MBTI Thread

MBTI Thread
Gnosticism Edition:
Pneumatics: INTJ, INFJ

>MBTI notes

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Mbti? more like a shit.

like usual fpbp

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then just let it rot bruther


Sounds like bullshit


Answer these questions and we'll type you successfully.

1) What aspect of your shit made you unsure of it's color?

2) What do you put in your butthole? Why?

4) What makes you like femdom?

5) What kind of guys give you a boner? (Do you think about black guys, cross dressers, traps, etc.)

6) When working on a wank what is normally your emphasis? Do you like to control the outcome?

7) Describe us a time where you had a wank for fun. How is your memory of it?

9) How tranny do you think of yourself as?

10) How do you judge female to male trannys? You try to understand the principles behind their female features to see if they make sense or do you look for information that supports it?

11) You find wanking time by making sure everyone is doing fine and belonging to a wank group or by making sure that you follow what you really want to wank to and being yourself?

12) Are you the kind that wanks before cumming or do you cum before wanking? Do you prefer one-on-one wanks or group wanks?

13) Do you jump into action right away when wanking or do you like to know where are you jumping before leaping into the wank? Does wanking speak more than words?

15) How do you act when you're close to cumming?

16) What makes you dislike the LBTQ community?

17) Is there anything you really like about wanking to trannys?

18) What kind of things do pay the least attention to in your wanks?

19) How does your dick perceive you? What is wrong about it's perception?

20) You got a whole day to do whatever you like. What kind of wanks do you feel like doing?

The threads won't stop dying until the FPs start fighting about something.


i hope all is well.

you really don't believe that shit, right?

>wearing a dress and taking hrt makes me a woman
you really don't believe that shit, right?

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no i think trannies are degenerate and mentally ill.
So are gays.
thanks though!

JonTron - ENFP
James Rolfe - ISFJ
idubbbz - INTJ
Mister Metokur - ENTP
Andywarski - pussy
Sargon of Akkad - INTP
Pewdiepie - INFJ
Marzia - INFP
Asmongold - ISTJ
Sodapoppin - ESFP
Gordon Ramsay - quintessential ENTJ
James Hetfield - INTJ
Kirk Hammett - INFP
Hickok45 - ISTP
Dr Phil - ESTJ
Varg - INTJ
Terry Davis (RIP) - was INTJ
Darksydephil - ESTJ
Dr Disrespect - ENFJ
Gmanlives - ESTJ
Destiny - obvious ENTP
dunkey - INFP
Coyote Peterson - ESFJ
Forsen - ISTJ
Joe Rogan - ESFP
Keith Hodge - INTJ
Kevin Hodge - ESFP
Sam Hyde - ESTP

Did that bot fucked off already or are we going to have to let this thread die too?

it wasn't around this morning either, if the thread dies its because to bot won i guess.

thoughts on PeachSaliva?

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I feel like Varg is a P trying really hard to be J

something isn't adding up here

cute but cringy and trying too hard when singing for the fans at Dick meetups

Dick is ESFP btw, dunno about her type and all i know her from is through Dicks shit. first guess is ESFJ.

it could never be that my name was always purely intended to piss people off?

again, trannies don't belong on r9k, neither do gays.
they can stay in tumblr.

What should i do with my life as a depressed neet ISTP?

>first guess is ESFJ.
that's what I thought too, but thinking about it I feel like there's no way she's S.

i like dick, he's nice.
I have his card game

maybe not, but either way i would impregnate her and play with her milkers for hours every day. mommy tier body.

ill have to think about it a bit more and watch more videos shes in tomorrow to figure it out.


taking this opportunity to ask what the SBFP's guys mbtis are.

i think on a podcast a while ago woolie mentioned he was INTP, if it didn't come straight from the horse's mouth i wouldn't have thought that ever

Woolie mentioned INFP, Plague INTP, they probably took like one test but I can see it
the others I don't know, I asked on /v/ and somebody told me INTJ for Pat, which could make sense ("Crazy Talk" is Ni)
I'm thinking ENFP for Matt
Liam I don't know, maybe ISTP?

