Hellow there user! UwU

Hellow there user! UwU
I am here to tell you that you, YES YOU, can get a gf!
There are tons of cute mtf single girls browsing r9k right now!!
Maybe if you silly- gooses were a bit nicer to us we would date you ;)
Just a reminder to please be nicer to the trans girls who browse this board, and m-maybe we would date you. 0w0

Attached: __astolfo_fate_apocrypha_and_etc_drawn_by_kusumoto_touka__sample-0ca92ef31f81413e572420b80df80850.jp (850x1400, 158K)

im not gay though.. I would prefer to date a girl

Don't be redicuwous user, we are real girls!
We have vaginas that you can fuck and we will actually play games with you.
Stop being so transphobic >.

Attached: __astolfo_fate_apocrypha_and_etc_drawn_by_kusumoto_touka__sample-3689b21ceff9d0a14fb6909c75e552f4.jp (850x970, 154K)

>I would prefer to date a girl
They are girls you bigot.

I've seen more trannies irl than most people and every time I do it honestly ruins my day and fills me with dread and despair, like seeing a crackhead or a pregnant woman take a swig from a bottle of wine in the street.
They were someone's son, good young men that have had their lives and future sterilized and destroyed by outside forces, living a lie out of other people's demented purity spiral.

Attached: 1510593886258.jpg (400x400, 37K)

Post your bussy then qt

>tfw no trannies in my area
Feels good to be clean

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I would date a trans girl as long as she was passing and was preop. I don't know any though . It's honestly easier to meet a cis woman.

Kill yourself tranny cunt.
Not only do you usually turn emotional wrecks into bigger emotional wrecks usually, you're all disgusting sluts that date/send nudes to multiple guys at once.

its pretty great how traps and trannies are pushed but nobody thinks about what happens when you hit 35 and male genetics kick in

Attached: 1546852408683.jpg (1484x1776, 457K)

most people don't look good past 35 to begin with you twit

real men age like wine, stay mad tranny

Attached: 1547548244031.jpg (400x400, 20K)

i'll take two please

Pls stop saying you're trans then, it's annoying and you'll only be seen as an attention whore
I have no hope of getting a gf through here, I live in a shithole and nobody would want to live here. Trans people are also too progressive and are probably working for jews

oh my, tell me more please.

Neck yourself tranny.
Kill yourselves orbiters.

Bullshit, my dad looks like a naked mole rat, he is 56.

If Astolfo says it, it must be true.

Fuck me the third one killed me in the inside

>>are also too progressive and are probably working for jews
>implying random trannies you meet off the street are working for some jewish secret society
imagine being this schizo

Notice how trannies always use anime pictures to represent their disgusting selves?
Is it because 99% can never pass and if pre-transitioners realised what abominations they would become they wouldn't do it?

Attached: average tranny.png (698x613, 598K)

I will NOT fuck a wound that needs to constantly be "dilated" to prevent the flesh from closing and healing.

Im probably missing something but why is Sayori there?