Where were the white knights?

Where were the white knights?

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roasties BTFO!!!! Imao


Pretty good, this is equality.

the funny thing is if this guy had beaten the shit out of some 120 lb manlet nobody would have cared and it wouldn't have made the news

total respect for that lad. absolute unit

Never wouldve happened because men don't jump the line

>women start shit
>real M A N does not stand for it
>women get btfo
I am happy.

I love how he just goes into gorilla mode and smacks the fuck out of both of them. It's like he created a protective circle around himself. He was in full control. A real alpha male keeping his bitches in check.

Stupid women trying to fight a guy that big. wtf were they thinking ?

hes hitting them open palm. hes not trying to hurt them

What if that 120lb manlet you speak of is actually 165lbs

Because he's fucking huge and could clearly stamp out any faggot white knights who tried to get involved

whiteknights are always cowards who'll never fight someone who could smash their shit in

The way he jogs away at the end makes me laugh

Are you stupid or somethin?

He hit those women knowing he was defending himself, but he knew the popo was on their fucking way to take his ass to the pound. Full fledged oh shit tactical retreat.

Hope he goes to jail, what he did is unforgivable

you do not lay a finger on a woman

It was very grand theft auto

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why didnt the men help them?

This guy is a fucking bear. Not even a guy the same size as him would want to volunteer to fight him.
I can't really tell by the video if he was justified or not, but those girls were definitely trying to fight back so they probably aren't as innocent as CBS is making them out to be.

they give the other side of the story towards the end of the vid

>"yOu Do NoT lAy A fInGeR oN a WoMaN."

You're the kind of guy that pays other men to fuck your wife.

God I fucking hate "news" stations doing reports on trending videos. Just show the goddamn video and leave it at that, you out-of-touch old retards

CBS is pretty fair as far as news goes

>you do not lay a finger on a woman

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Bystander effect? who knows.
They should be fined or something, pathetic behavior

Because it's not their fucking job. Go be a cuck somewhere else.

this happened 4 months ago. you guys are mentally defunct.

probably at home watching twitch

>Because it's not their fucking job.


>this happened 4 months ago.

whats your point?

You're the only person here who should kys you cuckold

I hope you whiteknight one day and get your head demolished by someone much stronger than a faggot like you could ever be

>le hating women meme

The girls laid a finger on him first. That's why nobody did anything, everyone was cheering him on like it was high school justice because these girls were being annoying selfish cunts.

Don't get mad at me because you pay for men to fuck your girl.

>"b-b-but men have to protect the m'ladies."

Save it for someone who cares, cuck.

literally this. you can tell the roasts wanted a fight and got it.
>Full fledged oh shit tactical retreat.
yeuuup. was probably a mix of, bitches wont stay down, he knows he'll actually get fucked if he hits them too much, and he just doesnt wanna deal with this shit and can buy a hotdog elsewhere.

I bet your mom and sisters would care, faggot

My mum isn't a slag who goes around starting fights with random men

If she was then she's deserve to get her ass kicked

>If she was then she's deserve to get her ass kicked


I like how you still believe that men are the eternal protectors of women. Does the guy blow his load in your girl or on your face? Does he make you lick it up?

>I blow men because I can't satisfy my girlfriend.

Dude, you're such a pathetic loser.

>"B-b-b-but my mom loves me and I don't want her to get hurt, even though it was her fault that something happened."

White knight cuckold. So women can't take responsibility for their actions? I'm assuming that your only understanding of women is from anime and your mother.

>i disagree with him, better call him a cuckold

So you basically think women should get away with randomly assaulting men because muh smol?

If women want to act like men, they can get treated like men.

Nice bait /b/, go you kindly go back now.

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>if women wana act like men, they can get treated like men

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what if
what if HE was the white knight?

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>So you basically think women should be protected?


Women should only be protected if they deserve to be protected.

These feminazi cunts don't deserve protection.

Dudes a unit. No one fucks with a unit.

shut up fag. thanks.

>shut up fag. thanks.
