When did you learn that you should never trust a woman, user?

When did you learn that you should never trust a woman, user?

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when my ex cucked her boyfriend with me, staying single is good. women are fucking vicious

Every woman I have ever entertained the thought of having a relationship with has ghosted me for no apparent reason. Like, one day we'd be fine and the next I'd get ghosted. Happened more often online than in real life, too, but I suppose that's a given, seeing how it's so easy to do online.

Spent hours making a necklace for this girl I had a crush on while I was in second grade. Gave it to her at recess and she threw it away in front of me.

Fuck you, Sally.

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when i joined r9gay and realized how much better gay men are at everything.

>When did you learn that you should never trust a woman, user?
all my friends are women, my best friend is a woman, I just get along better with girls I suppose.

Would you say they are your... gal pals?

if that's what you want to call it, sure.

Are any of them boyfriend-free?

nop, they all have LTR :)

like 2011ish, a girl told me that her and her husband got into a fight o ok, i ended up giving her a ride home until like she quit. one other time she asked me if i like anyone at the store i worked at, ok she told not to do anything with me. i had sex with the her, she told her to get pregnant and tell her it's mine.

at a hospital i was at for outpatient i asked some physical therapist if some aid at available she said no. the aid grinded on me ( i had a brain injury) girls just cockblock other girls and guys.

You're a woman's friend like a hammer is a carpenter's friend. You are a tool to her and nothing more, be it an emotional tampon, an appliance that spits out funny lines, a mover, a chauffeur, it makes no difference. You are a source of unlimited, free favors that she will never repay or feel the slightest hint of gratitude for. And in the end, like all tools, you will be replaced. Your usefulness will run out, the next man she starts fucking will want you gone, or she'll simply tire of you and that will be that. A woman is not your friend. No matter how much she means to you, you mean nothing to her.

>When did you learn that you should never trust a woman, user?

after studying nature and human history. women will betray you and open their legs to the new alpha conquers.

shortly after I trusted a woman

Childhood. I grew up with a sister and a mom so i know how those fuckers work

When I accidentally opened up about stuff to someone who """loved""" me, and she kicked my ass to the curb the next day. She was fine with me when I barely expressed emotion beyond laid back confidence, so I guess that's what chicks dig.

When the one and only girl I ever dated broke up with me and then did a lot of pretty selfish shit

When my mom cheated on my dad and demonized him for it when I was 3 years old.
And also when every family member whose female I have are cheating sluts, and every man no matter chad or not gets cheated on and bitched into responsibility juggling 24/7.

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Overhearing a group of 5 girls gossiping about their beta orbiters and going all "Ewww, he's so ugly buuuut he buys me like food and shit tho... I just like, pretend, y'know? Ahahaha!"
They weren't even hot, average at best maybe.
And I kept overhearing conversations about this kind of thing, seeing it happen right in front of me, reading about it online, etc.
What are the odds that a girl will actually like me then? And not just be leading me on so I'll do shit for her.
Probably unfavorable. Forget it, I'll just stay away.

Ive never trusted women. Ive always thought they were weird and petty. They were cute, but I would never want to be near one. Im not sure why

told my psych i was virgin (25yo then) she laughed and didnt take it seriously and wondered if i was asexual because it was so unbelievable for her

Its been awhile since I told this story. Maybe even a few years.
>Back in 2007
>Younger Brother was coming down off heroin.
>Get into fight.
>He gets knife.
>I didn't think he would have the balls to do anything I step forward. Telling him to leave for awhile.
>He refuses.
>Thought he poked me in the chest.
>Grab near by broom,
>He tries to stab me again but, aimed lower, I block.
>I smack him in the face as hard as I can with it.
>He looks at me wide eyed.
>Runs into his room and locks the door.
>I pound on the door telling him to get the fuck out of the house.
>Wonder why my feet are wet.
>Look down.
>See puddle of blood.
>Realize it is streaming down from my chest.
>Dad hears this.
>Comes to see what the ruckus is.
>Dad see's I got stabbed.
>Dad takes me to hospital where mom works.

My fat ass thought that was fried chicken

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>Dad is calm.
>The blood loss intensifies.
>Now I feel it.
>Tell dad to pull over. I'd rather die on the side of the road he doesn't want to.
>Dad goes way out of his way to take me to hospital where mom works.
>Drops me off.
>Get to receptionist desk.
>Feeling light headed.
>Females at desk facing away from and talking about tampons.
>They take like 20 seconds to realize I'm standing there bleeding out.
>Tell them my mom works there.
>Mom is not happy.
>I scream he tried to kill me.
>Mom shouts back "SHUT UP user! SHUT UP!"
>Tell mom she's a bitch, infront of doctor (her boss)
>Doctor demands my mom call the police for me or she is fired.
>Mom begrudgingly accepts.
>Cops show up,
>Give story, write statement.
>Brother goes to jail.
>Get call from DA.
>Mom snatches phone from me and says it was an accident.
>She wasn't fucking there it was attempted murder.
>She's christian, or some form of it and I told her that was false witness.
>She brushes me off.
>Dad brushes me off.


too late in life. i thought this girl liked me, she was always friendly to me, seemed to like hanging out and talking and whatever. then one day i accidentally overheard her saying all types of nasty shit about me. it just came out of nowhere. that made me start thinking about all the other girls ive talked to and how they all had something nasty to say about someone behind their back. it just makes me fucking sick.

are you me? that is my life story but with the women of my friends cheating.

>Threw out my arm from hitting brother.
>Got medical packing for stab wound.
>Had to take baths.
>Mom was on the phone. outside of bathroom.
>Try to get out of tub,
>Hurt back of head and back,
>One arm was too injured to move.
>Laid there for a long time until mom.

Laying there helpless while my mom told her BFF about what happened and how she is taking care of me. Made me realize that no women will ever be on my side.
I did tell her that I don't look at her the same anymore or the same with any other women.
She accepts that.

If she gets stabbed by some drug addict. I'm not going to call the cops for her.
I'm not going get her to a hospital. I'm going to say nice things about her attacker. If my brother kills my mom I won't care. Mom, dad, brother they are all dead to me. I want my brother to die most of all.

nope just fried Jalapeno puppers

It was a joke relax