Reviewbrah - ISTJ
Dick Masterson - ESFP
Maddox - ENTP
Vsauce Michael - ENTP
Whang! - ISTP
Stefan Molyneux - ENTP
Ssethtzeentach - ESTP
Steve-o - ESFP
J.F. Gariepy - INTP
Gentle Whispering - ENFJ
Phil Anselmo - ESTP
Dimebag Darrell - ESFP
Vinnie Paul - ISTP
Cosmowright - narcissistic INTP
Kripparrian - ESTJ
shroud - ISTP
Ice Poseidon - ESTP
Hampton Brandon - ESFP
Daxflame - ENTJ
Leffen - INTJ
Mango - ISTP
Filthy Frank - ESTP

Hey VSauce, Michael Here is an INTP, not an ENTP.

1) What made you unsure of it's color?
It's brown, yet it's shades name is not known to me.
2) What do you put in your butthole? Why?
water when showering, to clean.
4) What makes you like femdom?
I just want woman to put in some work for once.
5) What kind of guys give you a boner?
passable traps, mostly thai or jap/asians.
6) Do you like to control the outcome?
Yea but I hardly edge.
7) Describe us a time where you had a wank for fun. How is your memory of it?
baited to commercials to see if i could. It was okay.
9) How tranny do you think of yourself as?
10) How do you judge female to male trannys? You try to understand the principles behind their female features to see if they make sense or do you look for information that supports it?
voice and if theres a bulge
11) You find wanking time by making sure everyone is doing fine and belonging to a wank group or by making sure that you follow what you really want to wank to and being yourself?
solo wanker here
12) Are you the kind that wanks before cumming or do you cum before wanking? Do you prefer one-on-one wanks or group wanks?
i'm a pre-cum wanker, 1 on 1 way less awkward.
13) Do you jump into action right away when wanking or do you like to know where are you jumping before leaping into the wank? Does wanking speak more than words?
i'm a pre-meditated wanker. it depends on what youre trying to convey.
15) How do you act when you're close to cumming?
I close my eyes and keep stroking.
16) What makes you dislike the LBTQ community?
aids and sluttery
17) Is there anything you really like about wanking to trannys?
when they're riding cowboy and they do the willy helicopter
18) What kind of things do pay the least attention to in your wanks?
my future
19) How does your dick perceive you? What is wrong about it's perception?
a virgin, nothing.
20) You got a whole day to do whatever you like. What kind of wanks do you feel like doing?
Mom rp
Guess my type negros

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The Bumps are back in town!

Quit. Creating. New. Threads. Every. Time. One. Gets. Pruned.

The quality of these threads have been extremely shitty for several months, now, because everybody wants to post the same god damn shit in every fucking thread, every time one thread gets pruned due to inactivity or the bump limit is reached. NOBODY has decided to take a breather by not making a thread for at least a week. The longer we wait to make a thread, the fresher the new content will be, rather than someone trying to rehash something that has already been tried and claiming it's new.




cringe and kys lmao

who know who's into gnosticism? the same people who are going to inherit the earth (INFPs and INFJs)

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Come to Socionics, my brothers. We have cake and dual gfs for you.

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Wait, mods are really deleting these threads? I don't ever post in them, but holy shit this is one of the few good threads out there. I'd say it's better than 98% of all Jow Forums posts in the last 6 months. Shit, last 2 years.

Yes but how many EIEs do you have?

Wh-why are these threads so short-lived? OwO

Although to be honest, a slow and peaceful conversation is better than a cacophony of Turbie clones shouting my old posts to each other and to everyone who enters the room! ^_^"

I'd like to bring up the Ni vs Ne thing once more from this post
(/^_^)/ ! \(^_^\)
>Ni wants a single conclusion of the future, Ne doesn't - at least without exploring all the possibilities first! Ni develops personal ideas, but what does Ne do then? Develop ideas with others? :3c
>Unless someone corrects me, I still belive abstractness, pattern detection, and connections are N things, regardless of attitude (direction)! ^.^'
So yeah! Unless someone convinces me otherwise, Ni (instead of Ne) is my favorite function!

