Anyone else have voices in their head telling them to do things?

Anyone else have voices in their head telling them to do things?
I had it from around 5-16 and it has perked up again now at 22. When I was 5 I thought it was God and he would tell me I HAD to do things like ram my toy car into the wall even when mum would yell at me and make me stop. When I was 16 I would no longer associate this voice necessarily with God but just an omnipresent voice in my head and it would make me do things like close my eyes for 10 seconds whilst driving or my mum would die

It is back again, mundane tasks mostly like I would have to turn off the game I am playing right now even while I am winning and want to keep playing or I have to go upstairs and come back down before I do anything else

Who else gets this? What is it?

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I am a slave to this voice. Even if it does not make a direct threat like mum will die, house will burn down etc I know it is evil and it poses a threat, I fear it and do what it says almost all the time and when I do not I get anxious

I wish it would say do your fucking study lmao but if anything it prevents me from doing productive things. Another time while studying at uni recently it told me someone was going to come in and shoot me so I had to go home. So sometimes it is looking out for me rather than threatening me

Schizophrenia jimbo.

welp. im done hanging out with scizophrenics

Are we talking about an actual audible voice here?
Sounds like a combination of OCD + intrusive thoughts.

Yeah I am not sure if it is OCD or schizophrenia. Hard to describe, its a bit like a voice but also like a thought/internal monologue. I can tell it is coming from inside my head like it does not sound like it is someone next to me

Anyone else pls help me diagnose because I am not going to pay $400 to some scam psychiatrist

What do you look like.
If the voice tells you not to post it's lying /b/ro

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It's schizophrenia

Everyone has an inner voice. Normal well-adjusted people recognise it as their own voice

For some reason you are disassociated from yourself and identify this voice as a malIgnant external entity

that's not like my intrusive thoughts. I have ocd and bipolar 2 but I never had the voice of god telling me that it was dirty to touch the elevator buttons and stuff.
I have intrusive thoughts that cause me a lot of anxiety. they're not intrusive thoughts that I have to do something but thoughts of what would happen if I don't.
here's an example. one time I was hypomanic and I stayed up all night and I was obsessed with driving to pick up my old MTG cards from my parents' house or they would throw them out, lose them, give them away, or spill something on them. I stayed up all night and even drove there and drove back which took into the next afternoon. no thought or voice told me it had to be done but I thought it had to be done or there would be some negative consequence.
you might have ocd and psychosis.
if you get feelings that you have to do something and you're not performing the task to alleviate anxiety and distress then there is more than ocd because ocd is an anxiety disorder.

Why? I dont wanna get banned and dont wanna post my face online
I am not ugly though
Oh okay I always thought schizophrenics heard a voice that was like someone else was there not just the usual internal voice
Thank you for your insight bro, very helpful, could you explain more about your thoughts like how do they sound? Mine is like
"You need to do X otherwise Y will happen" and then my mind my flash to a picture of that bad thing happening

No I don't really have voices but I do have this imaginery friend that visits me every other month who can plant ideas or images in my head. Also I tend to feel like celestial are trying to talk to be through my computer sometimes by indirect messages

There are other symptopms of schizophrenia

Are you paranoid? Are you poorly organized? Do you sometimes neglect your personal hygiene? Do you have delusions? Are you lazy and unmotivated?

A little paranoid but not often. Sometimes I think a car is outside my house following me but not often.
What would be an example of being poorly organised? I am a 22 year old man so it is probably normal for me to be but I would say yes, I have no routine and often have no food to eat because I dont go to the shops in time
Yeah but not much, I never go more than 2 days without showering and that is if i am home all day I am usually quite clean and presentable when leaving the house
Not sure if I have delusions, certainly not serious ones like I think I am Jesus. Sometimes I think I can predict the future
Very lazy and absolutely no motivation. I skipped a grade in high school and got one of the best marks possible and now I never attend class at uni and my GPA is barely passing I just scrape through on raw intellect. I have depression though which could cause this

I always talk to and argue with the voice in my head.

>"Hey I want some Mickey D's."
>"Yeah just add more pounds to yourself fatass."
>"Fuck you asshole I just want a quick bite to eat."

I'm saying all this aloud mind you and I never notice I'm doing it. I've been this way since I was a kid.

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OP you are a schizo pls seek help.

Yeah my voice is not abusive like this. Good luck man
I hate doctors. They did nothing for my depression except fuck my brain with SSRIs

i have a bro who has the same symptoms (voices) and behaviour like you (i.e. doesn't go to the supermarlket, rather orders some army food lol, also thought cars were following him and so on)
my guess would be schizophrenia too
you need some proper medication to fix this the sooner the better
good luck bro

Yeah, I have something similar. It's not necessary a voice you hear, but it's a voice that sort of controls your mind and thinks stuff to you, for you. It's hard to explain. But it was pleasant to learn that philosophers and mystics talk about it.

When I was a kid I'd have this weird compulsion against touching things with my right hand or touching my forehead, because that would be the mark of the beast, and I'd go to hell forever. Now that I'm older, I've gained the mastery over the nonsensical and destructive thoughts. But I still listen, for there is value in at least one of the things speaking to me. It's predicted the future before. When I'm in despair, the only thing keeping away thoughts of suicide is this voice, promising me that Fate still needs me, and that my suffering is temporary. I feel that I am in contact with Gods. When I was sick just recently, I had a hypnagogic state where I felt a divine woman comforting me and feeding me honey to make me better. It was the most intimate I've felt with a woman, more than even my mother.

I've never spoken to other bicamerals. OP if you, or anyone else who experiences such things would like to talk, please do so. I am very intrigued by this mental state.

What was he diagnosed with? Thanks for the reply and compassion mate. How is your brother doing?
Wow very interesting and cool that you thought about your own thoughts (voices). How has it benefited you? And how has it hurt you?

Well it was certainly an unwelcome addition to my already stressful childhood. Being so young and undeveloped, I didn't have the strong and domineering personality I have now which facilitates my mental control; that made me a very weak and scared child, for no logical reason. But as I stated earlier, I ignore the evil thoughts now. It has been quite the blessing to think differently, and have other entities for counsel. I feel like in another age this would have awarded me a lofty position in society. Unfortunately the modern world isn't as kind to its madmen, and I have to blend in with others.

Intrusive thoughts also associated to demonic influence.
Observe the thoughts without responding, shine your light upon them and you'll see if they are yours or not, if they weren't, congratulations you've gotten rid of it and performed a basic banishing on a demon

>hey you should jump in front of that train it would be funny
Im not even feeling suicidal but this thought keeps popping up when a train stops at my station

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I do hear voices like that, and I'm diagnosed with schizophrenia and undergoing treatment. Protip: never tell anyone except family, not even trusted friends, you hear voices. It's the sort of stuff that becomes a rumor and it will be held against you.

I'm schizophrenic and I can say that it is indeed about hearing audible voices as if somebody else is there.

What you're describing here is called "call of the void". It's a phenomenon where something is so easy to do, it's scary. For example, someone sitting on an edge of a cliff, you'd feel a strong urge to push them off, because it'd be that'd easy or to punch someone, because it'd be that easy. Sometimes when driving, I think "Holy fuck, it'd be this easy to drive into oncoming traffic" followed by a surreal dark sick feeling. Everyone has this to a certain degree. We all have these quicks.

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Also the voices have absolutely no power in the physical over you and they tell only lies.


Shut up you weird cunt
Lmao that wasnt original

How do you treat it? Do you think I have it? Does it affect you much?