
please logically explain why you eat meat. give me your best logical reasoning why you eat meat and drink milk

animals such as pigs and cows are intelligent animals who can suffer deeply. they dont enjoy being kept in a cage, being castrated, being raped, having their kids taken away from them, and being killed against their will. they dont want to die

all real robots should go vegan, because its hypocritical of your to complain about the suffering you endure in life, yet inflict much more suffering unto innocent animals for your taste pleasure and "yummy in my tummy tum tum"

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Other urls found in this thread:

tastes fucking incredible gook. get the fuck off my board

there are over 50 nutrients you cant get from a vegan diet

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it is not feasible for the entire human race to survive on vegan food alone
you don't know anything about the people who own livestock and farms
you don't know anything about how animal byproducts are neccessary
you don't know anything about how nature truly is
if you want to never inflict suffering unto innocent animals then kill yourself, because that's the best way to avoid doing so
unless you want to strip naked, forego your belongings and go out into nature, never eating or harming another animal
you think going vegan is as easy as just not eating meat? you fucking retard, there's so much more than meat that gets extracted from animals

I'm a vegan
I do 18 hour fasting
I eat only once a day

I do this for the sole purpose of the unethical treatment towards animals caused by their protectors (humans)


You're one of those dumbasses that think society can be perfect. Right up there with commies and socialists in the whole "my ideology is perfect can never backfire and is perfect on paper so if you dislike it you're wrong!"
Humans are top of the food chain, top of the world, and probably top of the entire universe. Acting like animals arent gonna suffer under is is pathetic. Only animals i remotely feel empathetic for is other primates because they still atleast have a chance at evolution. Cowa are large dumb fucking milktanks who could never survive on their own.
Imagine when humanity goes to the stars, you think we're gonna care about treating animals ethically? Nope. Ethics and morality only slows fown advancement. People like you are what slow down human advancement by arguing we should care about a fucking PIG!

if you actually cared about life you wouldn't support the suffering of asian and african children either and ditch your electronics

Because even if I as an individual stop ingesting animal products, plants feel pain as well. Additionally by the time the meat is in the market the animals are already dead, so if I didn't then that much more meat would go to waste. Dying for nothing is a much more grievous crime in my eyes.

did you know not all meat comes from factories?

Oh, it is this thread again.

Original really original.

swallowing sperm is cannibalism.

its still rape
its still enslavement. those "free range" animals are still in a fenced perimiter where they cant escape from
its still child kidnapping
its still castration
its still murder

how does letting the animals walk around a bit more make it any more ethical? just because you dont put a pig in a cage for its entire life doesnt mean its not being raped, castrated, enslaved and murdered against its will. animals can suffer extremely deeply. they understand emotions such as grief, sorrow, envy, pride, lust, love, affection, etc

they aren't some stupid automaton, they are concious of thier own existence and are sentient. its SO FUCKING HYPOCRITICAL of everyone to eat meat

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>You're one of those dumbasses that think society can be perfect
i never said that, i just dont see a reason why we need to enslave and kill animals for our amusement, when we can perfectly subsist on plants

>Humans are top of the food chain, top of the world, and probably top of the entire universe
just because you're powerful doesnt give you justification to hurt and abuse others at your arbitrary discresion. for example, you could say that whites used to be at the top of the food chain, so that made slavery of niggers okay, because niggers are stupid and weaker compared to whites

you can use this line of reasoning to massacre a entire country full of people, because you are stronger than them and on top of the food chain. it is SO FUCKING HYPOCRITICAL of you to bring up the food chain, when you would be against more powerful people hurting you for their amusement

>Acting like animals arent gonna suffer under is is pathetic
this is an appeal to futility logical fallacy. its like saying "enslaving niggers is okay because they were going to suffer anyways, look free niggers sometimes fall down and get a boo-boo, so that makes slavery okay because they are always going to be hurt"

>Only animals i remotely feel empathetic for is other primates because they still atleast have a chance at evolution
how do you discern which animals are okay to torture and kill for your amusement, but which ones arent? where do you draw the lines for each breed of monkey? you know pigs are about as smart as the most intelligent monkeys?

