
Joe Rogan Edition.
"Have you ever tried DMT?"

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Ah this must be the new thread
Comfy thread calls for comfy talk, what is everyone listening to? What's the poison of the day?

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Yeah, once. Wasn't that great

What did you experience? Or any comments on the trip itself?
Please share.

>Have you ever tried DMT
It's entirely possible

Not him but I've tried smoking it and was very underwhelmed, just felt very high/like I was about to trip & then it was just gone in like 8 minutes, I probably just didn't get a big enough dose.

>tfw mood gains from ketamine

Feels okay, bros. I'm still a lonely, unskilled NEET living with dad, but it still feels okay. Like there's hope I can get myself out of this depressive rut. 150mg ketamine twice a week, orally. $50 for a month's supply from a compounding pharmacy. Don't feel addicted. Not feeling any side effects at this point.

I would try a psychedelic like DMT, but it's illegal in Burgerland, and I'm a shut-in with no social connections or any experience with illegal substances.

Have you guys ever gotten a decent mood boost from a drug, besides just feeling euphoric during a trip?

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LSD makes the depression go away for a few days

i fucking would if it was easily obtainable or i wasn't too lazy to learn how to use solvants

>Have you guys ever gotten a decent mood boost from a drug, besides just feeling euphoric during a trip?

Yeah on acid. I felt just generally happy and content with things in a good way. Although I was candyflipping so the MD certainly affected it.

>listening to
Victor Tsoi

>poison of the day
Drank loads at like 2-4am, but that's it for today. Going bed soon.

Okay so to clarify, I technically had two different trips but they were right after the other. Basically I went to a friends house and dosed it out for me, I took a few fat rips of it out of a bong with some weed. I started feeling really high, and I just leaned back into the couch. I closed my eyes and I could still hear my friends in the room talking but they sound sped up, kinda like when you fast forward a VCR. I don't know if I really "broke through" or not, I was just couch locked with my eyes closed and I was seeing the most amazing colors and shit. The visuals were the most intense thing I've ever experienced, but I didn't see any entities or experience time loops or anything like that. The reason I say it wasn't that great was because the euphoria from the body high was so intense I basically felt like my whole body was cumming and I started getting paranoid that I was jizzing myself involuntarily on my friends couch

All in all interesting experience, I wish I couls have taken a hire dose in a more intimare intimate setting with less people around. I think I'll just stick to acid and shrooms for the time being though.

ive tried ketamine orally but didnt measure the dosage. glad to hear its working out for you.

Thanks, bro. The only concern I have right now is the effect ketamine can have on bladder toxicity, but I doubt I'm taking it at high enough doses for that to be a problem.

I do plan on upping the dose to 200mg after I meet with my shrink in a couple weeks.

>I doubt I'm taking it at high enough doses for that to be a problem.
You are in fact taking enough for it to be a problem. 200mg is a lot unless you weigh something insane like 400kg. The clinic I went to for infusions said that a patient of theirs developed bladder issues after doing one 0.5mg/kg infusion every two weeks for a year or so.

This isn't to say that it WILL happen to you, but you have to anticipate the possibility.

in some ways i find the fact that ketamine is shorter acting appealing but my days of doing any dissociatives are long gone

first real drug I tried (apart from weed). was a great way to start.

Prince and Macross 82-99

Got some weed, espresso, and gonna be boozing up here later.

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Damn. Well, I'll bring it up with the doc. Can probably test for it, right?

That's fair. I don't plan on taking this stuff forever. Just long enough that I can hopefully get my life into a decent state. Dissociating sure is nice, though. The feeling of serenity is like nothing else (as far as I'm aware).

>Macross 82-99
based and futurefunk-pilled

addy gang

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Nice dude got any stories from the experience that you want to share?

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Well have you?

Maybe if you tried it you'd understand why he's always going on about it fucktard.

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I chipped into my morning dose last night. Fuck I hate night time me.

