Are/were you low class trash user?

Are/were you low class trash user?

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absolutely, i'm homeless disabled tier, why would you ask?

white trash is an oxymoron
*dabs on the racists*

I've always assumed most robots were from suburbanite backgrounds and somewhat well off financially.

I was growing up but we didn't quite survive the crash of 08, my parents split up and my mom was a real estate agent so ... yea we're fuckin poor

poor does not necessarily mean you're trash. Being ghetto trash is more of a state of mind.

well I have smoked crack since then but only for a couple months. I avoid the ghetto now

Used to live in a trailer park yeah and became a dad at the ripe old age of 14. Normal now though.

what do you do for work user


how much do you relate to the trailer park boys?

Yes, my parents were alcoholics and I was born in a trailer park.

Yeah I used to be I guess. Grew up only me, my brother and my dad. My dad was an alcoholic and my brother used to deal drugs. Rough environment to grow up in and it showed I think. I like to think I'm less trashy these days. Hard to tell sometimes.

up until i was about 14 i was
mom getting remarried did a number for our financial situation, but we still kinda live trailer park mode idk why

>we still kinda live trailer park mode idk why

I have to admit I've never actually watched it. Or I've seen like one episode which sort of got it right.

Now? I keep local real estate company websites updated and maintained.

yeah, we don't live particularly ghetto/trash either.
our "neighborhood" has a mixture of trailers and actual nice houses, we're one of the trailers, but like the 2nd nicest trailer in the place

super weird to describe idk

Yessir i am. I hate trannies, fags, and most of all niggers. them kikes are brainwashin my kids, the master race into bein one of them transgendereds. plus my daughter is dating a negro fella. Nice enough fella but the races aint meant to mix; says so right in my bible (KJV of course)

what happened to your mother? oregano
like the other user said being trash is more than just being poor. i've known plenty of trashy rich kids.

are you some kinda black lesb-ee-in?

I'm lowclass but not trash

My father is south Georgia redneck white trash that inherited money from a dead relative and used it to buy land. My mother is an uperclass mormon from California. My father was an alcoholic and used to smash shit and scream, so my mother divorced him and remarried an argentine guy that would beat me and my brothers when he got mad.

Now I'm atheist and a sexual degenerate.

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My mother passed away when I was young. Thyroid cancer. Everything went to shit after that. My dad started drinking and my brother basically raised both of us. He's in prison now though. I don't know, I try not to think about that time.

I grew up in a trailer park. My shitty apartment is already an improvement on the quality of life I experienced as a kid. Aside from harrassment from some of the older guys park life wasn't all that bad. My family seemed surprisingly normal compared to some others.