Why are so many straight guys attracted to trans girls, but refuse to let themselves date us?
Why are so many straight guys attracted to trans girls, but refuse to let themselves date us?
Its just a meme
Nobody wants to fuck a guy who dresses up like a girl
There are so many guys who hit me up on Tinder & etc and want it until I tell them I'm trans
We only say that when we're horny
trans dont cry about beta orbiting or attention.
if a woman would do that that would be a dream but women are too stupid and need attention from 1000 betas 24/7 and not being loyal to 1 guy for life.
kill urself roastie , you may shit on men here but know this if we ever met u irl we beat you and make u know ur place on earth by nature.
Yes, there you have it
Nobody likes a "girl" with a dick
>straight guys
>attracted to trans girls
pick one my nigga, your dubs are lies
Because in many religious circles it is prohibited to not only change your gender, so they see you as the gender you were born with, and then they can't date the same gender. It's the same reason why straight men won't date straight men. I personally would not be able to cope with waking up and realizing I had slept with a man, I would prefer to be stoned to death
Sorry, sweeties. Most straight guys want transgirls and are in denial
This ladies entire point has no basis, she just claims its true. She has no way to tell what someone is thinking
I hide and ignore all trans thread on sight, but this one made me kek.
if the mentally ill dude 100% passes as a girl, I'm sure I would be attracted to them, but it would all go down the drain once I find out they are that, a man.
apologies if I offended any of you fags.
Fucking disgusting
They are not real woman
There is more to being a woman than wearing skirts and wearing makeup
>tfw had erotic dreams with a trans woman from my university
Your understanding of gender is from the middle ages
Oh, you're serious. Wow.
Someone please translate this for me, kthxbai
>giant as fetish
>hardly any pass
>nobody would try to get with the few that do
>as often as gays are promiscuous implying they'd not go after them even if not passing
If they're into men, the girlcock literally is luckier than all the other ''''''orientations''''.
I would totally date a cute trans but i don't actually find any
>who cares its gay or not gay anyways
Also why do you really want a girl as your gf they are stupid and irritating as we all know a mentally ill dude who is also passable is a much better choice
>also real women have much less sexual desire than traps and it requires more work and money to keep them than trans girls
>There is more to being a woman than wearing skirts and wearing makeup
Like what? Because I can assure you, human biology is more diverse than you think. There are XX men with penises and XY women with vaginas.
>Why are so many straight guys attracted to trans girls
You can't be straight and attracted to men since that's the literal polar opposite of the definition of "straight". Pointless thread.
*clap* Trans *clap* women *clap* are *clap* women *clap*
sage and hide the thread boysss the bitch is crazy and wants to talk nonsense only.
and that happens in like 1:10000000000000000000000000000000000
Just give up
You will never be able to copy the way a female acts,speaks, moves and thinks
You can just cover you male body with makeup and clothes and 50 different surgeries that just will look like crap
Maybe they don't like to get aids