Let's play minecraft anons
1.13, yeah 1.14 is out stop whining
the server is cracked so piratefriends welcome
Minecraft Jow Forums server
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its 1.13.2 btw
also bumprhrehreh
bumpaaaanan ndsfsdfds
aother buumpv
How many people do you have? I don't play very often, some frens would be nice though.
there's like 3 people in the server rn
theres 6 on it rn
Was fun lads, I'll be back for more soon to take wagie clan applications.
is joining minecraft servers still as simple as it used to be? and, is setting them up that simple, too?
yeah you only need to log in, make a password up and thats it
> pirating
Just buy the fucking game
suck my dick i aint giving money to microsoft
> buying mine craft after notch sold it
Yikes go play fortnite instead
bampoooo fuck off robot suck my dick nigger ass
>its 1.13.2
How do I know you fuckers won't DDoS me?
its not that kind of server dont worry
>scared of ddos
>not using a VPN
bumping please join in frens
Bumping the server is comfy as fuck dont let it die
dont warn me jannies i just want to bump
bumping jannies please im just bumping
more bumps so it doesn die
How much people online right now desu
Like 7 dudes rn
Where can I pirate minecraft?
I'd love to feel a little somthing
bampo please dont warn me
try this mineshafter.info
bumping its getting full
bumping come on frens lets do this
another bamp from page 5
It's been comfy, good night minecraft bros.
i forgot my password lmao