Is anyone else here fat because their body and life is shit and nothing else

is anyone else here fat because their body and life is shit and nothing else

i starve diet exercise work out and everything. it doesnt matter. i have a fat gut with fat folds leaking out everywhere when i sit down and massive tits. nothing i do matters.

i know 2 skinny ass hoes where i live and they're just lazy stoners they just get drunk smoke pot and have their stupid part time minimum wage jobs but dont do anything else at all. they just go home and smoke weed or do whatever hoes do and they have the skinniest fucking hot perfect bodies no matter what.

i walk and bike for miles every day. starve until im sick. constantly force myself to eat vegetables and fruit and shit instead of just eating good food all day. there's no way in fuck these people count calories every single skinny person i know doesnt count calories. or even work out. or anything

my friends dad is skinny no matter what he does his body is fine. he drinks 20 beers a day every single fucking day my friend says he just lines up his chair with the tv and sits there 20 hours a day and doesnt even get up to walk to the fridge to get beer. and then people told me oh he has a physical demanding job its just his job. got injured quit his job. now he sits around drinking beer 20 hours a day without a job or even moving or anything still skinny

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pretty much. most of my calories come from alcohol, my diet is "normal" as in I don't eat huge portions and only eat snacks a couple times a week, I have a skinny friend who eats whatever they want in giant portions and all we do is get drunk. the only way for me to lose weight is to do meth or crack and the only reason I don't do those things is because I don't have enough money.

yeah ive just been doing a lot of coffee. if you pop caffeine pills plus coffee together its a crazy fucking speed buzz its as strong as Ritalin or something to me and helps me starve

problem is I like weed, downers, kratom, painkillers and shit whenever I do uppers I feel anxious as fuck and not happy but I do it to starve

ive been just drinking black coffee. I quit alcohol and im still god damn fat as fuck. my entire body is literally drooping down and sagging right now into a giant pile of fat.

this is my body from exercise, no alcohol, eating healthy and shit like that. I have one or two unhealthy meals a day but COME THE FUCK ON

>I eat shit and never exercise
Well then start working out and eating less. Fat comes from food, not magic

are you a fucking moron did you read a single fucking sentence in that

coconut oil will help your skin a little but life is still pointless and unfair and not worth the effort.

obviously they have lukewarm IQ and just like posting shitty bait everywhere.

Dont talk back to me fat fuck. You know damn well why you arent making any progress.




because my body is broken dude skinny people could be eating twice as much and nothing would happen

im starving until I die

count calories dude, you're probably overloading on fruits and vegetables. your body isn't magically getting the energy to maintain your fat when you're exercising from nowhere.
have you considered you might be gaining water weight or muscle? also small fluctuations of weight within a week are very normal.

If your body is broken it wouldnt magically create energy from nothing

no man like my gut is fucking bigger and sagging down worse than ever and my tits are huge

and I dont wanna count calories. how is fucking water starvation and eating healthy all day not enough and I have one or two unhealthy meals a day that I just eat until I feel full and I drink water and take breaks in between eating to make sure im not overeating

Youre just overeating.

oh I guess starving until im light headed is over eating then.

like I said dude I know 2 skinny hoes who smoke pot and dont work out or anything they just work shit part time minimum wage jobs

what are you eating exactly?

try keto? just no carbs for 2 weeks until your body is reprogrammed to burn fat

also carbs+fat in the same meal = very very bad. drink shitloads of water. it worked for my cousin and they were a bodybuilder. good luck

mostly canned vegetables fresh vegetables with nothing added to it fruit and then once a day ill have something good like fast food or pizza or something take out and dont you dare say thats what does it I am not eating fucking celery all day long and other people eat what they want I only do once a day

What is your diet like exactly? I personally do not think counting calories is sustainable. What has worked really well for me is basically eating paleo (with white rice) most of the time. How I would describe my eating habits is basically anything unprocessed, and meals consist of carbs from rice, some vegetables, and some protein (fish, red meat). No need to count calories or restrict yourself so long as it is in the realm of whole foods. For one or two meals over the weekend I eat whatever and do not limit myself. If you are not used to that kind of diet, it will take some time to adjust, but if you try it out for a few weeks it should get easier. Also, I think running is the most effective form of exercise for losing weight. I started off with 10 minutes on the treadmill for a few weeks until it was rather easy, at which point I ran for a little longer (like 15 minutes), and so on. Hope this helps.

you're just overeating. don't worry like 90% of americans are too fat to move.

there is your problem you retarded fuck. you are eating fast food or pizza every DAY. it doesnt matter if its once a day, god forbid if it was more, you realize people eat fast food or pizza maybe once a week? also eating healthy does not mean eating disgusting. read up on recipes and educate yourself you can make good tasting food that is still healthy. cut the fucking carbs too that's probably your biggest problem

Try to add more meat and healthy fats (like coconut oil, olive oil, animal fats, butter, ghee). That will help with cravings.