> Cowa are large dumb fucking milktanks who could never survive on their ow
they shouldnt even be bred into existence, they are genetic freaks who only exist because we rape female cows

are you okay with dog abuse? would you be okay with treating german shepherds and labradors like we do cows and pigs?

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Because bitch its badass

>plants feel pain as well
no they dont, plants dont have a nervous system or a brain

and you save a lot of plant lives by going vegan, because it takes like 20 kilos of grains to make 1 kilo of a cow

>Additionally by the time the meat is in the market the animals are already dead, so if I didn't then that much more meat would go to waste
technically, its not the eating of the meat thats the problem, its your financial support of the industry. if you didnt pay them money, they wouldnt be able to afford to breed new cows into existence. supply and demand, this is basic economics

some vegans eat meat thats thrown away in the trash because they didnt pay for the meat. those vegans are some hella nasty deadlocks dumpster divers, but arguably they are ethical

>you wouldn't support the suffering of asian and african children
i dont, but this is a "2 wrongs make a right" logical fallacy. even if i did support hurting nigger children, it has nothing to do with animals. how do the unethical acts of other people justify your unethical acts? how do my sins justify yours?

convicted prisoners use this fallacious logic all the time. "hey bro, you do bad things all the time too, so you cant judge me. since you are a sinner and aren't jesus christ i refuse to listen to you"

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Financial reasons. Theres no way for a poor cuck like me to get all the necessary nutrients from a plant only based diet

>it is not feasible for the entire human race to survive on vegan food alone
you do need some supplements, sure. a b12 for all vegans. i personally take a b12 and a vitamin d because i rarely leave the house

>you don't know anything about the people who own livestock and farms
i know they enslave, rape, castrate and kill sentient animals, all because they make money from them. theres a huge financial incentive for them to do so, and its driven by people ignorant of the suffering they're causing, all for the love of bacon and hamburgers

>you don't know anything about how animal byproducts are necessary
they're not. tell me, how come vegans can live so long and be much healthier than their meat eating counterpart? lower cancer risk, lower heart attack risk, lower body fat %, etc

>you don't know anything about how nature truly is
how is enslavement of animals natural? we dont hunt them in the wild, we keep them in cages their entire lives. how is this natural?

>if you want to never inflict suffering unto innocent animals then kill yourself, because that's the best way to avoid doing so
veganism is a philosophy of minimizing as much as needless suffering you are causing to sentient animals. i understand that i will kill bugs in the future, or the bus that i take might run over a rat, but those deaths are unavoidable

>you think going vegan is as easy as just not eating meat? you fucking retard, there's so much more than meat that gets extracted from animals
im not asking you to be perfect, im asking you to reduce and eventually eliminate all animal products. the idea here is to try your best and reduce your animal product use, thats all anyone can ask of you

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>expect humanity to have empathy

only like 1% of people are actually good

Meat is delicious. Cry

dude, im a 28 kv NEET on bux okay, i live below the poverty line, and a vegan diet is noticeably cheaper than a meat based one

beans, potatoes, carrots, rice, frozen broccoli, bananas, corn, tomatoes, peas and unshelled walnuts are cheap as FUCK

its animals products which are expensive.

i understand its inconvenient, but can you imagine what its like for these animals to endure their lives, all so you can eat bacon and steak? pigs are noticeably more intelligent than dogs, by the way

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Nothing beats eggs price wise I have done my research you cuck.

Go chew on a carrot you faggot I don't need to explain shit to you

beans and rice absolutely SHIT on eggs when it comes to cost efficiency. please give me evidence of your claims

how much calories, protein, fat and carbs can you get from 25$ worth of eggs, and 25$ worth of beans, rice and oil?

