Life is basically over at 30, prove me wrong

Life is basically over at 30, prove me wrong.

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no, its over at about 24ish. who you are at 24 is who you will be for the rest of your life

Raise children.

Life is over at 30 if you fail to seize power and begin your world-changing saga. If you just want to eat, drink and make merry, then it certainly is the beginning of the end.

I'm 30 and I don't feel any different than I did 5 or 10 years ago

yea im 31 ive been pretty much the same since like 21. only differences are going bald and lower back pain.

Life only really begins at 30 when you're a man, if you're a woman, yeah it's over

written like a true 15 year old retarded zoomer smooth brain

Most people I meet say life only gets better after 30, until about 60-70. I guess poorfags life differently *sad emoji*

Have you reached 30?
Are you a NEET?

Im 27 and got rejected by what could have been a dream girlfriend. Im only now coming into contact with life cus I was stuck online on a computer all day, until about 3 months ago when it broke. I wallowed the first 2 months, but the last2 to 3 weeks have been different. I changed my diet and have started exercising, but I jumped the gun and am still not getting any matches in Tinder.

Im deeply considering the military.

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>32 years old
>internationally known actor/rapper/R&B singer
>still fucking porn stars and teenage girls

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Through history peoples lifespans were only to about 30 or 40 max. So they had already lived a full life by that time

Where do people get this idea? Indians in the amazon live until their 80s. I think dying at 40 was a european thing.

>use Tinder
>tjhinks he belongs here
Fiuck off Normie.

is right. Do not waste your youth based on this delusion. The older you get the shittier life becomes. At 30 life is basically over, you gotta live it when youre young and then when your own life ends you have to start building for the future. Thats the correct way to live. If you havent experienced whatever you wanted to experience by the time you are 30 its over, you have wasted your life. Its all misery and regret from that point.

Turn your life around while you can. You will severely regret it later if you dont. Im only 22 and the regret i feel about not having lived my teens is more painful than anything else i have ever experienced. None of the bullying and shit i got from people comes close to that pain. Dont let it happen to you, its not worth it just to be able to live in denial.

But how does one become a robot if he doesn't 1st go on tinder and get completely shut down? If it matters I also don't have any friends. And this girl was common Chad food but for me it was an ego boost just to have her attention.

Ur basically me but younger. I envy that you got here at least 5 years earlier.

35 here.

Best decade of my life so far.

Existential anxiety of my youth all gone.

Far enough into my career that I can coast while earning good money and being respected for experience.

Have an achievable plan for exiting full time work and moving off grid.

Meet someone that's a chill partner, got a few dogs and cats.

Not yet hitting any health issues and hopefully won't for another couple of decades.

I retired when I was 30 so life is great

Lol. No.

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you could argue that man is a diminished adolescent and make a decent case but you have no idea what regret is at 22, you're still in your prime

>28 and a half almost
>worried about hitting 30
>uber driver last night said I looked between 18 and early 20s
feels good man

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>tfw 24
>tfw I'm worse than I was at 21

>Life is basically over at 30, prove me wrong.
I would but I don't care to.

>I know what getting older is like
>I'm only 22

Life in my 30s has been way better than it was in my 20s. There, you have been proven wrong, will you an hero now?

im fucking 28 turning 29 you have no clue
im lucky tho i still look like a teenager