How do I cope with being groomed then ghosted

How do I cope with being groomed then ghosted.

We were supposed to be together forever and now I'm left as a child in an adult's body with nowhere to go.

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Are you me? How long did you spend together until the backstabbing?

No I'm me. We were together for seven years.

How old are you? Do you have friends and stuff? Tell us what happened user

What was her excuse for wasting your life?

please tell us what happened

I'm 23 now. I don't have anyone. I'm about as alone as it gets. He kept talking about how he was going to move after the lease on our apartment was up. I just assumed I was going with him and he kind of implied that. Then one day I went out on a walk and had brunch in a cafe and when I got back all of his stuff was gone and I haven't heard from him. He left me $5000 dollars.

I loved him. He wasn't wasting my life.

Jesus user I'm sorry, are you safe at least? Do you have somewhere to stay? How long ago did this happen?

I'm safe enough. Things were bad when I was at a motel. Now at least I'm renting a room in a normal neighborhood. I have been on my own for 2 months and 12 days ago.

>I loved him. He wasn't wasting my life.
He did in the end though. Something similar happened to me but it was a girl who left me in shambles, and we spent a decade together.
Do you think you will be able to muster the affection and trust to love somebody again? I most likely won't.

Why not just move back in with parents? Tell us more about your situation so we can learn from this.

At least you've been able to get somewhere safe and relatively stable. Since you said you're alone are you looking for friends? It's good to have someone in your life especially during tough times. If you want someone to talk to or vent or anything you can add me on discord: wartrade#0967

Similar happened to me, luckily I was the bread winner. She was the first person I let in and the world ended when she was gone. Rip 6 years.
Spend the money to secure yourself, don't waste it.
Find another chap when you are comfortable with yourself.

Move on & ask family for help. It gets better, but it won't ever be the same.

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What did she mean to you? How important was she? I have not thought about finding someone else. I still hope that he will come back for me sometimes. Today I do not believe that I can love again. I find comfort in my land lord's family which makes me feel better.

My parents are gone and no one in my family would want to just take me in. I have not spoken to any of my family for years.

Feels unsafe. Kind of like what I was warned against.

I still have about $4000 of it. I got a job to pay my rent. My rent is not very expensive though.

Sorry user I'm not trying to make you feel unsafe, I just worry when I see things like this happen. I don't mind talking to you in the thread but what happens after? You should try and form some sort of connection even if it's just through your coworkers or reconnecting to family or something. 2+ months is a long time to suffer by yourself after a traumatic event

If you feel secure, buy yourself something nice, or even if it's just some random shit from aliexpress, receiving parcels is neat.

Also find someone to talk to, professional is better but a random or friend will do. Make a new discord if you are going to talk to robots.
Talking helps the most, just hope they don't ghost you after you a week or so.

>What did she mean to you? How important was she?
She was half of me in all aspects, and the reason I decided to struggle with my awful life at all. At this point there's nothing but grief left, no relevant reason to continue.
It's like having half of your heart biten off.

Trusting people is hard. I never learned to trust people. He always told me to not trust anyone because it wasn't safe.

I do not know what to buy. My land lord's son has a surface and I am jealous of it. Maybe I can get one of those.

I understand. For me I felt like everything but my skeleton was gone. He was everything else for me.

Groomed how?

It sounds like he wanted to keep you isolated and away from anyone that could point out he was doing bad things. Were you abused in any way? I promise user I'm not out to hurt you and I think most people on Jow Forums would want to help you get better. As others have suggested you should try to get some therapy or speak to someone professional.

absolute trash
Just get a pc and use your phone. Look on Jow Forums for tablet or laptop recommendations

He convinced me to be everything he wanted for him. He changed a lot about me. I remember people used to tease me about being too loud and talkative but I can't remember talking loudly or talking a lot. It feels like it was me before but I can not do it. He always said I was cuter when I was quiet.

He did not abuse me. Sometimes he needed to slap me or limit me so I would do the right thing. I never thought that he would hurt me a lot. When I was hit I would expect it because I knew I did something to make it happen. He never just hurt or abused me.

So did you find what you were looking for here? Try Jow Forums next time.

Be my little introvert pet, I'll take care of you.

OP I was with you up until here, you sound like bait. On the off chance this really happened get some help because it was obvious you were abused and probably raped and the guy should be in prison before he does it again. Anons don't fall for this

>I understand. For me I felt like everything but my skeleton was gone. He was everything else for me.
Thought of offing yourself yet? I sure did, and it's a cold and calculated though, not even emotional at this point. I probably won't but it just feels like the correct thing to do.