Oh cool i still dont give a shit and never will. We evolved to eat meat. I will continue to eat meat. The reason we dont eat dogs is because we didn't breed them to be eaten. We did cows pigs amd chicken though. Also i dont care how "smart" pigs are because theyll never fucking evolve, primates still have that chance.
Ultimately i will never stop eating meat, dumbasses like you just make me wanna go eat even more eggs for breakfast, and im not gonna take 12 different supplements to get the nutrients i could get from eating a steak. We evolved to eat meat. If you think killing animals for food is so cruel go kill all lions. Gazelles live their lives in fear of being eaten at any given point in the savanna, atleast cows die painlessly.

i will eat a carrot you hypocritical faggot. i eat carrots almost everyday, pic related is the buckwheat stew i made like 2 days ago, i literally eat soup or stew every single day. it had beans, carrots, sweet potatoes, a can of crushed tomatoes, and some other stuff i forgot. its actual poverty tier food for poor people like me, because i actually am poor as fuck

all you hypocrites would cry all day if dogs were being abused, but mock the suffering of pigs like its nothing

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I already eat mostly rice.

By the way in the vid this cuck funnily enough forgets to mention the costs of all the supplements he has to take so his body doesnt shut down from eating just plants.

wow 6 months of supplements for 10$, wow is this expensive? b12 is the only suplement you need to take as a vegan THATS IT

personally i take a b12 and a vitamin d supplement, but only because you get vitamin d from the sun and im a neurotic recluse who doesnt leave the house

not to mention the reason why animals have b12 is because they get injected with these supplements to keep them healthy, because they dont make it themselves. literally you are getting second hand b12 because its INJECTED into animals

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i want to debate you and call you a retard but honestly, you're too far gone that it's not worth the effort

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have you ever listened to a debate on veganism before? who do you think are the strongest debater for eating meat? please link me the debate that you feel won for the meat eater. i have not heard ONE even come close

ive listened to a TON, and they always argue nutrition. the nutrition argument is the weakest argument. hypothetically speaking, even if eating meat was nutritionally superior its still unethical. you can just take supplements and eat plants and you'd be okay, you dont NEED to eat animal products, the only reason the vast majority of people do it is because of mindless hedonism

infact thats all eating meat is; torturing sentient animals who suffer deeply for your hedonistic amusement

would you be okay with factory farming german shepherds for their nutrients? how about gorillas or other great apes? where do you draw the line for which animal its okay to kill and which ones not?

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Because it's tasty

We are all selfish

Stop pretending to be moraly superior you fat cave dweller

Because it tastes good and I couldn't give 2 fucks about animal rights.

Humans are meant to consume animals, we're onmivores but lean towards flesh. It simply isn't possible to be healthy if you only eat plants no matter how many stupid supplements you take.

We need meat to keep us healthy.
Meat is very important in a diet.
Theres a reason why theres a food chain you know?

see, the american dietetics association disagrees with you. you can be perfectly healthy on a vegan diet

please give me scientific evidence that shows that a vegan diet is dangerous for your health, im waiting for you user. please be the one who scientifically disproves veganism

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You may as well stop eating all together since you're always going to rely on biotic life forms to sustain

veganism will always remain a minority
regulation and getting rid of lobbying is the answer

Meat contains too many important nutrients and I don't believe the animals suffer

>I don't believe the animals suffer

see, science disagrees with you. please give me some science showing that animals dont suffer or change your position, because your belief is entirely unscientific

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By eating meat and drinking milk, I'm supporting the economy of my glorius country! If it weren't for farming and dairy industries we would probably be third world tier.

because bacon taste good

I have never seen a logical argument for eating meat. It usually just boils down to muh nutrients or muh nature intends us to do it. Most robots live on a diet of hot pockets and pizza so unless you are an athlete with a perfectly balanced diet you really have no right to criticise other people's diatery choices, especially when the choices we make are healthier than yours. The nature intends us argument is pretty stupid too since there are lots of things that nature intends us to do that we don't. Perhaps you can make that argument when you're running barefoot through the jungle with a spear chasing wild boar but in the current year it's an irrelevant argument. Any arguments about eating meat being masculine or eating a vegan diet being feminine is obvious insecurity. The fact is that both morally and logically veganism is clearly correct and whenever I see people argue against it its like they are trying to justify themselves. If you eat meat you don't have to switch over to veganism tomorrow, but try going one or two days a week without eating meat and go from there. It's important, animals don't need to continue to die

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>give me your best logical reasoning why you eat meat
because the recipe calls for it

Hey, just wanna let you know that all your arguments were not in vain. I was on the fence for a while, but this finally convinced me to try a vegan diet.