I'm the guy the other day posted about the truffles. It was a nice trip. It actually lasted kind of like 4 hours since intake (the peak was two hours from it, but it had a nice after glow).

I took 8 gr of hollandia truffles.

After 2 hours I peaked and I was just checking trippy pictures and art images, everything was moving and shifting. Music was also amazing (I download a psychedelics playlist and I specially like tibetan music)

Would recommend, but I was expecting a bit more of a groundbreaking experience, I guess I would up the dose for my next trip.

How would this compare to acid? I've read the trip last longer.

I'm also growing some mushrooms.

I have no idea why but these tunes are just so enjoyable.

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oh neat I wish YouTube was better with recommending weird shit.

From what I understand LSD lasts longer than mushies. 6ish hours for Shrooms and about 10+ for LSD. I didn't verify this so please don't crucify me.

Between 8 - 12 hours but it's not like you're peaking the whole time or something

BIGWAVE is very good. I love the mashups some artists do with the music. Very unique sounds.

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One of the biggest former addicts on Jow Forums here. Spent the past year and a half quitting all my addictions. Only one left remaining is nicotine. On June 5th I will be quitting nicotine and blocking r9k on all my browsers. This is one of your final opportunities to have any questions about the following drugs answered from an OG addict who has been getting high since the early 2000s (listed means I've tried it, x means I've used it extensively, xx means I've been addicted to it)

> Meth (xx)
> Dexedrine (x)
> Vyvanse (x)
> Adderral (x)
> Cocaine (xx)
> Ritalin/concerta (xx)
> Shrooms
> 5-meo-DMT
> MDMA (x)
> Heroin
> Percocet
> Demerol
> Codeine
> Kratom (x)
> Kava
> Xanax (xx)
> Klonopin (x)
> Valium
> Ativan
> Nicotine (xx)
> Alcohol (xx)

Not the best question but how do you manage to overcome addiction seemingly so easily/repeatedly? Is this one of those mind over matter type situations or what?

what was the trigger to stop using all those? what are you doing with your life now? how can you live not taking any drugs are all?

Ate a bunch of yopo seeds potentiated by Syrian Rue + 200mg DPH to prevent vomiting

Crazy open eye visuals, machine elves, and crazy nightmare effects, AMA

what's shrooms like in comparison to acid i've only done the latter

>Night before day off
>Want a good night of gaming
>No stims
>Only option is propylhexedrine
It's a fun drug but holy shit taking it sucks ass.

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No weed on your list?

How much do you do for this bro

Deeper connection to nature and feel somewhat stoned.

How are you doing? What's the coolest thing you've seen so far?

It wasn't easy. I had to ultimately be kicked out of my home before I woke up. After that I stopped using illegal drugs. Then a little later I gave up drinking

See above. I'm working as a freelancer programmer and I go for long walks. The main thing I do for pleasure now that I don't do drugs is go for really long walks, if you walk for like 10 miles or so you feel really comfy afterward.

I only did Shrooms once. I found it more visual than acid, I got these bright rings of color when I was walking in a pitch black trail. I didn't find it as psychological as acid, it didn't make me go off on weird trains of thought or have heightened emotions

I've tried a lot of drugs I'll inevitably forget one or two. Tried it, hate it.

Been listening to pic related a lot, good ass black metal. Currently stimmed off a benzedrex and working through a few beers

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The most chilling effect was when it first started. I was smoking a joint on my porch, waiting for the yopo to kick in

I was looking at my neighbors porchlight because it appeared to be slowly changing from yellow to green, then all of a sudden MY ENTIRE PERIPHERY VISION BECAME BLACK AND THE LIGHT BECAME INFINITELY BRIGHT

It looked as if I had peeked my head through the event horizon of a black hole to see what was inside. I was able to get back to reality but I realized I needed to get to bed soon and then the rest of the trip progressed from there

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that sounds like a scary fuckin combo, dont risk dying just to trip

Im basically suicidal, but instead of hanging myself im just trying a bunch of drugs on my way out the door


Usually like 300ug

What kind of nightmare effects? Do you think it was because of dph?

