I wish i had a clingy obsessive gf

i wish i had a clingy obsessive gf
it's all i want in this existence

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haha looooooozer

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I have one and we spend 24/7 together for multiple years as neets and never ever ever spent a single day apart since start of dating. It's nice, you should get one.

If you're both NEETs than how do you live

Well have a got a girl for you user...

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Why do robots say they want this and then when in actuality most of you faggot find the obsessive clingy behavior annoying

Relative rents for cheap and low utilities. NEETbux by one of us and passive income from early crypto and investment.

I say this because I'm clingy myself and I want the other person to cling back

It's kinda like children and pets. They cry for one, get it, play with it for a few months, but then realize you can't just cuddle and have fun forever and there's lots of unpleasant things with work involved that you have to do. Then they abandon it. And just like every child that wants a puppy, they say that they will "love it forever", "never get bored of it" and "they're not like other kids".

I wish that was me laying there...

okay i am the one that makes these threads i was just about to make another
why are you making them now?

I doubt you have ever seen that happen.
t. someone who would love to have that type of gf

enjoy it while it lasts. good things like this usually come to an end, so prepare for when that time comes.

What do you occupy your time with as a NEET couple? No judgement, just curious. Also, amazed neither of you feel the need to be alone sometime.

I wish I was dead to user

if only she didn't have shit taste it would be good

you all say you want a clingy obsessive gf until its too much and you beg me to get friends and leave you alone

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>Why do robots say they want this
because i do

why are they just letting him lay there and bleed

no u don't

i am clingy/obsessive and guys say they like it when they meet you but they can never actually handle it

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for me she doesn't have to be clingy but I would like her to be affectionate

Will you marry me please oregano

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I'm extremely affectionate and clingy but most of the robots I've been that way with get tired of it so idk.
Makes sense. I never stop being grossly clingy but seemingly the other person does.

let's carve each others names into each other or something to prove that i mean it

goddammit how about i give you my contact and we'll see if i can handle it or not

pic you posted is a god awful retard but a clingy obsessive girl is nice

I'm clingy jealous and abusive, where's my clingy gf?

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Okay but I'm not bpd or any of that. Just really romantic. No mental illness if that's what you're looking for.

i'm fine with that
my contact is Kumagawa#9917

This is a perfect analogy

>tfw first gf was borderline and I thought all this shit was normal
>can pinpoint the exact moment when my spell over her wore off

Trial by fire, but now I know better. So many red flags I ignored. But it actually built up my confidence with women and made me more self aware so it was an overall net positive. I recommend it for no gf robots, but don't try and match her levels thinking its real or else she will drop the floor for under you the moment she knows she's got you. All they want is chaos, and to illicit reactions from you. You stop giving it to them and they freak out.

Can't believe I fell for the "MUH ABUSE" sob story.

can we just get a thread or 2 with some stupid charts to filter shit?

where is my freedom fighter akane gf?

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What kind of chart user

>What kind of chart user
pretty much any kind of chart to get a feel of personality

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>tfw didn't get added
my fault for falling for the bait i suppose
but i just wanted to give all my love to a clingy girl

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>>tfw didn't get added
would have been a disatster anyway with the bpd one

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No you fucking dont. I dont know why incels think this sounds like a great time

I have one, I decided to date her (8/10 hapa fitness model) immediately after I made eye contact and she looked away and whispered "o-oh, you're l-looking at me" (we'd been acquaintances for awhile). Dick was diamonds.

>why is having someone obssessed and attached to you bad

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It gets old really fucking quickly
t. Knower

I didn't fill out the bottom because phone posting sorry

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>tfw had a clingy depressed girl attached to me
>we talked all the time and spent whatever time we could together
>she would always check in on me or ask for little things
>actually made me feel worthwhile and happy for once in my life
>eventually help her get over her depression and into a better state of life
>she slowly stops becoming clingy and turns into a more normal well rounded person
>abandons me saying she's not that girl anymore and our love is based between something that no longer exists
I wish I could have just had a clingy gf that wanted to stay together forever so I could have been happy

I know a white girl that looks exactly like here and I wanted to cold approach her last month but didn't.

Poor jean

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Jean needed to try harder he gave up quick

more like t. retarded faggot

I feel ya Man, im really clingy myself and it has put me in Bad situations with a femfriend of me, if i ever get a gf she would need to be clingy like me because id be terrified of showing too much affection and her seeing me as beta

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anyone here have any success with this?

Youll understand if you ever actually get one

Having someone that would follow you into hell and back and would never betray you can't be bad

Probably because you're a desperate loser lol stop following for bait fag

>Probably because you're a desperate loser lol stop following for bait fag
shiggy diggy

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I mean, trying to get yourself out there is better than doing nothing at all and living with regrets, even if the chances are slim

I had one once in highschool. Our grades and sleep went down the shitter. She wasnt a cute loli either so I had to put an end to it.

Jow Forums is for the normies now
get over it and have sex, vrigin

i love clingy girls because you can jam it in their buttholes even though they say it hurts and to stop

>Jow Forums is for the normies now
>get over it and have sex, vrigin
not going to do what others want me to do

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Oh fuck off clingy girls are great in bed yes but they are fucking trash girlfriends. You all say you want this shit until you have to put up with their stupid insecurities they glom onto you to make you feel worse on a daily basis for years

>but they are fucking trash girlfriends
how so
please explain

I just don't like this fetishization. If your girl is clingy she clearly has deep-seated problems with either trust or lonliness. Or both. She will be on you like a hound for even giving another girl the time when asked for it. The need to be with you at all times sounds pleasing at first maybe. But it wears thin. You need time by yourself to get your mind straight at some point in the day. As a robot you probably spend a lot of time in isolation as it is. It's a natural habitat.Spending time will be great up until you want time by yourself. Then you have to put up with her feeling bad that she "isnt good enough" because you want alone time, howeer brief. All that says to her is you don't actually enjoy her company and she should fuck off. So she'll be crying and your attempts of consoling won't be enough because you did say you wanted solo time and she onnly interprets that one way. It's stuff like that. As well as all the emotionally fucked up shit they try to pull to keep you there even in the face of family matters.

eh and for the last part it's fine if where always together as long as i don't have to talk all the time

>Tfw ywn stay up together doing dumb bullshit

I want one too but I hate women so fucking much

>I want one too but I hate women so fucking much
just need a male minded gf
aka an actual smart gf


like pottery

Tomboy? And no trans discord bullshit. I mean full on girl that grew up with boys but still knew she was a girl.

no you dont. i tend to be clingy to people and they always end up being annoyed by me and everyone eventually turns against me

No you dont
Why is this so fucking accurate, I would say 90% is the shit im dealing with rn, its fucking tiresome and not worth it.

>Tomboy? And no trans discord bullshit. I mean full on girl that grew up with boys but still knew she was a girl.
sure that works but just any kind of male thinking girl

clingy and obssessive doesn't auto come with a bpd retard you moron

For me I would be fine with a clingy girl if they're someone I become clingy of.
That depends on the person though, usually they would have to have at least a little in common with me, like if they liked Math, or were similarly thin.

do these people exist on this planet?

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