Can you even imagine how hard incels were having it hundreds of years ago when there was literally no porn and you...

can you even imagine how hard incels were having it hundreds of years ago when there was literally no porn and you couldn't masturbate for shit?

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guys were fucking goats and mules

You mean back when prostitution was a legally regulated business? Yeah I'm sure there were lots of incels then

>thinking you need porn to jerk off
Sorry for your stunted fantasy, bro. All it does is make things quicker

You usually bought women as wives back then or arranged marriage for political and social reasons.

>Hundreds of years ago
Incels exist today because we live in such a luxury that genetic failures like you and I don't get filtered by natural selection. There was no luxury back then.

Society wouldnt put up with incels at all. It was common for social failures to be cast out quickly. The lucky ones could maybe be forced labor/military, but the rest were discarded and left to fend for themselves. Most of humanity for all of human history struggled just to eat and maintain a home, aint nobody got time for deadbeats.

Well hundreds of years ago women weren't the absolute thots that they are today.

are you trying to refute OPs point or what?

"Incels" did not exist hundreds of years ago. All other conjecture is wrong.
You think men had it worse before tech escapism, polygamy, and dating apps (chad delivery to your door step)?

hundreds of years ago the bros all went out "fox" hunting but they were literally looking to gang fuck a fox and if they couldn't find one took turns fucking each other or participated in a circle jerk..

>arranged marriage for political and social reasons


what a fucking retard that guy is, lol

I mean there were many glorious ways to deal with it back then.
>fuck the cow
>fuck the neighnors wife
>go to a brothel
>get piss drunk or jacked up on drugs
>join the army and participate in genocides and systematic eliminations. Rape is included
And best of all
>No women's rights

They had it pretty based senpai

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Well back in the day even incels were pretty much guaranteed marriage. Female hypergamy wasn't as prevalent because everyone was expected to settle down and most people married within their class. So you'd be guaranteed a wife, but she'd most likely be your looksmatch.

you mean back then when women actually wanted to get married instead of sticking as many dicks inside of them because jewlywood and feminism made it so prestigious? Gee weez, what an awful time, thank god we have such great options nowadays.

I imagine the societal view around sex and gender was significantly less toxic when pornography didn't exist.

Also this.
If you need external imagery to masturbate, congratulations. You're addicted to one of the major plagues of modern society. Stop it.

women didn't have it any better either. there weren't any chads back then, everybody worked fields back then which paired with undernourishment and constant stress exhausted their minds and made them become passive in relationships.

women wouldn't actively seek out partners but take the first one which was even remotely nice to her. also everybody (including the rich and the powerful) were total subhumans back then and a modern incel would have been a gigachad in the medieval period.

But it's still a legally regulated business?

Just when did poster get too retarded to distinguish between incels and neets again?

Of course there were Chads back then. Working the fields made Brads out of otherwise average men. You never seen WW2 photographs? A lot of of those soldiers were 9/10 dudes with 6/10 wives.