How many pills does it take to die?

I found my mother's pils and in pic related there's like 30 in each box, do you think they're enough? Also im very drunk so sorry if there are any typos. I dont wanna end up in a hospital, i just know they're strong antidepressants and hope they 're enough to kill me. What do you think anons?

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Take all of them then drink copius amounts of achohol

Attached: gotta do what ou goota do.jpg (799x720, 98K)

Take a good amount of each and chug some strong alcohol and you should be good

I only have beer

No, "antidepressants" won't kill you. ODing is such a bad way to off yourself, unless you got needles.

Why bad? I'm an eurofag so i can't get a gun and there's not enough tall buildings around me, i can't think of any other options. No trains either, idk how to make a noose and have no place to put it either way

Nigga. Persevere and the path will show itself. Seems to me that you're not dedicated enough.

Shut up. we both know there's nothing in store for us in the future.

Please don't do it. Please get help, if you can find it in you to stay it will turn out to be worth it, at last, and you'll be glad you didn't leave us.
Please stay

I alrady go to a shrink. All the ''help'' they give you is pills that make you feel dead like a zombie.

I'm not saying that you shouldn't kill yourself. It's just that clearly you haven't researched or put in the effort. If you really wanted to kill yourself, you'd have learned of at least ten different ways to off yourself. Perhaps even saving up to buy a more peaceful method like I am doing myself. So stop larping as a suicidal man and admit that you just want attention you fucking dimwit.

It's your decision. I won't tell you not to do it.
Will there be a stream?

If i had all of that I would take only 2 pills of antidepressants wait for the effect and see if I feel better, repeat everyday on them.
If those are the only ones you can have err idk yet , fuck it and go for it.

It's not for attention i just wanted to make sure theyre enough pills instead of ending up a vegetable for the rest of my life. Why would i want attention from the worst cunts on the internet

Bratle,ne se samoubivai, ne ti znam polojenieto,no neshtata mogat da se podobrqt.

u do don't have to kill urself , u will be dead one day... so stfu and take some sleep faggot...

I personally wouldn't do it. You've got a lot to live for. There will always be another girl, another job opportunity, another chance. Don't worry about the past and what you can't change. Your mistakes/other people's mistakes are just mistakes. Just think kindly of others and yourself, and realize that life is long and beautiful. Beautiful struggle :D

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user. I know life sucks and most of us here are a bad day away from offing ourselves. But don't kill yourself. I'm not saying this to be patronizing or to ridicule you, but the fact that you don't have the research down indicates that you aren't completely convinced that this is the right thing to do. Trying to overdose will suck. Especially if your going into it with your current mindset. A minute after taking the pills you'll start to freak out and most likely end up in the hospital and then a psych ward. I know this all too well. Think about it some more, and if you really feel that it has to be done, look into more clean and peaceful methods. Overdosing has a really high rate of failure and you're going to fuck yourself up. Head up user

gtfo filthy norman.He must do what he wishes and yes lots of anti depressants with alcohol can kill you

This shit is fake. None of the meds in the picture are antidepressants. Euthyrox is thyroid supplement. Rythmocard is anti-arrhythmic. One on top right - Profichol forte - cholesterol medication. (Yes, I read Russian).

Sorry, typo - Profichol forte is top left.

Don't do it:

Cut your wrists loser

All of them and be sure to take alcohol with it

Can someone explain why you shouldn't mix alcohol and antidepressants?