Rebbit spacing

>press enter twice, like i've always done for years to separate paragraphs and/or sentences
>get constantly accused of 'rebbit spacing' and told to 'go back to rebbit' to the point where nobody addresses my arguments
>never used or liked rebbit, never had an account there

guys can the reddit spacing meme just die?

it makes 0 sense. it's literally just a way to discard any opinions or beliefs you don't like, because the person uses paragraphs, or presses enter twice

there's nothing wrong with pressing enter twice, i think it increases readability

Attached: cali-butt.jpg (1020x1548, 455K)

The irony is that it's been around longer than reddit and the people taking the meme seriously are usually tantamount to redditors themselves. It's still annoying if overdone though, but that's just me.

>it's literally just a way to discard any opinions or beliefs you don't like
Maybe you haven't noticed but that's how 95% of people on Jow Forums argue about everything. Hell it's how 95% of people in the world in general argue about everything.

Nobody is interested in real debate, real intellectual discussion with facts and logic. People just go through life deciding what they want to believe at random and once they've decided what they believe they will never change. And instead of ever confronting the possibility they might be wrong about something they come up with endless excuses to discredit everyone else on any basis they can find.

Attached: 00000.png (938x256, 44K)

the only solution to the hell you describe is to transcend ones pride and admit when you are wrong; or rather, we. Only then can mankind advance.

No. Mobile fags are literally half the site and their screens are so small it annoys them to scroll down. They feel scroll trolled. Also, they are young so have better vision. Old people need paragraphs so they can see better.

The zoomers will keep shitposting it to try to force out the oldfaggots. We call them zoomer, they call us what we hate, boomer. They are actively trying to destroy the entire Internet as it was.

>Nobody is interested in real debate, real intellectual discussion with facts and logic.

shutup faggot, nice fucking book you wrote about something nobody cares about lmao

I don't mind people making paragraphs, it just have sense.
But when they do like you OP, where they make a sentence per paragraph, this is as awful as compact writing.

A bit of free space in a text is good but too much and it's disgusting, see my point?

>5 sentences
Illiterate nigger confirmed.

>struggles to read 5 consecutive sentences

>deciding what they want to believe at random

usually due to peer pressure or tradition, I think

Attached: 1512515895127.jpg (150x150, 2K)

>Nobody is interested in real debate, real intellectual discussion with facts and logic

i am though. but it's hard to find a place to really debate

>see my point?
no, i disagree entirely. i think the extra spaces are good. i use a PC, not a phone though

>trusting facts
>implying there is not more than one type of way to use logic

>no, i disagree entirely. i think the extra spaces are good. i use a PC, not a phone though
Well, if you use a PC, you don't need that much extra space.
I mean most of the screen is background, you'll just tire out your eyes reading a text with a huge space between each sentences.

it's not about need, it's about readability

i just prefer it that way. nothing more, nothing less

it has nothing to do with 'rebbit' at all anyway, which was my point.

i am used to typing longer paragraphs, rather than individual sentences, so i just type the double-enter by default, i don't think about it

and no, i have never had an account on rebbit ever

No. Reddit spacing is retarded and annoying. I didn't really realize how much of an eye sore it was until i went to reddit once and i couldn't stay to get the feel of because the fucking rampant reddit spacing annoyed me. That's when i understood the reddit spacing meme.

>i am used to typing longer paragraphs, rather than individual sentences, so i just type the double-enter by default, i don't think about it
It doesn't make any sense.
You can't have longer paragraphs if you double-enter after each sentence, bro.

I understand separating paragraphs but you're also grammatically wrong, If you write a report or a text like that, you would get flamed very fast.

I don't space my sentences like that anymore, but when I did, it wasn't because of reddit. I've never been on that site. I used to space like that because my bitchy English teacher in 8th grade kept getting on my back to format paragraphs on the computer that way.

