"when did you have your first kiss, user?"

>"when did you have your first kiss, user?"
what do?

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right now *kisses you*

Let me meet your mom first then I'll decide

Jesus user, i swear it was two days ago.
I was on a trip and was hardcore drunk five days in a row.
I evolved to an alpha after two days and cuddled and kissed with a girl the third night.

Kissing feels weird. At first, while in the act it did not feel good, just weird having wet lips and a wet tongue at and in my mouth.
But the next day and even now it is pretty neat looking back on it.
Defenitivly strange but nice. Finally the year and a half of going hard in my life payed off, sbe even mired my pecs

>"when I was 17, a girl came up to me and asked me out. We kissed later, it was honestly kind of a disappointment and I regret it happened"
Not even lying. I'm still a virgin though, by choice, I turned down her offers of sex after we'd already broken up.

Why didn't you do it user ? Do you have chances with other girls or did you just not like her that much ?
Also nice numbers

Why are there so many pictures of one person in the middle of a date like this?
Is it not weird to pull your phone out and take a photo of someone while they're eating or am I still the autistic one?

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How do I kiss well without having kissed first
this is a pretty big source of anxiety

I don't believe in premarital sex.
>inb4 guys are supposed to be emotionless sex monkeys banging thots 24/7
Don't care, no thanks

It was back in 7th grade. I was at home with my first gf after a date. We were hanging out in the kitchen and ended up kissing. Of course being kids we were both super embaressed and blushing and smiling you know how it is. How about you?
Its pretty common desu. Its partly a meme and partly a thing females like. Its part of social media culture. I know I've posted the on a date kinda nervous meme with my friends pleanty of times. And with my ex we would take pictures toghehter or of each other when we were on dates all the time desu. It's just a way to get more attention since everyone's starved for it these days.

Thats very ok user, i will have sex if i ever find someone worth keeping too, i will not wait for marriage then, i hope i know who the right one is

You're gay, not even joking. You should do some introspection

I kissed a guy once on the lips. He pulled back and made a face like he smelled something horrible, then when I asked about it he said it was nothing.

Heh, was when i was 6 year old with another girl my age back in elementary.
We used to hide in a corner and spend all our free time french kissing.

Do girls really ask this shit on dates?

I had taken ecstacy with acquaintance and some of his friends. One of the friends asked me if I wanted to make out, I said yes.

I went to an under 18's disco when I was 15, walked up to a random girl, asked her to make out, she said yes, so we did. I then left and never spoke to her again. The last time was last June where I went to a nightclub, danced with a girl, made out with her and left.
As you can tell, intimacy means a lot to me.

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When I was 23

"I do not have time to socialize."

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To each his own
You're probably a projecting tranny or a roast that hates men with actual morals.

"I haven't"

It occurred when I was 24 years old

>I was 21
>explain how I've always been kinda bad with women and that's just how its been for me in my life
It's not that farfetched that I could find myself in a situation like this.
But I highly doubt a girl that looked like that would want me to kiss her. I'm probably not good at kissing anymore

Yeah. It strikes me as sort of weird actually. Like why take a pic of just one person? If it's a date, it should be of both people.

haven't yet, the love wasn't there for me yet, so I couldn't bring my self to kiss them.

14. It was terrible and embarassing. I got goaded into it by some spaz because I hadn't kissed my girl friend yet.

>sweats bullets
>gets up pay for own meal

5th grade. She broke up with me after. Guess I didnt use enough tongue.

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18. it was with this girl that i was kind of dating at the time. i awkwardly went in for the first kiss unexpectedly but she reciprocated it and we made out in the back of my car for a while. she wanted to do more but i really wasn't feeling it at the time. unfortunately, despite all the things she said to me, she didn't reciprocate the same interest when i told her how i feel.

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