nah its not pizza or fast food every single day but I have something good every day but recently it was something like vegetables and onions sauce and rice from the Chinese place or something

still I shouldn't have to try THIS hard

unless you burn fat it won't come off. it isn't hard. you're probably too late since the fat killed your brain.

every body is different, some people lose weight easily some have to try harder. looks like youre just gonna have to accept that fact and live with it.

this is horse shit

I walked 4 miles the other day. I bike 2-4 miles. even to go to the store to grab food I have to bike 1.5 miles. and I walk on the treadmill with the incline maxed and power walking and the past 2 days alone ive been mowing the lawn for hours and doing that shit

listen, you will never be a hot skinny dude, it's too late, give up, eat your pizza daily and watch your tits grow

lol. fat fuck, no brains.

Depending on what you're accustomed to eating, it can be pretty difficult in the beginning. Do you cook your own food? If you can, try to learn how to prepare your own food. You don't know what exactly is in takeout. Oftentimes they contain things like vegetable oils and sugar.

I wanna start making my own shit ive been looking at vegan shit because meat is gross to me and I wanna make more shit like that vegetable stuff I got from the Chinese store where its just onions sauce and I think garlic sauce mixed with vegetables and the sauce made it 1000x more filling then just the vegetables and it tasted so good it made it easy to eat

>i have one or two unhealthly meals a day BUT COME THE FUCK ON

Kekd, thats 2/3 of your meals being bad for wonder your a fat loser. All the sugar has muddled your brain.

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Stop doing fad shit and actually go to the gym I'm a fat fuck too I'd know bro

I dont wanna do lifting weights that doesn't really loose weight and I wanna thin not muscular ill take some leanness but id rather have a sports player body instead of muscle retard

I bike and walk a lot

eat less

very original comment

It's true that it's not fair at all, i'm not denying that it's kind of fucking rigged but are you sure don't have a few 'cheat days' thrown in there?

anyway i feel your pain, fatbro. i'm chubby but luckily not obese (weight 185). And i've realized that the only people who like going to the gym are people who are skinny by default or steroid junkies who get hard when working out. fat bitches like us need super human will and extreme discipline to even HOPE of having what they have by default.

>calculate how many calories you're burning each day
>eat less than that
>you WILL lose weight
your metabolism is not exempt from basic thermodynamics.

chances are that you're eating way fucking more than you think you are. plenty of snack foods have the amount of calories you should have in a meal and many meals have more than half of your daily caloric needs. count your calories, don't cheat at all and you'll realise how much of a fat fuck you're being.

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Fruit's super sugary desu. Stick to meats. Grilled Chicken, lean steak, shit like that

I see skinny people who dont do this. its unfair I diet starve and exercise and they dont.

those skinny people are probably eating less than they think too, they're also likley more active than they realise. There are differences in metabolic rate, maybe someone will burn 1800kcal at rest whereas someone else will burn 1200kcal at rest, but beyond that? it's diet and activity dude. it might not be fair and you might not think it's worth it to avoid what makes you happy for the sake of losing weight, and that's alright. stay fat, there's nothing wrong with that. but you're fat because you eat too much and don't move enough, simple as

They got a different metabolism. I got a skinny, SKINNY fucking friend, he looks like a heroin addict (ironically, I had a friend who died of a heroin overdose that was a lot less skinny). He eats like a motherfucker and gains nothing.

It's either he's got a really fast metabolism or a thyroid issue, but either way it's not really within his control.

you're fat because you eat too much

I'm so fucking sick of this shit, I starved for almost 4 hours today before I gave in and guess what, I gained another fucking pound since yesterday. I'm seriously going to give up if this goes on. Why is this shit so unfair ? Why did I have to get born with the worst genes on the planet ? why why why why why

I really hope you're trolling because genetics can't make you eat 3500 calories in a day. mental illness can.

your dad fell for the "make little people" meme and now you have to suffer every day just so you can live a normal life. I respect you a lot for at least trying and not giving up like I did.









fuck man only 4 hours ive been starving all day every day

still gaining weight

holy crap op you should go see a scientist asap since your body clearly defines the laws of physics. or stop starving yourself then stuffing your face with 30k cal in a day

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this is such horse shit.

>someone eats all they want
>stays skinny
>they have a fast metabolism
>starve starve starve diet exercise
>gain weight

it was a joke you fucking mongrel, what in hell are you even talking about ? you literally can't starve after four hours, that's the minimum amount of hours under which it's called overeating. fucking deal with the fact you have the eating habits of an ogre

Typically, Chinese food and sauces aren't that healthy, unless, maybe, if it is homemade. There are some questionable ingredients in their sauces, like sugar, as I've mentioned before. The sauce was probably filling because it has ingredients like gluten and corn starch. Also, if you go vegan, just know that lots of vegan products aren't necessarily healthy for you either (onions, beans [which can be hard for some people to digest if not prepared properly]), and if you want to be satiated, you might have to eat more carbs, which will not help with your weight. Good luck.

eat less faggot

Sorry, I meant *onions*, not onions.

