Who else /KnowsWhatHeWantsToDoWithHisLife/ but is an outcast because he cant connect to the normie world? I know what I want to do, I have a bright future but a grim underworld. Even tho I will prob get a good job etc. I will never be able to experience the normal life because I have no friends.
My mom ( so did my dad tell me ) first initiated a conversation with him, if she didnt they would have probably never met. I just want someone to initiate a conversation with me, I am not bad at holding conversations. If you are out there t. girl, I will wait for you.
I dont hate women. I dont hate black people. I dont hate fat people. I dont hate trans people. Wasting your energy to hate is not worth it and yet I feel so betrayed, I am a kind hearted person but never experienced kindness but it is ok because one day it will happen.
Who else /KnowsWhatHeWantsToDoWithHisLife/ but is an outcast because he cant connect to the normie world...
Someone will realize your kindness. You just need to say hi. Talking to a random person ob the street won't kill you. Even if the encounter goes bad, you won't have to worry because you'll never see them again.
You have no bitterness, which is very good. That attribute itself makes you too pure for toxic boards like this. Keep doing what you're doing and try initiating some level of conversation. If you get rejected, oh well. Rejection is a part of life. Use that rejection as a lesson for yourself and gain from it.
Your attitude gives you promise, lad. Just focus on your confidence and you're good to go.
Good looking, user.
I do not live in America, talking to a random person on the street is almost a death sentence. I dislike this kind of behaviour because it encourages loneliness but I am also too shy of a person to make a first move, unluckily
What country are you in dude?
Germany. big city to the west
Do people not talk to each other in Germany? What's it like there?
You seems like a very nice person, user, but I would like to know where you tried to make friends and with who?
Its complicated, I cant talk for the entirety of germany but here its like this: People constantly look at their phones, avoid eye contact and would rather die than initiating a conversation with a stranger.
This is where I hit the wall desu, you can not really make friends if you messed up during your school time because of the reasons mentioned above, I am do not go out a lot. I occasionally do nightwalks but other than that I do not really know how to make friends. I am a hermit that is stuck on a rock surrounded by darkness.
Let's talk. Do you have a Discord? A Kik?
From school, I got only 2 people who I can call friends. We don't talk often, but we go out together or playing games and everytime having a lot of fun. Though most of my friends I got from Internet and I'm talking about real friends. Some I've met in discord, some from vidya, some through other e-friends. You're not hitting the wall, user. You still have a chance.
The experiences I made from online befriending were never really satisfying. When I had friends, I always wanted to do stuff with them but they never had time for me, it is OK tho because people are busy nowadays right? A problem I have is, when I do not have anything specific to talk about I usually try to do stuff with a person to get some experiences we can talk about and I can not really do that online.
I struggle seeing online friendships as real friendships because I need the body language of the person I talk to, the smiles, the laughs etc. I really start getting sad again because I miss that.
Have you used voicechat w/ them? Personally for me, I've one e-friend, they're always calling me to play games with them and we always using voice chat, so it's quite lively.
I have had lots of thoughts about what I want to do but I don't know what is right.
I think it's CS but idk. Maybe philosophy, maybe biology. Idk.
And even if I try to study these above i don't know if I will make it or if I can even get a job afterwards.
I dont have any friends and it's hard to speak with people. I dont really know what I should do. All I really want to do is sleep and never wake up again.
Post your Discord and we'll chat with you, dude. We can VC and play vidya if it makes you more comfortable.
Can't really now and I don't use discord cuz (im going to go full autistic now just so you know) it's proprietary code and I don't trust proprietary code. I try to only use Free (as in freedom) software (opensauce). Yea but it's nice that you lads care enough though.
Im going to sleep any who soon it's 00:30.
Let me guess, I'll post in this thread and it will die. Zap! Zap! Thread killing powers go!
What communication softwares do you use?
Correct me if I'm wrong, but these degrees are pretty useless unless you get a Doctor's degree. From there you could only become either a scientist (not easy) or a teacher (deal breaker for robots). Same goes for psychology, and that also comes with the problem of over-saturated market.
This is actually the best of these options. Still, be aware that this requires serious work and dedication to get a degree in. Many quit because they realize they aren't that passionate about it. I am currently studying this, and I love it.
I use Mumble
Do you have an account? If so, how do I talk to you on it? What's your username?
No, most of the time I am not sure if people want to voice because a lot of people talk barely any English or when they do, their accent makes it hard to understand, so they just quit it entirely. Which I personally think is kind of silly because you will only get better if you practice.
Dude it's fine im just gonna go and drink myself to sleep.
Have a nice day lad
Try with a proper post because right now it seems fine
Alright man. If you ever want to talk, this board is here.
Take it easy, cowboy.
How do you guys socialize in your country or is it as depressing as it is in Germany?
Here I go...
The UK is a nightmare. Talking to anyone about anything non-work or non-task-at-hand related is an instant strike. I don't understand how people manage to make friends. How do you start a casual conversation if it's frowned upon? I spend most of my day at work and that's the only time I ever interact with others. And that's not to mention the death stares you get on the street and people literally hugging walls to avoid touching you.
I guess the UK is one level ahead of Germany. I was in London last year, the city was beautiful but the people scared of each other. Since I havent figured out how to make friends in the isolation that is known as Germany, I can't help you to figure out how to make friends in your hermit like country. Sometimes when I haven't talked to someone for too long, I start going a bit insane and usually open omegle to talk to people, which I quickly drop because most people who go there are just like '' I'm bored '' and do not give any input to form a proper conversation.
I was always too shy to do omegle, discord and etc. but I suppose it's an option. I think it's not that different anywhere in the West. You can make connections anywhere if you're just confident... and interesting :p
Your parents ever tell you stories about how the world used to be more trusting and lax in the past? I wish we lived during that time.