/mbti/ General

Don't forget about the functions edition
Some shitty low tier troll isn't going to stop us.

>MBTI notes

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Other urls found in this thread:


The spammer is an INFP master manipulator who is desperately trying to derail the mbti threads and make them unreadable so that people are too distracted to read the secret about all INFPs. The INFJ was very close to exposing this secret for the greater good of the community but INFP seeks to shut this discussion down by any means, even spamming it into oblivion.

I hope I can post before the INFP spammer takes away any visibility. Protect yourself from INFPs, get the word out. Screen cap the truth and do not let them control your lives.

Which one of these am I as a ENTP?

Hi guyse OwO
I'm gay xd

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You sound like a crackpot: Go practice your meme astronomy somewhere else desu

I am no crackpot. You have fallen victim to INFP manipulation and indoctrination. Your response is conditioned and preprogrammed. You have been conditioned to believe that INFP is an innocent soul incapable of puppet mastery. This is a manufactured image crafted by them. Try to identify exactly why it is you think I am a crackpot and if your analysis is objective then you will arrive at the truth, that your disbelief was a seed planted into your mind by an INFP.

INFP is emotionally manipulative by necessity of their cognitive functions. And their Fi and emotional intelligence makes them deadly. Only the INFJ can see this happening in real time, but NTs will be able to go back an retroactively see it but only if they should find themselves so inclined as to question it. I am urging anons to question.

I don't care about who they are and what they want, nor this whole type v type bullshit.
Discuss MBTI, theory, your own personality, experience, shitposting, whatever is at least MBTI-related instead of this thread e-celeb shit.

Come here then.
With everyone else who wants to discuss some MBTI without bots or whatever creature is doing this mess.

>Sensing and Feeling exercises
Yuck, no thanks.
Glad I'm NT.

Ni-Te or Ti-Ne? Which is preferable for reasoning?

Feeler uprising when

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>be INTP
>get banned for posting man eating shit on a blue board
>productivity goes up 1000%
>begin coding a market analysis/trading bot in python
>begin learning opengl to make demos in c like my favorite demosceners

Best thing that ever happened to me. Now that I'm unbanned I feel dirty for posting on Jow Forums. Don't even feel the need for trolling or bitter cynicism anymore. Highly recommended. If I feel the need to keep posting, I'll probably just go to /qa/ or something and post man eating shit again.

Here's the pic if anyone else wants to use it.

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Is it normal to be closed extravert?

Opened introvert is not too normal either

What the fuck, the last thread archived before OP could flirt with me/analyze my personality.

One moment, I will get the thread's local psychologist for you.

Hi, everyone~! ^_^

I just wanted to say I'm happy to see an MBTI thread in the catalog! Yep, functions are very good to remember too!

What I know about the spammer:
>he reposts my old comments mostly in reverse chronological order
>when he can't find my old /mbti/ posts, he resorts to reusing my content from other threads, or comments by anyone with a similar posting style (for example, he reposted "hewwo nice fwens :3" user's words in the last thread)
>he may use a bot, but when confronted about it, he impersonates me, saying he's not a bot
>he lives in a different timezone than me: most of the spamming/flooding happens when it's night where I am
Hope this helps!

Ne dominant with Ti auxiliary.

Hello! :3

How about Ambivert and Ajar?
(Not me.)

Hi Turbie

Not a flirt, I just want to make sure I don't make anyone feel rejected. I might go back sometime and analyze all the posts I never got around to, though - nothing says I can't reply to posts from an old, archived thread.

why is there always a fucking schizophrenic every fucking time on these threads

put your tinfoil hat back on and fuck off to the pharmacy you irritating cunt

Can your main axis be so strong that you identify with opposite type?

What you mean exactly? Inferior grip being so strong you think it's your main function?

In that case I can kinda see it happen but you should know that side of you is pretty much your "shadow".

>In that case I can kinda see it happen but you should know that side of you is pretty much your "shadow".
I've repressed my sexual and aggressive side too much.

Se inferior, I can feel you.

No one cares. Everyone supports based owoanon.

what a shitty feeling to be one. absolutely useless.

Yes, a flirt. You're either maliciously flirtful or just too friendly for your own good, but you need to stop before you lead lonely robots astray.

Don't I love when people try to speak for "everyone" in an anonymous community of all things?
Who the fuck is "everyone"?

Wew shit these threads still suck. Call me when the meta is figured out and the desperate attention seekers have disbanded.

ENFJ is the meta, we figured this one out ages ago, needs nerfs. ENTJ and ESFJ have a good chance to be in the same tier but the matchup is definitely 5:5.
INTP and INFP desperately need buffs.

Fuck you roastie slut. Go back to being sandwiched by Chads

Objective meta, senpai.
I didn't make the rules of the game.