I opened one of the links and it didn't prove anything. Animals aren't tortured in the places I buy meat from.

nothing I say will change your mind so I'm tempted to just be content with telling you I have nothing more to say but instead I'll bite into some chicken lmao
when I said it is not feasible for the entire human race to survive on vegan food alone, I meant we would starve, unless you want to encroach on nature even more by expanding farms and deforesting what's left
the byproducts of animals are used in medicine and many other things, nearly the entire animal gets used, it's not as simple as just meat and food. yet you immidiately started talking about how much healthier vegans are and copy pasted talking points. in reality it's necessary for many medicines and medications
nature isn't pleasant or beautiful. it's a survival of the fittest place. if you refuse to kill and eat for your food, you will starve and die
>infact thats all eating meat is; torturing sentient animals who suffer deeply for your hedonistic amusement
user, I want you to think about something. if humans were intolerable of meat, we literally would have died out like a million fucking years ago, at the least we'd never have evolved into modern day humans
I literally don't care by the way, I would morally be okay with eating most animals, but german shephards aren't livestock animals. horses are fine though
and another thing, pigs, cows and sheep are all livestock animals because they're dumb as shit, breed quickly enough to be efficient and can be herded and domesticated
without humans they would fucking die, they cannot survive in the wild

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you know, you can just use replacement meat. beyond meat for instance, tastes the same as regular meat and its made from peas and potatoes and beets. pic related is the beyond meat i bought just to try it. it tasted the same as a burger patty

it gave me massive depression and made me feel sick eating it, and it was expensive. i am never eating it again, but i had to try it to see what all the hype was about

or you can just try eating beans or something... other food besides meat does exist

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the world is a shithole and the only thing aliens would want to do is enslave your soul and body for energy consumption

its fucking kill or be killed in this world ,
if we let these animals go they will just die out anyway

>wanting to be healthy isn't a logical argument
The absolute fucking state.
They also ignore just how much environmental damage is caused by intensive agriculture and how many species disappear due to it.

Isn't it's hypocritical of vegans to let carnivore animals exist? I mean when wolf kills a rabbit, rabbit suffers, isn't he? Plant also indeed capable of reacting to external harm and try to avoid too, but because plants don't run around making them suffer is alright, isn't it?

i eat meat and eggs because they're a healthy available form of protein and physically cucking yourself because of an ineffective ideology like this is exactly like
>"why dont you drive? you live 10 miles from work and you're late every day"
>"i wanna save the environment lol"

>"you've been raped twice? why don't you learn a martial art or get a gun?"
>"violence is evil lol besides the police protect us at the end of the day"

hey wild hogs are very much still a problem, and furthermore hunted meats are more lean and protein dense than farm fed supermarket fillers. There's literally a bonus incentive to go hunt, kill, clean and cut your own freezer full of hog and venison.

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All living things eat each other you retard, it's an endless cycle of life and you can't deny it. Letting animals live is pointless because they are meant to be eaten.

Fuck off virgin vege pussy. I eat meat to live. I drink milk because it tastes good. The real question is why give a lot of pain to animalls while killing them. Fuck off you 10iq retard

I buy free range meat, because what's happening in your picture is horrific. Anyone who can afford to and doesn't is a piece of shit, including most money hungry restaurants.

Post once more and I'll put a bullet in her head

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I eat meat as it provides the correct natural sustenance for my body and is what the human race has been consuming for thousands of years.

I drink milk cause milk and cookies good

Because I'm not free. I am forced to exist in the system they have provided for me. I can't just leave and find some land nobody is using and start to cultivate it. That's illegal. They've all but made it impossible to set up some little permaculture operation and transition to raising some chickens for their eggs. The only way to do stuff like that is seemingly be born into privilege or to play an increasingly rigged game. The message from the industry is pretty clear: Factory Farming Will Win.

I'm already poor enough that I rarely eat meat. I'm too depressed to dedicate the amount of time required to be a real vegan chef and learn how to cook delicious things like curry like a pro. "Just eat rice and beans" is the worst fucking meme.
XFD if you think poor people in Canada can afford to buy fresh veggies constantly to cook with.
Meal prep and living frugally is easier if you can buy a bunch of chicken and freeze it, for example.