I can't decide whether this makes you underage or 70+ years old.

its fucking niggie gay and really annoying when some faggot cocksucker has to take up my entire screen so he can have his garbage faggot idea recognized. reddit spacing is making up for a lack of image use on A FUCKING IMAGEBOARD

you're full of crap honestly. I have been using image boards for a long time, well more like vbulletin and phpbb forums

everyone does the 'reddit spacing' - nearly everyone. it's annoying when people don't, honestly

anyway, the point remains: it's not a valid indicator that a person uses, or is from reddit

i'm 26 but i have been using the internet daily for over 10 years.

i do actual in-depth debates on loads of forums, not like Jow Forums, places with actual rules. it just increases readability. that's all

all these people mentioning school, hmm. i graduated from uni like 4 years ago, and i used to write people's essays for money. that shit was so long ago i don't remember it.

plus, the majority of my typing was for personal interest, not school-related

I never press enter twice, because I'm used to editing stuff in Microsoft Office, and in high school they drilled into me that it's a mistake.

>you're full of crap honestly. I have been using image boards for a long time, well more like vbulletin and phpbb forums
Oh fuck off seriously. I don't care about "reddit here" "reddit that". I don't give a fuck about your comfort or anything.
It's just plainly wrong to do that grammatically, i don't care about how annoying you think it is when people don't do it.
Like, would you write like that when you need to fill up a report (if you ever had to do it, don't know if you had that experience asides imageboards).

>muh increased readability
how about grouping your ideas together instead of starting a new train of thought every single line?

>It's just plainly wrong to do that grammatically,
No it isn't

>Like, would you write like that when you need to fill up a report (if you ever had to do it, don't know if you had that experience asides imageboards).
What kind of report?

If it was for school, they nearly always clarify. It's usually double-spaced, indented, no extra margin after the paragraph

>how about grouping your ideas together instead of starting a new train of thought every single line?
How about not being a phoneposting nigger?

It's not that "reddit spacing" is inherently bad; it's that "increased readability" is only needed if you're a long-winded, self-fellating fuckwit.
Like most redditors, hence the name.

kek u mad faggot?

>If it was for school, they nearly always clarify. It's usually double-spaced, indented, no extra margin after the paragraph
And you would make paragraph out of a single sentence every time?
Because that's what you're doing right now, fag.
And that's what i kept talking you about since the beginning.

Keep on doing your retard-spacing, you won't ever have any credibility.


i am actually quite happy

to see you visibly upset

>redditor being a redditor

>And you would make paragraph out of a single sentence every time?

no because for school it is specific: you must type ____ pages. if someone wanted to type fewer pages, they would just break it into more paragraphs

ther policy of no margin under the paragraph prevents this. you don't gain very many extra lines if you break them all up

here, obviously, it does not matter

>Keep on doing your retard-spacing, you won't ever have any credibility.

you LITERALLY just did it though

>no because for school it is specific: you must type ____ pages. if someone wanted to type fewer pages, they would just break it into more paragraphs
Kek, are you serious?
So in your retarded school system someone could just make single-sentence paragraph and wouldn't have any problems?
Ok, i'm done.

>you LITERALLY just did it though
Mate, my first paragraph was on a specific topic and the last sentence that was isolated wasn't on the same topic. You won't mix up arguments with conclusion, retard.
Well, i don't want to waste my time with such an idiot who doesn't even understand the minimum of sentence and paragraph structure, go back to elementary school.

Go away tripfag. You're disliked.

most real and high IQ post i have read on this website. people decide their beliefs based on what is socially acceptable around them then do mental gymnastics to keep it. people need a group to agree with and an enemy to fight.

>So in your retarded school system someone could just make single-sentence paragraph and wouldn't have any problems?

i'm not writing a school essay, but you could, possibly, get away with taht

>Ok, i'm done.
you just did it. it's 1 sentence. fail

>Well, i don't want to waste my time with such an idiot who doesn't even understand the minimum of sentence and paragraph structure, go back to elementary school.
you're confusing me for someone who gives a flying fuck about using 'perfect paragraph structure' on an anonymous cambodian circumcision board