ENTJ and ENFJ are the meta for leadership
ENTP and ESTP are the meta for self-sufficiency

we're like... only useless in love

INTJ has strats for everything, except this fucking shit.

and self-esteem

ENFJ is life on easy mode, effortless max level CHA
INTP are probably the best out of those for an INT build, (t. not one myself)
ENTJ is just better balanced INTJ, which is frankly a sub-optimal build, similiarly to INFJ being a worse ENFJ.

all INXX are 'woe is me' types ...

>INTJ has strats for everything, except this fucking shit.
my extensive online research tells me that our pathological strategising is exactly why we're so hopeless at it... tell me when you've figured out the paradox of 'giving up on it, to one day find it'

It's not like ENFJ has no weaknesses but the point is that the weakest matchup is a 5:5 in first place, and it's fucking ISTP.

INTP is a meme build that works in literally only "Laboratory" map, and even there it has to deal with ENFJ still not really having a losing matchup, though at very least it can rape 10:0 ESFJs.

idk N dominants aren't really "sub-optimal", more like wildcards.
Pretty great counterpicks but aren't really going to carry you too far.

But he is right though. You would know that if not for being a brainlet.

Fi is ultimately selfish and is always on the lookout for their own interests even at the expense of others. Ne allows them to consider every possibility and potentially, so they can see how things are going to transpire long before they do. This gives them the long range vision needed to craft narratives and manipulate people on a grand scale. They can literally anticipate every possible variable, and the Fi feeds it with knowledge on the inner workings of emotion which is the most effective means of manipulation. They know how you are going to react to things better than you do.

There's no such a thing as a "selfish" function.

Fi only cares about their own subjective feelings and values. How an Fi feels is all that matters to them. You cannot get much more selfish than that mate.

Altruism can be a subjective value.

True altruism does not exist. The closest thing to true altruism is a Ti value anyways.

but the only other emotional function Fe is equally selfish just in a different way
Fe desperatly wants to feed off outside emotions and that can result in extreme selfish ways of trying to achieve that. the key here is that both kinds of emotion/feeling can be selfish, but not necessarily.

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>Do something for someone with the object that will make them feel good.

Fe users confirmed as sluttiest.

>appeal to purity
Every single fucking time.
Altruism does not mean "action that has literally 0 possible returns", because it's literally impossible to perform this no matter how much you want it. If the receiver thanks you, then suddenly you couldn't be altruistic anymore by this definition because you got back gratitude.

Altruism simply means you give what's more objectively valuable(e.g. tangible gifts, acts of service) for what is less, but actually it's more subjectively valuable(e.g. acceptance, gratitude).
You could say altruism basically means you value the subjective part of yourself more and can give out all the objective part, even to the point of concealing the first one completely because it is an hindrance for the goal - though this would end up in leaking out due to basic natural needs and making you come across as hiding your motives.

Now is this Fi or Fe? This behaviour is mostly found in Fe, but that's simply because people generally like altruistic fellows the most. Throw the Fe user in a group that doesn't value that and they will quickly flip their values upside-down, all while the Fi user keeps them anyway, with the drawback being that they have to subjectively value it in first place.

I have a question for anyone else that has done nootropics.

I don't normally use them but during exams I tend to only study the night before and use them to stay awake+add an edge to my focusing abilities.

However, it kind of changes my personality(Normally INTP). It makes me seek out social interaction when I normally completely shun it, and I believe it really does improve my sociability in those periods(People have commented on how cheerful I was on those days).

Did anyone else feel something like this? I thought nootropics were only good for not falling asleep and focusing, but unless this is some placebo effect(And it shouldn't be since I didn't expect it) this seems to be an undocumented effect. I usually take 200-300mg at the start of the day for the effect, I've seen using 100mg didn't cause it.

Then why are there basically no INFPs in positions of authority and influence? They're largely outsiders, writers, and artists. Fi is the furthest thing from manipulative, it's honest to a fault. That sort of sincerity of belief just kinda has a way of passively influencing people by making them question themselves since it's inherently judgmental, it's a judging function. People who's values and lifestyle differ greatly from the INFPs tend to react poorly to this because it makes them feel like they're doing something wrong but there's no active or intentional manipulation involved.

INFPs can larp as other types because they are able to trick people with Fi and Ne. they can appear to care about other things and tailor their own personalities to any given situation and blend in with almost perfect accuracy. their minds are fit for being chameleons. look at Donald Trump for example. he's an INFP and can larp perfectly as an ENTJ.

I'm an INFP and I agree with the schizo crackpot. I'm amoral and solipsistic, but I do have judgement criteria deep down. Based on my behaviour I know that I personally have affinities for Togetherness, Understanding, and Harmony. I do have the ability to predict social situations and I often understand peoples reactions/emotions better than they do. It's a very feminine personality.
I am influential in my own little ways but I have no interest in authority. (Those in authority often consult me)

Fact. I am a social chameleon. I can fit into almost any social situation and people trust me very quickly.

