Can we have a thread not about lack of sex, or how uncomfortable our lives are...

Can we have a thread not about lack of sex, or how uncomfortable our lives are, but rather how we perceive it and what makes us sad?

I think for me, I'm not necessarily ugly or unsuccessful, I just can't relate to many people wherever I go, I'm in a spot where I'm average in most aspects, but mentally cannot relate. Not smarter, but my mind isn't oriented towards physical relationships like going to movies with friends, or hanging out, or finding that girl to be mine. The biggest problem is that I don't even know what I truly want, and am afraid I'll lose a part of who I am if I go searching too far also. It's a bad feeling and I can't crack it. Honestly I feel like video related. subs are in video for cc

I'm not encouraging depression in this thread, or typical nur9k shit, just want to know what others are thinking, and hopefully we can find answers together.

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I "live" in a perpetual state of disillusionment. I can't see the beauty in anything, only the ugliness. Nothing ever lives up to my expectations and everything appears tedious and pointless, cold and lifeless. My apathy towards life has expanded to include my own. I don't how much more of this pointless existence I'm able to handle.

desu for me a big part of it is not bring able to relate to people in relationships, and more general social pressures of it. nobody wants to be the loser who stays home from every school dance but here we are.

I will be lurking this thread should it get more replies

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Are you maybe a perfectionist, that hasn't been able to find it? I'm being a bit presumptuous, but that's what it seems, I think you should chase what you enjoy the most and you'll probably be able to not create perfection but come close

the worst thing is I don't know what makes me sad. I have decided women are skanks, I have my pc, school is out, yet i still want to splash my brains against the wall

I'm sick of worthless fucking cretinous normies thinking theyre better than me because they've had everything handed to them and they're 'well-adjusted'. Fucking cunts. Luckily I'm on my way to mogging most of these fuckers both in aesthetics and money/status. I will be fucking laughing

Yeah, man. I still get invited by family to watch movies but I'm just like, nah. What's your mind oriented towards, then? Mine would be figuring out the universe/spirituality, stuff like that.

I think that's what I made this thread for, rather than complain we're sad, let's try finding some roots to it. Or at least say what the root.

not op but ah normies. imagine that: saying what's on their mind in full honesty while not being perceived as weird (instead funny), like they're rewarded for being themselves, ya know.

this world is such a boring, uninteresting, and dull place. i dont think i really want anything out of life any more. i dont need people, money, a family, career, legacy or anything a normal person would strive for. i am perfectly content with just a computer and internet. i want to be left alone to live in the escapist fantasies of my mind, and to distract myself from this shitty reality with games/media. sometimes i wish i was dead, but other times i am hit with a suffocating dread of the permanency of death. i kind of want to stick around to see if the world becomes a more interesting place, but i am also aware that i will likely be dead before it happens, and my suffering through this shit existence will have been pointless.

>"there is no such thing as the opposite of envy"
- someone much wiser than you

Sometimes I blame a reason for my unhappiness, but I'm afraid there is reason, or there always would be a different reason. Some regret, some missed fork that would lead me down a better path of life, and then if I had the chance to take it I'd go back, and I'd feel exactly the same. What is it to be happy? What exactly is fulfillment? I thought I had it once, but is it something you have to continually work on? If a human being isn't growing are they decaying?
What's the point? What lizard mind shit is pushing us through to work so hard for little to no real reason? Is that why we're all miserable? Theres no real reason anymore?

>The biggest problem is that I don't even know what I truly want, and am afraid I'll lose a part of who I am if I go searching too far also.
Do you feel like there are so many paths you can take, so many opportunities you can pursue, so many lives you can lead, that to choose any one of them and truly dedicate yourself to it, would be to essentially abandon every other opportunity? This is all I can think about, and it's why I am merely good at a lot of things and excellent at nothing.

Everything that comes in contact with me eventually leaves. No matter how good the good ole days were, or how long we've known each other they eventually leave whether they just move away, die, or just leave me altogether. It's not that I don't have any friends, i even have a girlfriend whom i love very much but I'm terrified of losing them. I'm beginning to think that God has cursed me, recently my dog got cancer just straight out of nowhere and within a month he died. He was only six years old.

Some of my friends are starting to grow distant, I can feel it, the time is coming soon where they will leave.

I don't want to be alone again, I don't want to start over again.

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Why does god punish the good but the lazy get everything handed to them?

This world will never be interesting user, at least not like an anime, manga, or a video game.

do you believe in the multiverse theory by chance?

I was sad for a while and now I'm not. There's no good reason for the change that I can identify. Maybe I have shitty brain chemistry or something but I have been happy for no reason for a few months now. Slightly dreading the switch back.

I guess i'm just unhappy because i have no passion for anything.