Anyone else saw the jester on mushrooms? He was weird as fuck with me, making me laugh and making me anxious back and forth.

What's it like showing up to work high? I'm tempted to finally bite the bullet and show up to work high.

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On weed? Depends what you do. My brother is a manager at McDonald's has never worked a shift sober.

is 2f ketamine good
idk anyone to sell me normal ket rn

Like do any of his coworkers know he is high though?

I saw a lot of imaginary spiders that weren't there but thats 100% the DPH I know from experiences with DPH alone.

Nightmare effects from Yopo may include but not limited too
>at the start of trip I felt like my face was morphing
>seeing the inside of a black hole
>seeing pure darkness, the blackest black
>Making a glass of water you're drinking taste like blood
>Seeing a physical representation of God
>At one point I saw this machine-scape consisting of varying needle gauges

Most of them don't. Some of his coworkers know he smokes but I don't know if they know he smokes before work. He says his secret is that he showed up stoned since day 1 so they just assume that's the way he is.

>He says his secret is that he showed up stoned since day 1
what a chad

Yeah I feel like I'm a completely different person when I'm stone so coworkers would know something is up

How the fuck people smoke cigarette? 1puff of these shit and I'm throwing up, even mushrooms don't make me puke.

Just don't smoke lol

nicotine is a gay drug dont get hooked to it

I was just smoking hash, i'll smoke it with something else, fuck that.

Favorite drug to fap / fuck on?

everyone finds them gross the first time, then you do it again anyone because you're curious about what the fuss is about, then you do it again because you're getting used to it, suddenly you're smoking a pack a day

Holy fuck that's wild dude.

See that's why you start the first shift high that way they never know

Ooh very Intense tastes my friend. My favorite band has to be Cradle of Filth.

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Got a spliff rolled up with backwoods tobacco and a really good hybrid strain.

weedle dee all day, only one I need

Yeah I'd done DMT a couple times before but my first breakthrough trip horrified me. I think I'm just too much of an anxious person to do DMT breakthroughs, I'll just stick to acid

Went for a jog while listening to Angel of Retribution. Priest always makes me feel better/more energized. Powerful vocals and god-tier riffs.

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True House music

post more true house user
never heard of that genre but sounds good so far

This is what house music is supposed to sound like... but since many people assume "house" means club EDM shit I say "true house"


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idk what happened but for some reason thc doesn't hit me as hard as it used too or it hits me different. About 1.5 years ago I'd smoke pretty often but after I took a huge break and only really started smoking again a few weeks ago. I don't think its tolerance but maybe its because I smoke mostly wax now.

ahhh yeah i get you, i thought true house was some subgenre of it lol
well that makes sense, i also hate when people call all that mainstream edm house, same with techno people use the word "techno" to mean anything electronical with beeps and boops, fucking annoying
this past month i've been listening to heaps of old school style detroit house, it's good shit man

Post if you have good rare tracks

nah sorry i mostly just listen to long mixes or playlists of it, dont know any artists really
i have a couple single tracks saved though but im too benzed out too find em right now i can post them some other day for you maybe

how do i get start ayahuasca?

Hey this place looks really familiar by any chance is that place named Shane shacks if not I'm just paroed

Addy ganger reporting in. Currently coming off of an 80mg Adderall binge (spent most of the time beating my meat and playing CS:GO with laser focus). Thankfully I've got some benzos for the comedown and just took 2mg clonazepam and 12.5mg doxylamine half an hour ago. I'll probably pound a few vodka shots too if I'm not asleep within the next hour. God I sure do love abusing drugs

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I want more Cereal Carts. The Cupcake Pebbles ones.
Yeah, I know that most of these are knockoffs. Yeah, I know it's full of pesticides. Yeah, I know it's not 90% THC.
But dammit, these fuckers last me 8 whole days, and that's with me absolutely RIPPING them.
I swear the legit vape carts you can get in dispensaries burn too fast. They last half as long and cost too much.

