How do I cheer up a person with depression?

how do I cheer up a person with depression?

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be a true friend with him that is how, go to hookers togheter , smoke weed togheter , make dark jokes togheter.
that is the only secret but people don't do it because its gay or muh selfish reasons.

you can't. i learned that the hard way.

but won't that create an addiction problem and make him feel worse?

I mean there's gotta be something

no matter how much you love and care about someone, they always have their own feelings and opinions. of course you can help them being happy by doing happy things with them but ultimately it comes down to the other person. it may be hard and you may feel like a shitty friend and feel like you can do more for him or her if you are there for them but there is nothing you can do. humans are weird user.

we are indeed, thanks

your welcome user i just went through a breakup and she wasn't there emotionally. it's tough shit but hopefully what i learned can apply to you

let them know in less than 100 years scientists identify the tranny gene and create an effective vaccine for the disease that doesn't involve changing your identity

give me weed and leave me alone.

also trying to "cheer up" a person with depression will make them feel worse. same as asking "are you okay". it ends up making us feel worse because we feel guilty that someone tried to help but what they did didn't make us feel better.
the number one thing that helps me feel better is when people treat me like a normal human being instead of some kind of patient. asking stuff like "are you okay" or any other questions that highlight our depression is a good way to make us even more reclusive.
normal people have this strange idea that if they just get us to talk about how depressed we are we will feel better. but it couldn't be further from the truth. if you say stuff like that it will signal to us that you view us just as "that depressed guy" leading us to believe that all socialising is inherently pointless because people have already made up their mind about you

By being a person that they can comfortably be themselves around. When I was at my most depressed and miserable, for whatever reason my "friends" all started making me the butt of every joke and every little thing I did they would make fun of. The reason was, actually that one of them thought I was making fun of his mom because a guy we rarely saw was telling me she was having an affair or something. That got blamed on me and shifted to me supposedly making fun of the guys mom so. Anyways the way you cheer up a depressed person is by letting them be themselves comfortably around you and slowly they will start to feel better.
An other thing that helps is giving the person an illusion of superiority, like how people who like rap consider themselves superior to people who like metal. If the depressed person has an identity that will also help, the identity has to have something to do with you. So take the person out to ride dirt bikes or do something crazy and try to instill the idea into that person that you are both a pair of individuals that do crazy shit. That will instill a sense of identity into the depressed person and help them out of the well that they fell into.

Gift him a loaded gun

i guess i've been doing it wrong this whole time

Those trips speak truth. Honestly you don't gotta look further than this response

basically just don't treat someone with depression like they have something wrong with them that you need to help. there's nothing you can do to help them if they have genuine clinical depression. depressed people like myself start to spiral down when it feels like all people are noticing about you is how depressed you are. it makes us feel ashamed for simply existing. then the depressed cycle goes into an even darker place. the depressed person then starts to view every human who isn't depressed and shows consistent levels of happiness as being somewhat deluded about reality. and I think there is some truth in that. you no longer feel any connection with anyone other than severely depressed people on the internet. you start to view happy people as having the problem not you "how the fuck could anyone be happy on this wasteland of a planet etc"
to help a depressed person they need to feel like their personality and perceptions are somewhat valid. society at the moment has a strong bias towards positive = truth.

the more you make a depressed person feel like they have something inherently wrong with them the more they will feel alienated

thank you so much, learned a lot

That person need to work out depression with a professional. Pay for that people you cheap shitbad

I'm not sure if I would recommend this. having someone pay for your treatment can make you feel extremely guilty if you aren't getting better

he's already under treatment

You don't. "Cheering up" is what you do when someone is *sad*. Depression isn't sadness, and in the case of chronic depression, it can only be treated by anti-depressants.

ultimately this. i also have a depressed friend and i tried to cheer him up and he said that it makes him even more guilty and he hated that people care

bumplng for OP

nice trips/ and don't depressed people can't be cheered up they are worthless energy drains

so you want me to just ignore the fact that my friend is miserable? act like nothing is happening?

OP you have to speak to your friend about it; true depression affects people in various ways, ask him if he likes when you try to cheer him up.

will do,

thanks guys

originally give them sex

Anyone who thinks they are, or calls themselves depressed is a degenerate attention whore and should be executed.

most retarded advice ive heard

Don't ignore it. Think of it like a cold or flu. You can't intsa heal them. Instead, try to comfort them, listen to them, offer to help with chores/groceries, make them some food.

This, just be like whats up and if they feel like venting let them, but dont react differently when they do. Show them you care but in tge ways you usually do with others, being nice and treating someone like an equal if done enough will go a long way.