I'm probably gonna get shat on for saying this, but yeah I love these generals. It's nice to be able to talk to all the like-minded lost people who come here. Really I just hate the superiority complexes and sophistry that's abundant in a lot of other personality-related forums. And by that i mean r-

>an extroverted INTP would be an ENTJ and not an ENTP

You should all be aware that a general has died an excruciatingly, unnecessarily painful death when someone like turbonigger is allowed to post without being trolled to shit. That's just the cycle of history. But I suppose the newfags among you, of which I am aware there are many, can't be blamed for your lack of awareness. You'll learn eventually.

>unnecessarily painful death when someone like turbonigger is allowed to post without being trolled to shit
Spotted the real newfag.
Point is, it doesn't work, so nobody bothers anymore.

honestly i think these posts discussing the drama are more derailing than the actual turbie-garbo

>tfw someone a couple threads ago said that INFJs are motherly lolis

Fuck you, INFJs are normal-sized, big-tittied goddesses

You seriously cannot be that stupid...

Why did you stop mid-sentence? It's not like you mentioned Candlejack or a sni

INFJ-T user's Post Backlog: Episode :3
Yes, I slipped in an emoticon there~! (>^_^)>[:3]

This thread's type is RIP


Cool opinion, to bad it's a shit one. Faggot.

i hate ENTJ

did they boss you

i can see how this is true due to the pattern of thinking, intuition, sensing, feeling. but ENTP and INTP are going to be more similar in their ways of thinking because they have the same functions, they'll just reach a conclusion differently. and if you buy into the 4 sides of the mind meme there's an INTP in every ENTJ and an ENTJ in every INTPs mind, although only when stressed in an unhealthy way and put into the shadow. Te and Ti are radically different and show up in different ways when each type is put into the shadow. just an unhealthy version of the type.

I think Hetfield is more of an ISTP. Also, I'm pretty sure that Joe Rogan is an ESTP.


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ENFJ, my P brother.

thoughts on the humanmetrics test?

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It doesn't use functions, so it's bs

Dichotomy approach make MBTI just a worse Big Five

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Are they the people who are extremely friendly and touchy?

No they are pic related.

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reminder functions and dichotomies are both valid and there's no contradiction

>Being the same type as Metokur and Destiny
Those guys are fags though wtf
I want her to fart in my face

Dom Fe and Aux Fe in general is that way. Sophie and INFJ-T user are both highly affectionate people, and there's that one user who says his ISFJ oneitis seems too good to be true.

You really believe that shit?

INFJ-T user's Post Backlog: Episode IV: A New Hope ^o^

Continuation schmontinuation from here~:


>ESFP and money
That type is Se dom and Fi aux, meaning this kind of a person might love aesthetics, sensations, fashion, etc. that conform to their personal values and preferences, so there may be some truth in the memes and stereotypes! I'm n-not completely sure, though! ^_^'

>Also he feels like SP but talking like SJ with vivid memories.
Sounds like a case of balanced functions to me... Although this one looks like a special thing where the regular function is in harmony with its shadow~!

>Your personality type is SHIT for doing this to Turbie.
Thank you so much for defending me~! Plus OwO always praised centaur
I praised Centaur because I genuinely thought of him as one of my favorite posters here.
>whenever he made a seriously reply he had a similar way of talking to centaur
Did I...? According to most tests, I'm almost the same type as he is, so having similar writing styles would make sense.
>Its very unlikely that it is anyone but him at this point
Sometimes the improbable can happen... ^w^'

>The OwO character doesnt seem to have much of a personality
R-really...? Why do you think so? :'(

>Actually I am human! ^_^' *shakes human arm*
Either this is a clever bot or the post was made by a very dedicated human being. :O

INFP = Fi-Ne-Si-Te
INFJ = Ni-Fe-Ti-Se
So basically, that would mean your perceiving and judging functions switched places and directions! Interesting! Could this have something to do with the shadow or quadra shifts...?

