What causes this? Mental illness?

What causes this? Mental illness?

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Who knows, but whatever it is should just stop already.

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Spamming an imageboard with the same thread a lot of times? Possibly mental illness, yes.

Porn, self-hatred and mental illnesses yeah

born to early

>no no no i-it's not t-true!
>I'm not ugly and non-passing, I look exactly like Astolfo!!!!!!!!!

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This guy's name is u/sammytrans95

Enjoy this info

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Imagine being a tranny. Imagine whiteknighting over a tranny.

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Mesothelioma. Always mesothelioma

Why do normies come here and mock trans people? Who hurt you honey?

what does lung cancer have to do with trannies

>t. ordinary fellow robot user

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Imagine getting upset over the mentally ill

The question you should be asking is: who's going to hurt YOU?

Those are the ones who accept fucks like you.

>they don't know


I look pretty much like this guy.

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Kill yourself tranny weirdo.

>commemorating groping breasts

not a fetish guise I swear

Do we just sunset western civilization at this point?

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Being born in the wrong country, with degenerates.

Fuck off tranny sperg.

>instead of helping him people will enable his self destructive attention seeking
boy what a world

it's ok if you aren't a tranny

Post more of this dudes screenshots. His reddit acct is deleted.

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>His dick is bigger than mine
I want to fucking die.

Someone explain to me why this okay

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>What causes this? Mental illness?
What does it look like?

> Someone explain to me why this okay
Everything in that screenshot reeks of self-fetishization

>Being so obviously under 18 and mentally ill that you think someone pointing out the fact that repeatedly posting a thread about some retarded uggo who wants to turn into a tranny that you have no connections towards is white knighting them instead of calling out the OP for being unstable

How does it feel to be this retarded? Like yeah, leave this guy the fuck alone. He posts the same thread on my board over over that I spend my entire life on and I'm okay with it because I'm not at an age where it'll hit me that I've literally wasted my teens by frothing at the mouth at people I don't know.

Kill yourself, oxygen waste.

>it's all one person
LMAOing @ ur life schizo tranny

>Thinks I'm going to argue with a 15 year old who's convinced every poster who points out how retarded they are about being mad about something or someone that has no effect on them instead of going on soc to try and get my dick sucked by a coked up flat tittied bitch

Normalfags are the ones who let this shit happen.
That being said, only a real fuckin normalfag would use the reddit way of saying normalfag. Get the fuck off Jow Forums retard

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was wondering where this came from lol

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Tranny faggots must die. Kill yourselves you ugly cunts.

take your meds tranny

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He's from the Norf FC trans support group