Because in spite of taking the time to learn skills I'm still considered as useless as I was before because I don't lead a normal life. I am discriminated against because I have no friends and my family won't teach me how to drive until I own a car, which I cannot afford without a job, which I doubt I could even drive back to my place with. No job will hire me because I live in shitfuck avenue where the best transportation I have is my legs and maybe the bus. I cannot get my shit together, let alone get started, because I am held back by the beliefs of other people. My family, the hiring managers, all of them.
I am 26 years old, I'm not afraid of busting my ass. Working is all I care about anymore because it keeps my hands busy. I could be content with working until I die alone because I could still think and allow my mind to wander.
I do not love to do anything in this life. I'm a "walking corpse" as it were. At the same time, I have no desire to end it all. That's the crux of the issue, I have no desires but to make myself useful. I'm not even sure I am viewed as a person. I'm perfectly content being a "slave" as it were, as long as I get to live in my headspace nothing really matters.

My biggest problem is that I have no idea who I am. Nothing truly interests me and I've never had any sort of passion. I feel like I like any sort of identity because I have such terrible memory, while I'm pretty quick and picking up things I'm unable to gain any sort of sentimental value or interest to a hobby or activity because they're simply too easy or I'm unable to remember it by the next day. Maybe because I don't care about it or my brain just works that way. Even in my studies while I have completed them, it's not like they stuck with me because I simply do not care.

I feel like I'm not the same person I was a year ago, or the other person I was two years ago and so on

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Man, I have no idea what you just typed, please elaborate.

why do we have to talk about what makes us sad? Can we talk about out dreams and ambitions while listening to synth and reminisce about better times? That is what really gets me worked up.

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I keep failing and failing, but I must go on. I just can't quit, I don't like losing. I enjoy winning, I've won before, I can win again.

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I'm sick of being labeled as useless/irredeemable for even the lowest work possible because I don't have adult milestones/connections that I would need help from other people to achieve, or worse, something completely unrelated to what I would be doing.
It's illogical catch-22 horseshit, a self-sustaining cycle of misery. I'm not asking for a normal social life, I just want to find a way to put a roof over my head. When I'm doing something, I'm content, maybe even happy. I want what is taken for granted by everyone else. I don't even qualify for wagecuck jobs. Part of me wants to give in to all of the anger and hatred I've stored up from my inability to just work, sleep, eat, and die in peace. I want to destroy this faulty, non-functioning system. I don't even care what replaces it, I just want it to end.

It's easier to bear if you think of people's lives as if only part of a bloodline like how your cells get replaced every few years or so. Those are just someone else's hard work.

There are people out there exactly like you because you sound exactly like me and my group of friends. You'd be surprised at many of us there are, no one knows how to name our group because it simply doesn't make sense. We're all that "average outcast" type in one way or another, our interests couldn't be any more different and looks wise we're all over the map.
I was in a similar spot as you until I met them. I learned that being lost with friends is better than being lost alone. Stay true to yourself, pursue anything you find interesting and don't compromise for anyone. There isn't a correct path, there is only your path.

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Keep having episodes so it's better to just avoid people as much as possible so they don't witness.

comfy high effort thread good job op
i think i've been genuinely happy with my life for the first time in years recently; of course i still have periods where i don't feel great, but disregarding temporary feelings, in general i think i'm content or even proud of myself as an individual.
i think it started to brighten up around the time i met one of my closest friends on here a few months ago, she's one of the kindest, most empathetic people i've ever met and i'm so happy to call her my friend. she's brought meaning to the mundanities of life through being able to share them with her and helped me become more positive and motivated overall, i'm endlessly thankful for everything she's done and all the comfy conversations we've had.
as for me as an individual i feel like i can say i'm moving forward in life at my own pace, despite my setbacks which i learned to overcome. i've become content with my art and picked up some new hobbies such as philosophy and reading (in conjunction i guess), it feels good and i hope the good feel continues
>pic related is a photo i took recently

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The potential destruction for this system that failed for us (and more to come, maybe) is honestly what keeps me going the most.

Why can't you get a job user? They let literal retards (like me) in at my work.

Good for you user. I'm glad to hear that you're doing well.

Part of me believes in that too. From the outset I had this idea that I would just watch how this world would change while I'm alive. I didn't set any expectations, I just wanted to spectate to see if everything goes hilariously to shit or if people actually manage to improve.

Thing is I'm not disabled in any shape or form, I'm a white male so there's no EEOC quota for me to fill. I'm a 26 year old who doesn't know how to drive and can't land a job to save his life. I can get into interviews, but I never get hired regardless of how confident I am. It's possible I'm just being tossed around for interview quotas.

What makes me sad? I get very sad thinking about how i sm uncomfortable with my life and my lack of sex

i have a lot of potential and i'm already way better than most people and i got over so many giant hurdles in my shitty life and i'm doing everything alone. but even after all that i'm missing a key element that ruined everything so i'm basically a failure. my life is probably gonna be a big "almost". better end it now. it's just.. sad..