yeah funny how that worked out
a moff is a military rank in the galactic empire. pretty baste desu

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nice barbaric Jiyeon

>i don't have anything for this edition
>you know what to do

that shitshow was pretty funny, especially hyomin's responce

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I like this song
what about you frens?

back in the day when kpops were allowed to be funny

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>look for patriotic Yoona pics on google graphic
>see this fucking traitor
day ruined

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>people have yu-gi-oh tournaments?
yeah man. magic the gathering is the big one, but pokemon and yugioh are the other big sellers for card games

but i don't

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>but i don't

Attached: [1화] 여행 D-5! 여행지 힌트 전달.webm (1280x720, 1.38M)


Attached: weeb life is hard.webm (1258x1080, 1.78M)

i dont know what i stumbled upon on twitter but i like his CRX and these photos.