

see, my brain cant even comprehend one million of anything. i see why stupid people like me might think those odds dont sound too bad.

im 18,300 dry on a 1/5k drop on runescape why would I EVER waste a single cent on actual gambling

The lottery is just stupid people tax

Fuck off kike your not getting a dime from me

lol agree its only tricking poor people into paying taxes

The problem with saying its just low income idiots paying taxes is that those same low income idiots are already on either welfare or social security. We are allowing the biggest drains on the system to piss their money away so they can stay poor and need welfare forever. This also fucks up the next generation because kids who grow up in shitty low income families end up literally stunted in mental capacities because the developing brain gets disrupted by the high levels of stress. They then become the next generation of lotto scratching dumbasses.

Whenever I consider suicide I buy a lottery ticket for the next week as my neet greed will keep me alive for the inevitable 0-2 numbers I get

You do realize that the odds of lightning striking you from a clear sky within the next 5 minutes so you get absorbed into the internet and you become converted into a one line program that is designed only to shit post is higher then winning the lottery, ever

Don't play the dumb mega millions shit. You'll never win those huge jackpots the odds are terrible. Play scratch tickets instead. The payouts are smaller but there are more winners. I buy 2 $2 tickes every week and I lose most of the time but every couple of weeks I'll get $25-$50. Twice I've even won about $500.

I get my gambling rush through opening packs of a TCG instead. It has much more instant gratification.

Because there is a cost of entry. Someone has to win, but everyone else payed to lose. And I already know I'm a loser so I don't need to buy a ticket to confirm that.

scratch tickets are still for retards the amount of money you put in to win something is a short return on investment.

Hypothetically what would happen if a robot won the lottery? Like 300 million. Will he buy Jow Forums and shut it down? Use the money to become a Chad?

some say the lottery is a poor people tax along with gambling and fast food/junk food.

I do. Maybe 3 times a month

I don't think anyone would really want to deal with the responsibility of Jow Forums unless it's to make a profit. Moot had to show up to court on occasion for things people posted.

Because he thought he deserved it, can you believe it

Incorrect, people have won the lottery, that scenario has never happened

The odds of winning the Powerball jackpot are 1 in 292 million. If the jackpot exceeds 292 million, it becomes profitable in theory to play the lottery.

I know that. I only buy the tickets with little puzzle games on them, not the ones you just scratch to see if you win. I find solving them entertaining and a good way to kill a few minutes if I'm waiting for something. I don't get them thinking I'll win money, but when I do it's a pleasant surprise.

This evaluation disregards the amount of money that will be spent on taxes, and the possibility of there being more than one winner.

>spend 15 bucks on tickets
>win nothing
i'v been playing for 4 years or longer now and the most i have won is 50 bucks
even just 20k would fix my life
god why
it's always a methead that wins it and wastes it in a day

I play it can you imagine what would happen if you won. All my problem would disappear just like that. Never having to worried about money would be amazing. U would finally be free.

Don't give up and neet will win

The actual trick is to post stuff like this to make everyone else dislike the lottery, so you have fewer "opponents" and a higher chance of winning

I I summon the power to meet gods the world has wronged me and now it's time to take back what's mine I will when I will escape there's nothing on this Earth that can stop me from wedding I refuse to be a Slave

Ohhh boiii your financial troubles sure but your emotional shit is going to follow you and youll get new problems.

200 IQ move here user.

I don't even want the money. Why would I waste my money for useless pieces of paper.

>like a one in a million chance
if it was one in a million, I'd be buying as many lottery tickets as I could get my hands on. Its more like one in a 150 million.

My goal is to cap my lottery expenditures at 20 dollars a year. Some exposure to a fluke but minimizing the financial damage of delusional participation. The most I ever spent was maybe 40-50 dollars in a things are getting out of hand year.

Note I'm absurdly broke but your mileage may vary.

ultimate neetmode probably satan
I always think I'd travel a lot, off the beaten track a bit, but I don't really care about talking to new people and dont go out much here, so I dont know