>I don't understand a thing you just said
It was a spambot! '^_^
>but this is the results from an MBTI test I just took. I still got the INFJ fever, I guess.
I see.. nice to meet another INFJ-T, though! (>^_^)>

There are quite a few inconsistencies:
>Most traits associated to E are actually only covering Fe and Se.
>S tends to include some Te traits
>J letter is actually only Te and Si, Fe especially is excluded, Ni not too much but still would be weaker
>IxxJ has dominant perceiving, and IxxP has dominant judging, it creates a bigger disconnect between what others see and what you see of yourself

Sorry INFJ-T user, but the fifth letter in that is bullshit created by the 16 personalities website to be different. A/T doesnt mean anything

>Sophie and INFJ-T user are both highly affectionate people
INFJ-T user yes, Sophie's fairly reticent.

I'd add N also includes mainly Ne and Ti traits

Never stops making me kek whenever I visit and see INFJ-T user shitting up the thread. Based INFJs

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NF victory!!! The NTs are in full retreat boys

hey everyone,

am glad that the thread has returned to normal!.

i would say there was no real victory in any of this, what a few NFs wanted was to be able to post without any bullying. NTs are always going to come back, partially because NTs are too socially inept to know that they are the ones who were the imposters and shitting up a storm.

reminder that Fe is the gay function

Meanwhile, ENFJ is fucking all the girls while saying "haha girls I was just being nice what are you all doing"

>IxxJ has dominant perceiving, and IxxP has dominant judging, it creates a bigger disconnect between what others see and what you see of yourself
black hole brain criticism
J/P is the first Extraverted function

INFJ-T user's Post Backlog: Episode 5: We Don't Want Any More Sequels, Please! >:O

~and the prequel: !
(Is it grammatically correct to put a tilde in the beginning of a word? :3c)
I also hope this series won't suffer from sequelitis! ^_^;;;

Without further ado,

The difference between MBTI and Big 5 is basically that the latter adds an extra dimension, Neuroticism, to the former! This is reflected in the 16personalities test! UwU

>Ti - makes up arbitrary rules to only further distance themselves from their goal
Hmm... this reminds me of the generalization that P types have the weakness of being procrastinators... ^.^

Thanks for the kind wo~rds! \(^w^)/

>incorporate shadow and harness its true strength
I'm not sure if that's possible - at least without either heavily exercising your shadow functions in the right amounts or undergoing some sort of trauma...!

>sudden interest in ENFJs
I don't know, but I got a sudden interest in other people's sudden interest in ENFJs! OwO

Hello, Bumps! Nice digits! \(^o^)/

This! I'm sure Sophie has a sincerely friendly personality and he just is interested in other people! ^_^'

>least favorite function
I-I'm not sure if I have one, but if I have to choose, then maybe Si. :(
It's not very useful except possibly for avoiding making mistakes in the future! It can also be harmful when you get stuck in overthinking past experiences, whether good or bad! ;w;

>Monika is an INFJ
Why do you think so? :3

Feels good to be a Pneumatic! ^o^' ^_^)>O ?

They do get deleted occasionally, yeah!

Don't forget to tune in for the series finale~! ^_^

>thinks he's smart
>doesn't notice I am specifically talking about inconsistencies between dichotomy and function approaches
>mentions a function to explain the dichotomy approach that doesn't use functions
Literally what the fuck, user.

INFJ-T user's Post Backlog: Episode 6: Perceptrons and Judgeons

Previously on INFJ-T user's Post Backlog: >Nice digits! \(^o^)/
>Why fight? Let's be frens! D-do you also have cookies?

