If a girl came up to you today and asked you to be your housewife what would you say?
i mean all you need is a home, and a good job and she'll cook your meals, clean you and your house, carry on your family name and get you off
what would you say? could you become a functioning human for a qt housewife?
If a girl came up to you today and asked you to be your housewife what would you say?
Wife? yes
As long as she could love be conditionally and unconditionally
(which is just unconditional)
this spelling do dis
and I corrects
I would, but only after my spaghetti meltdown
No because I dont deserve her. She could do better than deal with my pathetic ass
how are you pathetic? can you not provide for a housewife?
I'm not him but answer my question,
Will this future wife love me unconditionally?
shes your wife, ofc she loves you unconditionally
but shes not working so you have to make sure youre not homeless, friends
not OP but there is no such thing as unconditional love. if you are an asshole to a woman and hurt her deeply over and over would you still expect her to love you?
>girl came up to you today and asked you
I'd run away obviously
okay TRUE but thats with any type of relationship
you have to unconditionally love back
its not gonna be one way love
Then I'd love her with all my heart and I'd obviously support her
I didn't mean "her to be a doormat"
I meant for her to be able to withstand all my struggles and problems
To make my problems, her problems. Becoming one in faith, basically.
If I can't find a wife like this then there is no wife for me
What is she like?
I'm also trying to do some of that, but the job I'm going for is a little difficult to get into. I have some connections, but it's a bit shaky at the moment. A home would probably come shortly after I can get this job, and I'd pretty much be set for life, as well as not being very stressed all the time.
If me and her got along and she was 100% serious and devoted, then I would do anything to make her happy and live a good, happy life with her. So yeah, it would give me the motivation to work multiple jobs and to socialize, for her sake.
I'm already a functioning human. I have my own full-time job and apartment
I'm a mentally I'll military fag that watches anime. No woman would want me
i understand that, isnt that what anyone wants in a good relationship? if theres a constant emotional struggle then you end up getting exhausted and it doesnt work
are you assuming im talking about someone in particular? this was more of a discussion topic unless you really want a housewife(then i can explain more hint)
i wouldnt bring up the question if i wasnt assuming the person be devoted. they want what you have as much as you'd be accepting, why else would they ask for this?
i will protecc you and your weeby, mentally ill military-ness
i have a friend exactly like this actually
although we're just friends
what if you are that friend
Im hoping i can find a girl that would be into such a thing after i have done 5 years of the army. Hopefuly some young foreign girl who only kinda speaks English.
>If a girl came up to you today and asked you to be your housewife what would you say?
thank her for the offer, but tell her I'm not ready to take that kind of responsibility right now, I don't want to chain her down into something that has not shot of making it.
Ask her whether she's a virgin
I mean, yeah, I'd like a housewife. I just need the house and the job first, I'm working at it but once it works out everything will be smooth sailing. Not sure what kind of home I want though, but I have time to think about it.
If you can explain, please do. If it's just a hypothetical question and I'm being a retard, then just tell me.
Sure, why not. I honestly think she will be getting the short end of the stick in pretty much any scenario.
oh, i'm thinking about the two general life options i have
the first one is to be my own person right? school, work, travel and then eventually get married and settle
or settle now and have kids
the first option is risky, because the longer i wait to have kids the less likely i will be able to
so it comes down to whether or not i want to have an existence of my own before im an old person
ive always wanted kids so the second option is fine with me as well as the first
i came to r9k for fun to see what y'all would say about the housewife thing
If I can't find a solid wife that is emotionally strong like rock then there is no wife for me
You could always travel and stuff with the right guy. My job requires (well, it will once it takes off) a little bit of travel, I've been getting work as an actor, mostly as an extra. If I can get an agent, I'll be making a significant amount of money per job. I make a couple hundred currently, but I can make a like a thousand with an agent. I can also get into photoshoots (like for magazines and advertisements) and acting in music videos and stuff. I figure that even if I only work once a week, I'm pulling in a thousand each week, if not more.
I'd love a travel buddy once things get off the ground. If it's you, you could probably do it with me and we'd make double (if you have an agent) or at least a bit extra (if not).
At the end of the year my semi-rich grandmother wants to take me on a cruise around Europe or wherever, so there's also that.
And I'm down for kids down the line too, but ideally I'd have some shared experiences with my partner beforehand.