What are you going to do if my personal lifestyle choices are illogical? Call de boliz? Meat's tasty, provides decent nutritional value, fills me up, and makes my meals feel more complete.

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Furthermore, I'm not a real robot since I lost my v-card a while ago. I'm here because I sympathize with robots, like robot culture, hate roasties, and like Prince Elliot. Also, animals aren't intelligent. They can't even do fucking math, so stop kidding yourself. If they're deserving of equal moral status then they deserve equal moral responsibilities. Which means that carnivores should be driven into extinction. Sooo...suckmydick.

Looks like tasty slop desu

I don't give a shit about animal's suffering and I don't see a reason why I should.

>b-but-- MUH EMPATHY
Works only between human beings.

I have little control over myself. I can't help it. Maybe I"m coping but this world is cruel even without human interfere, it's only natural that its offspring would be the same

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Prove it stomp your pet and post pic with time stamp

Apathy =/= malice. Try again.

Animals and animal products are delicious. I love steak.

Cause it tastes good and I enjoy it? The animals are intelligent yes but do I care if I am hungry and want a burger? No, and they aren't sapient or sentient, they cannot think, they cannot control themselves, they have no mental autonomy. Hence, yum yum in my tum tum

I think most people believe that they are inherently superior to other animals and should be able to use them as they see fit. Most would agree we shouldn't needlessly torture animals but there gulf here is sentimental not logical. No amount of rationality or logic will convince someone operating on a totally opposing moral framework that they're wrong. Cultured meat is the only viable solution imo

but it does that's why a lot of people with psychopathy are criminals you dumb fuck. Malice implies that you understand the moral implications and its why you feel sorry for hurting animals you dumb nigger that's Apathy

next time say you just like eating meat instead of trying to sound edgy

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That's not what malice means you moron. You can be apathetic towards the suffering of others without malicious intent behind it

Vegan trying to act tough. JFL

Yeah, dude, apathy is not caring. Malice is seeking to do harm. Not the same. Better luck next time, though.

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In Japan I order sashimi while the fish is still alive. The chef cuts it in a way that leaves its brain stem intact so its eyes keep blinking and its mouth keeps opening and closing even though it's been decapitated and its body is cut into slices that I dip in onions sauce and wasabi. It usually finally dies right as you finish eating its body. Then the chef deep fries the head and you can eat that too if you want.

I've also eaten whale. It doesn't taste that good but I order it every time I find a restaurant that has it because I know how many people I would make mad if they knew. Fuck whales and fuck you.

When I was a kid I ate steak well done. Every few years I got used to having steak and all meat less and less cooked until now I can have it rare. I can eat almost all meat raw, even horse.

Why? Why eat mean?
Because I'm a carnivore. And if nobody gives a shit about my suffering, why would I give a shit about the suffering of an animal that literally only exists to be eaten? I would eat dolphins, pandas, and endangered white rhinos if I could.

Fuck you

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How do vegans feel about owning chickens? Would you own them and consume their eggs? Do you approve of other people doing it?

It they are your chickens, you can supervise their treatment and treat them with love. They're basically pets that provide you with nutritious food.

Ain't gotta explain shit.
You want change - you prove to us why we gotta drop a piece of delicious juicy steak for a disgusting tofu substitute.

I eat meat because I hate animals. That and it is very calorie-dense without being sugary.

I've met some vegans / people in general who act like they're "woke" on pets because they read some thing that explained neurochemical responses and instinct. Also I believe organizations like PETA advocate for an eventual future where nobody owns a pet.

>please logically explain why you eat meat. give me your best logical reasoning why you eat meat and drink milk
I enjoy taste
>animals such as pigs and cows are intelligent animals who can suffer deeply. they dont enjoy being kept in a cage, being castrated, being raped, having their kids taken away from them, and being killed against their will. they dont want to die
>all real robots should go vegan, because its hypocritical of your to complain about the suffering you endure in life, yet inflict much more suffering unto innocent animals for your taste pleasure and "yummy in my tummy tum tum"
happiness and suffering is subjective

Normies are disgusting and should unironically dissapear. I dont care for normie feelings. Yet normies are human. The pigs are less than human. They are even further away from my pov and general existance. Therefore i do not care about what they go through.
You may claim i should, since unlike normies they do not reject me, but alas you are wrong again, normies are not evil because they reject me, they reject me because we are different. Therefore anyone who is not similar than me is my enemy, and all my enemies should die.

