I want to go back, but nobody wants to go back with me.

I'm 29, I live in the past, where things were good: life was interesting, the Internet was interesting, I had more friends and adventures, and life was still ahead of me.
Every day I reminisce about the past and send nostalgic messages to my high school buddies. They don't share the sentiment and barely reply. They've moved on.

Not only do I constantly live in my childhood memories, I repeat the actions I did during the Good Times. I watch the same nostalgic movies, such as Totoro, Kiky's Delivery Service, and stream Pokemon movies for myself on Synchtube. Pretty much daily. A Synchtube stream that Ylilauta hosted 5 years ago was one of the high points of my life. Not even people on Ylilauta remember it, but I do. If I see screenshots of that stream I start crying.
I will keep making threads about it until I die. That stream was the last time I felt I was part of a group, of something big, here and now. Ever since that my focus has been on the past.

Here's my wallpaper from 2003 or so. Makes me cry from nostalgia.

Attached: vegeta.jpg (1024x768, 91K)

Feel ya. I was nostalgiaing to Pokemon today. It hurts

Pokemon is such a fountain of nostalgia crying.

Attached: Pikachun loma.jpg (1022x768, 61K)

There is no life beyond 2010.

I still think about people I talked to online in 2008.
They have no memory of me, but I will cherish the chats we had forever.

You realize you are the literal definition of a manchild, right? You must also be a kissless, handholdless virgin.

>You must also be a kissless, handholdless virgin.

I'm not though.

She was a prostitute, wasn't she?

To op and enyone on his situation, read "where's my cheese". It's a simple, short story about change, It can help you. You'll think you're over it, but give it a little think.

I go to the gym and study in a university despite appearing like a NEET based on my post. Don't make assumptions on people you don't know personally.

The correct title is "Who Moved My Cheese"?

"When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things"
>t. st Paul.

Ty for the correction, used a literal translation.

I think it's childish to pretend you're so mature you must forcefully discard the best things in your life in order to boast.

I hear ya OP. I'm 29 as well. I'm playing through ocarina of time for like the 30th time right now. Pretty much all I've done with my free time in the past few years is to go back and re-experience stuff that made me happy from about ages 6-14 . Feels comfy at times, but hollow at other times.

Attached: 20190602_143246_1.jpg (1815x1361, 833K)

>years is to go back and re-experience stuff that made me happy from about ages 6-14

I feel u bro, you know how I Feel.

Attached: good times.jpg (640x480, 156K)


>*starts crying*

I want back!

Attached: luuseri.png (1281x688, 347K)

>uses frames

a true oldfag i see.

You are supposed to be re-experiencing your childhood interests with children of your own. Find a white woman and make babies. At age 29 your time is running out but it is not yet too late.

>make babies

Why? I don't want to.

>stop being a manchild

The thing is, I've noticed that the amount of things I lose every year is growing.
Less friends, less new adventures, less everything.
How can I not get nostalgic over the better times?
Even if you were the most hardcore family normie you'd have to agree that you lose things by time. The things you might get by age aren't always as good, like mortgage and a burden of a wife.

so you have someone to watch pokemon and play zelda with, and they think you are cool as fuck for knowing everything about it.

Let go of the past and open yourself up to new experiences. I'm pretty bored and depressed but sometimes if I allow myself, I can still have interesting experiences.