I also want to add that whoever made the artwork for this missed an opportunity. The Trix one has a rabbit that looks hilariously stoned. Even the Cinnamon toast crunch guy looks blazed. Dino barely looks bued here. Just lazy.
You ask me, it should've been Pebbles instead of Dino, and she should look fuckin' RIPPED on this shit.

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Do 100mg of 4-AcO-DMT.

5-AcO-DMT is supposed to be one of the most potent psyches you can buy, but will it be at all similar to DMT?
If not what is the simplest way for a burger to commune with the machine elves

i meant 5-MeO-DMT

5-MeO-DMT is very different from N,N-DMT, it would be very unlikely for you to meet machine elves on it. Just do a larger dose of regular DMT and you'll get there eventually.

forgot this link

that's crazy i never went higher than 15mg and that was for studying.
wouldn't you be too jittery to play csgo?

I had 4 psychedelic experiences.
3 times with 1P-LSD
1 time with 4-AcO-DMT.

5-MeO-DMT is available on the clearnet. I could easily buy it if i wanted to. Easily i say. But im not sure. 4-AcO-DMT was intense.

Sure, some vendors are selling it as a research chemical but it's still Schedule 1 in most places.
If you thought 4-AcO-DMT was too intense I wouldn't recommend dabbling with 5-MeO. I'd suggest trying N,N-DMT if you're curious.

Note. I can die if i take 5-MeO-DMT. Its not like any normal drug. If you go over a certain dosage, death is guaranteed. Very easy to overdose on this drug.

If you can handle 80mg of 4-AcO-DMT or 500ug of LSD. I'd say go for it and buy a scale to measure out the 5-MeO-DMT powder. Start with a few mg and work your way up i guess.

I've got a moderate tolerance already and was taking four 20mg instant release pills over the course of 8 hours. In retrospect, the high dosage probably hindered my CS:GO performance a little bit, but it sure as hell made playing a lot more fun compared to being sober. The clonaz and doxy are now in full force and I'm currently feeling a pretty strong sedated and relaxed feeling. About to take a single vodka shot and doze off

Goognight all you anons. I'll probably be asleep within 60 seconds of my head hitting the pillow

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>If you thought 4-AcO-DMT was too intense
It wasn't too intense. It was intense. Same with any psychedelic at a high dosage.

>I wouldn't recommend dabbling with 5-MeO. I'd suggest trying N,N-DMT if you're curious.

I would dabble with 5-MeO-DMT but i don't really want to do drugs at all. If i really wanted to dabble with it. I would need to buy a mg scale and a oil glass burner and a lighter and im set......

How the fuck did you manage to see the Jester on Shrooms?

I wouldn't say this is entirely true, the LD50 for it is 115 mg/kg so it would take a massive amount of it to actually overdose.
If you're not completely sure you're ready for the experience I would put it off for a bit, it's a very intense rebirth kind of experience.
Measuring it with an average $20 scale would be very difficult since the common dose range is only 5-15mg. If you do want to take it anyway use volumetric dosing.

I know this is an extremely unpopular opinion in 2019 but honestly cigarettes>weed. whenever I smoke weed the effects are always more negative then positive I become asocal pissed off confused unmotivated depressed stupid forgetful and paranoid. but when I smoke cigarettes the effects are literally the exact opposite I become happier more motivated more social more empathetic smarter more relaxed and overall I just become a better person. Plus it smells and tastes so much better! I remember loving the smell of cigarettes since I was 5 or 6 years old weed just objectively smells gross.

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weed is originally the most overrated drug in human history

at least he didnt rape you

Damn son it's almost like drugs affect different people in different ways. If you don't feel like you're missing out then more power to you. Weed is nice for me it kills my anxiety and makes me relax for once in my fucking life.

Yeah it's like one step above smokes for normalfags

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