I know all those things and I genuinely feel bad for doing it and I would recommend veganism for everyone. I don't really care about health stuff, only about not wanting to cause suffering.
But the thing is I'm very picky about food and vegan foods aren't that good.

Anyone who eats meat should go hunting at least once and process the animals body themselves. The entire process from the death of the animal to meat on the table makes you appreciate and respect the ancient and sacred practice. Supermajority of people have serious cognitive dissonance about this and its why factory butchering is done behind closed doors away from prying eyes. Hunting opened my eyes to the death of animals in the name of my continued survival and personally made me consume less meat. But anyone going full on vegan fails to grasp that we are all part of the same evolved biome and eating animal protein and fat is essentially critical to normal cognitive function. Just because we can technically survive off vegetal paste doesnt make it ideal. Ive never met a pure vegetarian child that didnt end up with major developmental problems both physically and mentally by the end of puberty.

Animals in slaughterhouses should get better, more human treatment and their should be more regulations in regards to the keeping and slaughter of animals for food. That being said humanity has dominion over the animal kingdom and there's nothing wrong with consuming them. If you're being faced by a hungry lion it sure as hell isn't going to spare you because it doesn't want you to suffer.

Also to the people virtue signaling in this thread about reducing suffering and shit: do you make your own clothes and all of your possessions? everything you wear and the devices you use to post online about how badly we treat animals were made in factories by people who are basically slaves and suffer ten times as much as any pig in a slaughterhouse. Your moral high ground is not solid and you aren't better than anyone else because you decide not to eat meat.

D-does fishing count?

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The fight for veganism is pointless. You will never be able to convince the entire human race to live on a vegan diet. Not when muslims, chinks and blacks exist. You expect everyone to take b12 vitamins? Lmao

Nice try OP, totally not same fagging.
You are changing the world by opening these shitty threads on almost every day.

So if I don't pay for the meat it's ethical?

>This thread again

Yes, fishing counts. Its the same activity but with different tools and more hazards actually. It is easily argued fishing is more hardcore than hunting since the risk of death is generally higher.

Because it's good and nutritious and I'm at the top of the food chain
I don't care about being hypocritical about animals, I don't give a shit about animals, I'd totally be able to execute every animal I eat in form of food, using just a knife.
If you don't want to eat meat, go ahead, no one cares, I don't give two shits about animals being industrially raised and killed, it's better if they kill them quickly but really who cares in the end.

tastes nice. thats it pretty much

Because I love sucking those damn cow tiddies

I really wish you could hear yourself right now lmao

>i never said that, i just dont see a reason why we need to enslave and kill animals for our amusement, when we can perfectly subsist on plants

Let's say all humans become vegans. We still need to kill animals to avoid overpopulation. They die for nothig.

Keep going user, eventually morons here might take veganism seriously.
They will realise they can't argue with it.
Some are a lost cause though, so don't be surprised.

Not to take away from anything you're "saying" here. But this is some obvious copy pasta, so yeah fuck off

As someone who has been on the ground with dangerous game at arms length armed only with a g3 and in rough seas fishing im going to go with fishing being more dangerous, but I can tell you didnt follow this through with logic. You just memed a response back because you figured I was implying implications about dock fishing and not being exposed to the risk of drowning.

Also you're citing the fucking onion lmfao

I get B12 from Monster Energy

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>you were simply implying implication explicitly exploiting logic

you had dangerous game at arms reach with a gun, and yet you feel that even ocean fishing is more dangerous because "oopsie doopsie you could fall in!!1!!"

please just stop

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i'm personally not inflicting suffering on anyone, i'm just eating the carcass.

Shut up pussy. If you're not eating meat, you're not doing what your body is biologically evolved to do. We have canine teeth, and are evolved to throw spears at mammoths.

Willfully rejecting your nature because of your modern philosophy based on childish feelings is pathetic.

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