>INFP with INFP gf
who's manipulating who?


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Okay but what is your type

I would have to agree with you up to a certain extent. INFP's however are very manipulative. I'm an INTJ with INFP brother and he is basically as smart as me. When I was younger he manipulated me into fighting some kid for him and he knew exactly how it would turn out (me kicking the kids ass).

I do feel like they are very subversive and will emotionally manipulate people into getting what they want - and it especially works if they are contending with a logical person because all rational is thrown out of the room because of hurt "fee fees".

Any anons have any opinions on that?

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The list is made by someone who made them look 2 dimensional because they didn't have those functions.

this is true but INFPs that have fulfilled their potential would never be "chameleoning" for reasons of malice, no sir!

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F doms hardly do that with manipulative intention all the time, it may seem so for you because it's not your main mode to just deal with feels, care about feels, talk in feels and so on.
So INFP, ISFP, ESFJ, ENFJ can all be powerful "manipulators" simply because they deal in F all the time.
There isn't even something wrong for them, it's basically like saying you dealing in Ni is fundamentally a wrong way to see anything, or telling a T dominant that they are fundamentally heartless for instance.

Post type and character (and series) whose you have never tried looking porn of
I will start
>crona from soul eater

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INFPs are smart kids in turbulent/abusive families that learnt to manipulate or attempt to misguide the opposing family member as evasive action. then the kid grows up with a sensitive heart; INFPs then deceive people for their own protection/emotional&physical needs.

it seems the INFJs are fighting back against having their name tarnished by subverting and throwing INFPs under the bus and lying about them and pinning all of their evils onto poor INFPs

well well well looks like they might actually be manipulative and evil after all

>Then why are there basically no INFPs in positions of authority and influence?
Because they prefer to hide in the shadows. They are puppet masters, not the people who actually maintain those positions. Look at Donald Trump for example. Jared Kushner is an INFP and he's literally controlling Donald from behind the scenes. People see Donald and can intuitively identify some 4d chess going on, but they mistakenly attribute it to the wrong person.

>Fi is the furthest thing from manipulative, it's honest to a fault.
Sounds like you read this from the script conveniently provided to you. Are you even aware of where this opinion comes from? Think for a minute about whether you formed it yourself, try to identify the source. It'll lead you somewhere.

The entire INFJs are manipulative meme was an INFP fabrication. It was designed to assassinate the character of INFJ so that people would be distrustful of INFJ and not believe them. INFP did this because the INFJ (Ni-Fe) is the only type that has true insight into the INFPs nature. It's all just more INFP manipulation friend.


It's true that we can manipulate people but we only do it because we have to. It's a way of protecting ourselves. We are the most vulnerable type and this world is too hostile for us, we literally are too pure and innocent for it. So yes, we manipulate the world but only insofar as to make it a better place. It isn't malicious per se, it usually benefits people as well but the focus is usually protection. It is necessary and therefore is not evil.

I basically manipulated my INTJ boyfriend into becoming a better person. I could see that he would never properly develop his tertiary Fi without outside assistance so yes, I manipulated the growth. INFJ bf was overly sensitive (yes) and defensive precisely because he could not identify his own feelings and insecurities, he would overreact. This led to fights and me getting hurt unnecessarily, so the manipulation was justified. He can now more easily identify his feelings and the reasons for why he gets defensive and lashes out, so by being aware of this he's much more mature it's avoided now. The only way I could do this was by using guilt and shaming tactics, making him feel bad for hurting me and I would have to play it up sometimes and exaggerate it.

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INFPs are successful at subverting single people. they do not possess enough Fe to get away with mass manipulation. what must have happened was a single INFP mastermind subverted the INTP that forced the meme into thinking he was doing a good thing, most likely because the INTP had been hurt by an INFJ and had a personal interest in doing this that could be used by the INFP. because about 6 months ago the INTP had a semblance of a Ti argument. something that INFPs have a hard time concocting. the INFP had successfully used the INTPs Ti subjective thinking against him and his inferior Fe that was hurt and completely used him for their own benefit. recently the INTP has been crushed by the NTJs who pointed out the obvious flaws in his thinking and the INTP was shamed and made a fool of.

the INTP, who previously had been trying so hard to get his personal truth to the masses has been stomped out and now all that's left is INFPs and INFJs to fight for the control of the narrative, which you are seeing here. it is no doubt that it is an INFP doing it because they are good at corrupting morals and individual people if they can get into their ear. it all adds up and fits too well.

So why is everyone scared of manipulation here?
I get it's bad but why the fuck the whole thread is about it?

gj for making him develop his functions, INFPs are literally needed as "canaries in the mine" to highlight and even "fix" negativity.

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how do I cope in life as an ISTJ fembot

Because everyone on this board is an IP sheep and as soon as someone mentions manipulation it becomes a shouting match.