And now... the final episode! Will our hero actually manage to reply to every /mbti/ post ever...?

I love these generals too~!

it's a shit criticism because there is an explanation for it. it doesn't hold up.
the rest of your post is literal nonsense.

>Why is this girl posted so often?
Cause Monika is very popular and a good example of everything an ENFJ is, both in their best aspects and in their worst ones.

You are making no sense at all.
I am replying to somebody who says that there's no contradiction between the two approaches and I am pointing out that there indeed exist a few.

If you want me to elaborate on each I can do that:
>Most traits associated to E are actually only covering Fe and Se.
E descriptions include traits such as "social, outward, mostly lives in the outside world, energized by interactions", but both descriptions and test questions tend to exclude more specific Ne and Te traits.
Ne here is "objective intuition" as in "all the possible future developments", it actually doesn't have anything to do with the E questions or descriptions
Te here is "objective thinking" as in "thinking that focuses on the objective(practical) value of theories", and again, doesn't require much friendly interaction or anything, actually, Fi inferior makes you pretty private aside and only outward in a business-like character.

>S tends to include some Te traits
Read what I said before about Te.
S descriptions and questions again tend to ask stuff like "theory for the sake of theory or for actual use?", but this is actually more related to Ti vs Te. Whereas Ti likes to consider their subjective relationship to theories, the Te is more evaluating it based on how much they work.

>J letter is actually only Te and Si, Fe especially is excluded, Ni not too much but still would be weaker
The Fe here is fully anecdotal evidence I gotta admit, Fe users especially when they don't have Si(so xNFJ), claim that they are actually P for the most part.
J descriptions tend to claim shit like "ordered, punctual, structured", but this actually reflects Si+Te, with Ni instead doing this to their mindset more than actual physical objects as the description would let you think.

Only thing I am criticizing is the idea that those approaches have no contradiction.

>A/T doesnt mean anything
A means assertive; T means turbulent! UwU
I know that's not a part of the classic MBTI, but I feel it's an important distinction, which partially explains some differences within types! ^_^'
Assertiveness is basically low Big 5 neuroticism and turbulence (turbieness) is high~! :3c

Thanks for reading and replying to my post! \(^_^)/
Do you know why Monika and ENFJs in general are so popular now? And why some think she is an INFJ? :3

>And why some think she is an INFJ
idk. Monika herself says this:
>"I'd say I'm kind of in between, but I think I'm usually a little more extroverted."
>"I feel like I'm always trying to do stuff after school and things like that."

Can I have your discord pls, or at least add mine (sideborg#8648)

Monika does have a pretty developed Ni - and when you develop the aux of course you may feel "ambiverted", they have different attitudes.
Still, Monika is Fe dominant as clear as the day, for how much Ni can be developed it's still something serving her Fe completely.

What's the difference between an infp and infj?
I know so many and it is hard to tell the diff.

INFP = special snowflake always depressed because of cyberbullying
INFJ = acts nice and feminine, it's actually plotting your death

It's hard to tell you "the difference", because they're completely different types. They have almost nothing in common, and their function stacks are completely different.
Making it simple, INFJ is a more idealistic "change the world for better" type, while INFP is more of a "i want to feel good" kind.

How do INFJs act feminine?

I have all the memes
ENTP, capricorn, 0-, and possible cluster B
add me: sanctuary # 2332

disclaimer: I'm a dude, not an e-gf.

complete bullshit
slightly better

ENTP and cluster B how?

A bit histrionic I believe, but this is just a vague conclusion over the outcome of my last relationship with a female, I would like to get properly diagnosed unlike tumblrites.

made this a while back whilst shitting

Attached: new vegas mbti.png (1024x1022, 1.49M)

Was she an ENFP? Lol

imma just start posting the fuck out of some charts

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anyone here watch michael pierce?

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i think the estps and entps that answered for this graph were probably trying to be edgy, but the reason those two types seem so amoral is because they have Fi seventh, which makes it their blind spot or point of least resistance

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