Did you ever have an unwanted/forced orgasm? Or an orgasm in a situation you werent supposed to have one.
Did you ever have an unwanted/forced orgasm? Or an orgasm in a situation you werent supposed to have one
Is there a such thing as an unwanted orgasm?
All my wet dreams are NIGHTMARES
Fucking hell i cant stop fapping cause of FEAR
I had an orgasm during a testicular ultrasound as a kid, I really didnt want to cum in front of the nurse. So, it was pleasurable, but it was definitely unwanted.
Rape victims also experience orgasms they dont want. Or rather, I guess Id say they count as unwanted because they didnt want the sex or to orgasm in that situation.
Came once because my sister kept pressing on my dick with her foot as "torture".
Kurapika is a cute boy fuck this revisionism
I was raped by my neighbor age 12
I've came in my dreams before, sure. Sometimes I remember the dream sometimes I don't.
do you like getting assfucked now
Does rape count? For those conditions.
Was it a female nurse? What did she do?
Yeah. Made a frustrated sound, told me to hold on since it was almost done, continued the ultrasound, gave me some napkins to clean myself. No other comments.
>tfw theres no nurse to look at me disdainfully as I cum accidentally from her massaging my balls during a medical examination
I had a hands free orgasm when i found out my girlfriend cheated on me. not a cuck
One time back in middle school I was staring at a thicc girl's ass in these tiny pink short shorts so hard I blew my load in the middle of the hallway without touching my dick. Immediately went to the bathroom and cleaned up so the semen didnt soak through my underwear and pants.
greentext that story nigga
Explain how you're not a literal cuckhold if you instinctually blew your load after you found out she cheated on you?
Because I was still upset and angry about it. And it negatively impacted my relationship. Don't know why i blew my load. just happened
>have trouble cumming because opiates and antidepressants
>fuck ex-gf for over an hour
>can't cum
>want to give up and watch a movie
>she won't let me
>makes me keep going until I cum
Your emotions don't determine if you're a cuck. Your dick does.
Why not just eat her out?
She didn't care about her orgasm, she wanted me to cum. She said it made her feel like a failure if I didn't cum
i don't get off on cuck shit. i just involuntarily blew my load once.
You literally got off to yourself getting cucked. Thats worse then people that voluntarily get off to cuck porn lol.
give more details
this sounds like bullshit to me, nobody cums from ball stimulation only
lmao the answers to the not-cuck dude are hilarious
>making a girl cum via rape
This is so hot
>About to cum during a fap
>Mom barges into my room
>Pull my dick into my pants like a ninja
>Throw a pillow onto my groin
>Try to give a reply while cumming in my pants
>Feel like I'm about to puke from embarrassment afterwards