What is an IP sheep?

I _ _ P types

find trad guy.

Holy shit friend, I think you're right. This makes a lot of sense.

Actually it does make sense since instead IxxJs are stereotyped to be more likely to be stuck in their ways than letting somebody else manipulate them.

this could have been a case of an INFP coddling an INTP after his bad breakup and talking into his ear with emotional bribery and comfort. the one type that INFPs can nurture and have control of is INTP because their feeling is weak and they do not possess any Se to see what is happening to them. and the INFP manipulation is especially effective if the INTP has been recently emotionally hurt.. like having their heart broken by an INFJ. the INFP can then nurture the INTP and contort them and manipulate their morals and subjective Ti thinking into whatever they want because of Fe inferior desperately wanting love and affection. which the INFP can provide to them, even if fake. the INTP does not know the difference between real and fake love.

my prediction going forward is that the INFJs will fight back and show that INFPs are truly the evil ones and the INTP (if he is still here after being crushed in argument) will see what is happening to him and turn the tables and go on a crusade about how INFPs are really the manipulative and evil ones.

IxxJ and ExxP just get manipulated in the other way: information.
Thanks to their better balance of judging functions, they aren't going to let anybody affect their judgements no matter if you use logic or feelings; on the other hand, the way they take information isn't so balanced to allow them to see anything but their own dominant function as easily - hence can lead to wrong judgements simply because the information given is not true in first place.

I don't see why IJs would be any less critical of information coming in. If you give fake statistics to anyone, they will be deceived unless they have reason to believe the statistics are false.

I don't mean that they are less "critical" since they are double judging, but they will have an issue seeing things the other way due to inferior perceiving function.

IxxP/ExxJ will have a better grasp and not filter information through only the first perceiving function, their issue will be indeed missing the other way you can interpret/use it.

Time to continue with my duty. I'll do five at a time here and there to keep myself from getting tired.

You give off INFP vibes to me, fellow Atelier fan. Number 2 gives me that feeling (INFPs are very volatile), 11 and 16 are very Fi, and 7 seems INFP since INFPs are very romantic and clingy/obsessed towards their favorite person.

I dunno what type you are, you're a complicated little boy. I'll just go with INFP since that's what you think. You always have an interesting perspective on stuff, though, so don't you ever leave these threads.

Hmm... maybe an ISTJ? At least on a straightforward dichotomy-based system, there's no extroversion to be found here, your post focuses largely on concrete and external stuff like machinery and 'doing' stuff, you seem fairly detached from the feelings of others, and you're much too hard-working and ambitious to be a P. That all aside, I'm curious about your reply to question 19. What are your goals?

Agreed with number four. I've never really been in sync with other guys, by and large. What did you and your ISFP friend do in the town you visited? And why do some of your friends call you childish?

lol at your reply to number one. INFP confirmed right off the bat. Being a respected guild leader in an MMO at only 15 is really impressive. And speaking of that number, I don't think you could be any more INFP than in your response to question number 15 if you tried.

That's five, see you all later.

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INFP mastermind here. How is everyone feeling today?


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Doesn't have the bot or whatever so it's good enough.


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I have influenza, so I have an excuse to remain inside all day
i.e. i feel great

what type has:

the biggest dick
the tightest pussy
the biggest tits
the broadest shoulders
the squarest jaw
the biggest eyes

>the biggest dick

>the tightest pussy

>the biggest tits

>the broadest shoulders

>the squarest jaw

>the biggest eyes

>the biggest dick
>the tightest pussy
>the biggest tits
>the broadest shoulders
>the squarest jaw
>the biggest eyes

i have giant ass bug eyes, so i would agree here

>Time to continue my duty!
Spoken like a true xSFJ. It is obvious to the eye that you are isfj or esfj since they are the duty and responsibility type. Nobody else would give a shit. Also you are not smart enough to be an N.

And your tits? INFPs are supposed to have big ones

why are they meant to have big boobs?
are they carrying their emotions there or something?

J types in general care about duty and responsibility. Actually, anyone with moral fiber cares; your type simply helps to determine what you believe your duties and responsibilities to be.

Big boobs = motherly
Motherly = Fe
Fe = ExFJ

y'all niggas sound like a cult
t. infj

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lol this is good. Better than I can do.

lmao, I like you
INFPs are highly feminine, ergo large breasts. Most INFP girls are D cups or E cups
Are you?

No, that is where they store all their manipulation fuel.

Quite there but something still is missing to determine the last letter:
Se = objective sensing
Objective sensing = collectively considered attractive
big boobs = typically attractive
ENFJ girl is the final answer.

oof, if i tell you it would make or break your opinion, so i might just let you run with it.

damn, so where do we store our ideals? in our asses?

Okay, but how do INFJ girls fare?