I could provide for her financially but I could never emotionally provide for anyone
i could never do any type of acting, i'm too shy and socially inept for that
not that im socially inept it just requires a bit more charisma and courage to be able to do things like that
have you been in anything famous? maybe i could find you lol
i guess thats an issue, it would end up being more of a business partnership
why can't you provide emotionally?
>why can't you provide emotionally?
autism. even with practice/drugs I can't express any emotions.
expressing emotions is different than feeling them
can you feel emotions? i personally have a hard time getting attached to people, so i'm also going to face a bit of an issue getting to a place where i'm emotionally okay with being a housewife (not for the duties, but the relationship itself)
i've also personally never had a problem with autistic people, they are just a bit harder to handle than the normal brained cuck
Well I feel emotions but not usually in regards to other people. I've never actually been interested in something another person was doing/talking about. Just mostly imitating what I think is expected in the social setting I'm in at the time
It's not too hard, a lot of extra stuff is just being part of a crowd. I'm sure I might move up to some very minor roles or something with an agent. You don't have to though, it's nice to just have a traveling buddy so it's not so lonely.
I've been in two or three Netflix things and a lifetime movie about Patsy Cline so far.
Oh, they also give you free lunch as well, they feed you very well.
i can only really feel empathy for people i know well
if i do not have a clear relationship with you i dont actually give a fuck about your well being(unless i'm already in an emotional place)
maybe it just depends on something else for you
or you're a true sociopath who knows
lifetime movies are super terrible im sorry you were around for that, i would love to be your travel buddy, that is, if you can deal with me : >
No I don't really have any sociopathic symptoms at all. It's just extreme autism causing an inability to understand other's emotions. I have and feel emotions yet I've never in my life learned how to show them to people, so yeah outwardly people might think I don't care about them at all/am a sociopath.
>could you become a functioning human for a qt housewife?
"hi I only care about your biggest asset and your income! I'll be with you if you let me in on those!"
yeah fuck you and the cock you rode in on, gold-digging whore
Obviously, that's what I want after all.
I would want them to be smart at least, and not ugly.
i mean, if shes raising your child, taking care of you and your home, and loving you, its not gold digging
thats pretty equal
seeing as how you'd go to work and come home to a clean house and food on the table instead of a dirty pit where you're lonely and eat take-out everyday because you can't cook your own meals : (
that makes sense, you made it seem more like you just genuinely couldn't. something like that just requires more communication then?
>not a single person responded to my post
I don't want a child, and making basic meals isn't exactly hard or terribly time-consuming. Your house stays clean so long as you don't let it get dirty by being a slob. So what's she giving me, here?
then say no, jackass, no one expects everyone to want the same things??? this is a question if you want one or not, obviously not
your opinion had nothing to actually do with what i was asking, because i CLEARLY stated the things that she would be doing in the original post
what was yours?
I had this happen, it's how I got my wife in the first place. ESL, foreign girl, she literally asked me to marry her when she meant asking for a relationship but I went along with it anyway.
I can't afford my own house and wife and family.
I also wouldn't really trust a complete stranger woman to be honest and have no ulterior motive.
I'm also no sure I'd want that even if I had the money and knew I could trust her.
I can think of very little better than this
This is all I want.
I already have the house and the job.
Considering I'm pathetic and can't provide her a home i would have to decline. I'm trying my best to get my shit together but it's hard.
Only if she's willing to have lots of kids, like 7 or something like that.
This one but dont respond to it itll be forced.
I'd work hard to get a decent paying job if this were the case.
On the condition that she not have sex with me. I'm terrified of sex. Maybe we can ease into cuddling once we know each other.
No i mean this one whoops yehaw
Why would you except a response?
You weren't a girl offering
And she would have to be okay with me being sad. I'm frequently sad and brooding.
That depends if she's willing to compromise on where we would live.
i already make six figures (doing a job i hate but nvm), i just don't want to go into debt again to buy a place
getting a foreign, barely english speaking waifu isnt very hard, they all want citizenships so
this is really depressing, you might have to find an ace waifu
thats steep my dude, i want 2 tops, 7 would be a goddamn army
i understand that feeling
how old are you two
where do you want to live
>could you become a functioning human
I am a functioning human. I have money, a house that I own, a car and a motorcycle. That being said I don't think I'd say yes. Too hung up on someone else.
