The growing threat of the Asian man

Well Jow Forums. I took a trip down to Brighton with a few mates. I saw the usual stereotypes this place has made me notice. Visibily uncomfortable around muzzies and blacks, counting whites on my fingers. But what I saw that confused me was the amount of tall East Asians there were. Most were those K-pop looking Asians which were at least 6'3 (taller than me) and they were with gfs (either white or Asian, both at least 8/10). Now one of the only advantages whites had other Asians was the height gene. I dug into this further and it looks like places like China have the have the highest height growths in the world.
Places like Northern China have the average height of 5'10 which is comparable to many Western countries.

So what do we do when Asian men are as tall as us owing to the Western diet of maccies and soft drinks and not suffering from famine?

I'm not talking about Western Asians, I'm talking about Asians from their own countries that migrated over for uni.

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Nothing.. relax bong, that's hate speech. I'm getting sleepy, why am I still up?

they don't have the inches where it counts...

cause you're a fucking leaf

Well you have your inches cut off. So who's crazier?
Also nothing a few raw onions can't fix.

>muh bbc is just a meme, size doesnt even matter
>lol gooks have small dicks, its totally not a meme and size actually matters

Well izs the diet ofc, chink boomers are small because of mao's leadership and the famine. Arent there even gook probasketballplayers? It rly just depends on what you eat as baby and as kid while youre growing. Who knows, maybe they put some growing hormones in the wattersupply aswell

>Jow Forums is one person

fuck off gook, you're not fooling us faggot no one takes asian men seriously


if you want tall people, go to western Cologne. 6'4 average on males, 6' on females. I am 6'1 from Bavaria and I'm noticeably short.

its true tho, whats ur problem chang?

Calm down mutt. I'm not a gook. It's people like you that make Asians work on themselves. I can imagine you as some virgin nerd that feeds their ego via thinking themselves as superior to Asian men, meanwhile not walking outside and seeing for yourself and relying on Jow Forums Webms and Asian hate threads.

lol You are definitely an insecure asian living in a western country

>going froma mean height of 146cm to 159cm.
wow us white people BTFO

White supermacist Using japanese website to express his ideals hhahaahahaha

p-p- po- po-

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>Now one of the only advantages whites had other Asians was the height gene

Because the "height gene" isn't derived from dietary elements. Change the diet and after a few generations people are either shorter or taller.

idk that guys reach looks pretty proportional to his height


And you are an perfect human being

no I am not, but I wish I were

Superior Asian here, bow down and kiss our feet you whaitu piggus.

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fear more, wh"Te bois

we're going to breed your shitty race out of existence through race mixing and there's no thing you can do about it as wh*Te bois are fucking low test beta incels compared to us Asian Bulls
who the fuck wanna be with wh*Te bois instead of us?
who the fuck prefer wh*Te bois over us?
no one likes wh*Te male

if you're an Asian Bull

>universally praised
>wet pussy all over the world

if you're a wh*Toid

>universally despised
>rejected by any races of women all over the world

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why did you post a girl

So what if he is? Doesn't disprove the fact that Asians are growing in height at a faster rate than whites.

first of all read your own article
>>going froma mean height of 146cm to 159cm.
This "growth" is like an 11 year old malnourished whitoid's 1 year growth span from age 11 to age 12

That's kinda like 'Germany in the late 1940s had the largest economic growth in the world'.
It's not growing, it's normalizing.

What kind of dumb faggotry is this? Women over 1.80 in 'western Cologne'? Uhuh.

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that's women's average height

it doesn't specify, it means average of both men and women

daily reminder this is op

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Good thread
I don't know what the fuck we are going to do, this is an epidemic.