I dont care man its either that or pizza I NEED something filling

>>someone eats all they want
>>stays skinny
This never happens in real life. I'm skinny and when I counted the calories in what I eat everyday, it averaged 1800. My TDEE is 1800. This is why I'm not fat and you are.

dude idk I dont hang out with these girls personally but they are just hoes and have hot as fuck bodies.

I know they sit around smoking pot and drinking a lot. I dont imagine they eat a fuck load like a truck load of pizza every day but I highly doubt they are constantly eating vegetables and fruit and exercising 3 hours a day. they even work at places that serve unhealthy as fuck food all day so probably get free pizza and donuts and shit from work

>and I dont wanna count calories.

Ugh, you sound like a spoiled child. "I don't wanna eat veggies! I don't wanna count calories! I don't wanna I don't wanna I don't waaaaannaaaaaaa!" If you want to lose weight, you need to be burning more calories every day than you eat, and how the fuck do you expect to know how many calories you need to burn if you aren't keeping track of your intake?

i dont see a single skinny person counting their calories

I feel your pain but sounds to me like you're doing something wrong.

For starters, stop looking at other people and what they're eating/drinking, and make sure your count is right.

When you say
>I have one or two unhealthy meals a day

You could easily be taking your day's calory's worth in those.

I cant eat nothing all day long except plain vegetables and I dont see other people who are skinny just say oh no I dont want pizza ill get fat

also these girls are total whores so maybe having sex is burning a lot of their calories but idk. the one girl has a fat guy long term bf and hes not losing any weight from the sex so idk why that would be it.

Quit bitching about other people and go work out more fatty

If you are eating pizza with any sort of regularity (more than once per month), you are maintaining your weight because that shit is caloric as fuck.

Anyway, I keep telling you, stop looking at other people. They do not have your body, you do not have theirs. Look into your exercise regime, you might be doing stuff that's physically exhausting but isn't burning a lot of calories.

>constantly force myself to eat vegetables and fruit and shit instead of just eating good food all day.
this mindset is why you will stay fat forever

>it is possible for there to be genetic differences in appearance
>it is possible for there to be genetic differences in propensity for diseases
>it is possible for there to be genetic differences in IQ
>it is even possible for there to be genetic differences in personality

>but it is completely impossible for there to be genetic differences in appetite and metabolism

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Jow Forums trolls at it again

>I cant eat nothing all day long except plain vegetables

Then don't eat plain vegetables. Look up recipes online, experiment with spices and seasoning. Just avoid anything fried or smothered with cheese.

>"I'm fat because of genetics!"
>*binges on pizza every day*

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Kekflix ultimate

You don't need to carry around a fucking food journal. Just memorize the calorie content of what you usually eat, and keep track in your head.

I like healthy shit but it cant be plain vegetables it has to be like mixed in a onions sauce or some shit

I want to start eating vegan chicken and vegan pizza

I only eat enough good food to feel full and satisfied. this shouldn't make me fat

"I have one or two unhealthy meals a day"

Fuckin fattass

>I only eat enough good food to feel full and satisfied.

And how much is that? Ten pizzas, a bucket of fried chicken, and five tubs of ice cream for dessert?

>>but it is completely impossible for there to be genetic differences in appetite and metabolism
These are both possible. The thing is, if your appetite is larger than your daily energy expenditure, you need to eat less and learn to be hungry sometimes. If your metabolism is slower than other people's, you need to eat less to compensate for that.

No one's genetics can create mass out of thin air.

>I like healthy shit but it cant be plain vegetables
You have the palate of a five year old child. Most normal human beings eat plain vegetables and enjoy them.
If you're not hungry enough to eat plain vegetables, you're not really hungry.

Nah, I'm fat because I like to eat a lot of shitty food and soda and I don't want to exercise

I actually like my body a lot, too bad other people find it gross lol

>Nah, I'm fat because I like to eat a lot of shitty food and soda and I don't want to exercise

See, I can respect this guy because at least HE'S being honest about it.

no but I look like thats true. its my metabolism

If your metabolism is slower than others' just EAT LESS. I get that this sounds hard, but it's the answer, not eating yourself into an early grave.

Research has found that metabolic differences can only account for up to 200cal/day of your TDEE. You would not be starving if you cut out 200cals.

See a doctor if you legitimately think you have a metabolic issue. They can test you for hypothyroidism.

>"I-it's muh metabolism I swear!"
>*eats a whole pizza every day*


bro im starving my god damn ball sack off right now and feel like garbage. I just have been cutting out calories and starving slowly one by one and its been fucking years of this and nothing happened. now im at the point where im like alright fuck it. pure starvation mode

I just gave up watching calories and just eat whatever the fuck I want and lift for like 30 minutes every day. You might be better off doing strength based stuff op instead because of your build

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