What's an ace waifu user.
asexual woman, bub
dont let someone who wont love you get in the way of you getting the housewife of your dreams
>If a girl came up to you today and asked you to be your housewife what would you say?
Thanks but I don't know you, we could learn to know each others first.
>i mean all you need is a home, and a good job
Heh, you would need to wait 1-2 years darling.
The worst part was having to listen to "Blue Moon of Kentucky" on repeat for about 3 hours or more, they moved us around and shot the same scene at a lot of different angles to make it look like the place was packed.
If that's a real offer, I guess we can see if it would work. Where do you live? I'm based around the southeastern US.
She did love me. I don't know. It's too much to explain.
I would hate it, think I'd die of boredom
This is another mask for manchild tendencies, like the gentle femdom crap
What's the point of being a housewife if you can't handle 2 kids?
im in the same area atm.
but seriously lifetime movies are terrible and my grandma is constantly watching them and ghost shows
im saying 7 kids would be a fucking army
i want two kids
This 100000000 percent
You need to at least be willing to have 4 to be a housewife
Really? What state?
And yeah, they're pretty bad. Pay was good though, I got overtime for that one.
How old are you fem. A range is fine if you don't wanna reveal.
Unfortunately I haven't finished uni yet so I can't provide. 22 no degree yet.
>how old are you two
I'm , I'm 27.
>thats steep my dude, i want 2 tops, 7 would be a goddamn army
It would be much better for the kids though, having plenty of siblings means they'll have other kids to socialize with and compete with.
seeing as this is exactly what we all want, yes
doing things for myself will never be enough, it has to be for a family
real question is: why would you want that many, as the would be father
south carolina,
im 21
you're right around the settling age, huh?
I now decree you husband and wife.
>In my state
Holy fuck
this is op
as much as ive enjoyed this conversation with y'all i have to go now
if you want to discuss further you can drop something we can talk on and i'll add you later!
byebye now!!!
I'm 28 and in Charleston. Sup.
A larger family is a healthier family, also I remember seeing a chart showing that larger family's are typically happier.
Also I personally wish that I had a brother, but instead just had all sisters, so I would want my kids to have a chance to have brothers and sisters.
However if I would be able to compromise to as low as 4.
Also SC is only one state away from mine, it's pretty rare to see someone also from the Carolina's here on Jow Forums.
>real question is: why would you want that many, as the would be father
You sorta need to justify being a housewife for only 2 kids
I hope you get through whatever it is that burdens you user.
>A larger family is a healthier family
People like you fucking disgust me
What do you think a life is you filthy fuck?
A life is something to make so you can feel happy in your life?
People like you fucking disgust me.
I'll bet if you could, you'd have no problem gambling with someone else's money, either, would you?
Describe yourself. I am OPs friend and I am curious about you.
I'm a 24yo robot
From the upstate
I'm northern Alabama. Are you close to there, or closer to the coast or something?
fuck it
this is still OP because its taking longer to leave than i thought
upstate as in like near greenville? or just northern part of the state
im like 15 minutes from border of NC but im not close to greenville and i know a lot of people refer to greenville as "up" so
Post a throwaway email so I can talk to you while OP is away
>you're right around the settling age, huh?
I am.
I wish you weren't on the other side of the world.
I'd say no. Then she has to become a prostitute and / or swap between guys that beg and plead the most.
No I'm near Greenville sorry
Only the northwest corner is called the Upstate
Also, I have to ask, are you that femanon that broke her ex-bf's pelvis during sex?
oooh okay, im like 2 hours from greenville : )
post contact info
What other reason would people have children other than to make both the kids and themselves happy?
Do you only care about having kids for the purpose to leech money off of them once they get older? People like you disgust me.
Eh I don't know
I haven't had good experiences with fembots in the past
I'm in NC and only like 15 minutes from the border of SC, we might be really close.
I'm just a little southeast of Charlotte.
Eh, no. I mean, she's welcome to be my maid and do all that stuff but I'm not gonna marry someone I just met.
As long as she wasn't fat, ugly, or crazy, that is.
Alright if you're still here fembot
[email protected]
I'm a poor college student living with my parents. Can she just be my long term gf and future wife instead?
This isn't meant for men like me.
That's like a dream come true.
>posting anime to advocate marriage with 3d
Dirty trick