It's not fair that I'm in so much pain but it leaves no marks, I guess that's why I decided to make some

It's not fair that I'm in so much pain but it leaves no marks, I guess that's why I decided to make some.

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Any advice anons on making deeper cuts? I bought some bic razors and they are pretty useless.

maybe its because someone told you it was a good idea when your depressed becuase youll never have an original idea and youll do any stupid shit people tell you to do.
if you really wanted to hurt your self you would
not just cut yourself post time stamp

Edgy user

I wanna cut myself too though but just for the rush

Take painkillers instead of hurting yourself. Much better at pain relief

I'd cum in your open wounds desu

What a fucking attention seeking faggot

Push harder and move it faster. Use fresh sharp blades. Don't be a pussy.

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Break up the razor and use the single blades you could cut your jugulars with it
Stop being a faggot and do it

>I bought some bic razors and they are pretty useless
Go out and buy a utility knife/box cutter you fucking autist. Or just by some razors separately. Or break the razors out of your bic razor and use them.

I get it, sometimes you want the outside hurt to match the inside hurt. Or you want to just drown out the pain in your head and your heart with something real, something that you can actually see. Don't do it man. A lot of us have been there, and it's a dark road that you don't want to travel down. You're a strong person, and you have intrinsic value and self-worth, even if you can't see it. You're tougher than the bad things in your life user, you can endure while these other things pass away. And when they're gone you'll still be here. I won't lie and say that they won't leave a mark on you, but that's the sign of a mature man, the scars he bears. We're with you man, in spirit, even if we can't be there in person. Kill your demons friend, they're not worth dying for.

>sideways for attention
>long ways for effects
End it.

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What I want to know is how tf I'm supposed to hit myself to leave a bruise. What do I use and how hard do I hit?

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this dosnt make sence this would hurt you less all your doing is leaving stupid great marks on your body
people who cut themselves are pathetic jump out of a window or a tree burn yourself smash your head against a wall till you can smell your brain dying get into a fight if you cut yourself like those cute little marks then arnt you just a precious little thing wallowing in your own pity

feel old as shit on inside, like im 60 something
I'm barely older than 20

fuckin emo anons just do some physical activities to get hurt so then you're doing something useful or interesting with your life. Want to hurt but with positive results/awesome calluses? rock climb. Adrenaline junky who doesn't mind total wipeouts? mountain biking.

Cutting yourself is for pUssies

Pic related

I've been trying to get some out of my doctor but she won't give me anything, just keeps on telling me to take Advil.


Yes I obviously break the razor out of the plastic, but the razors are still pretty weak.

Thanks user, I want to kill myself but, I don't have the willpower to do so and I'm pretty sure I never will.

I'm not trying to kill myself I just wanted some pain and scares.

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utility knife replacement blades, not the breakaway ones. generally those would be your best bet for clean cuts outside of say, an xacto knife.
my largest cuts/scars were from grabbing a meaty bit of my thigh and going at it with the 'hacksaw' back bit of pic related tho.
unless you already have ruined skin, and i mean, you KNOW you dont have a chance at a beach-acceptable body, i would say stop now though.

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>The razors are still pretty weak
Just earlier today I used a utility knife with the same razor you would find in a shaving razor to rip out and separate a whole living room and porch full of thick carpet. It's not too weak, you're just a pussy. Although I think we've already established that you're a pussy considering you're a cutter.

Guess what, this does absolutely nothing but make you look like a stupid fucking kid when you get older and still have them

Its on my upper arm, the public can't see it.


you really dont want scars
tell us how are you feeling rn are you composed ?

Break a bone and they will give you some painkillers. You want to hurt yourself anyway right

I mean I'm feeling better now than when I did that earlier today. Right now I'm mostly just feeling empty. I got shot down by my crush yesterday and today I had a fight with one of my very few friends, he was really mean to me and so we aren't friends anymore.

I doubt I have the will power to break my own bones and even if I did I don't want the permanent damage that does to your body.

Well I guess you could try another type of drug. Its not easy to get opiods without a connection

I just want to let you know that cutters aren't respected by anyone. I had an absolutely shitty life, and some of my friends have too. People that've been homeless since they were 8-10 years old. Not one of us have ever cut. In fact, from my experience, most cutters are the types of people that've never really been through anything serious but like the attention that comes with being depressed and self destructive.

>get hot gf
>go to public hot springs at a resort to restore your body
>take off shirt and sink into water with Linkin Park carved into your arm
>"Haha yeah umm that's from my childhood when i was a fag"

This is a possible future for you.

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How about finish the job next time faggot

Yeah that's all probably true, I know that my life isn't that bad objectively. That doesn't change the fact that I desperately want to stop being alive. Though I have been depressed for 4-5~ and I told almost no one about it other than doctors until a few months ago.

My current evidence makes it seem unlikely that I'll ever get a girlfriend.

Wish I could but I can't.

sorry I could see that having an effect on anyone
remember it will pass and youll either meet new people or feel better with out shitty relationships
the scars wont and youll look back on them and feel stupid when you grow out of this time
channel the emotions into hate dont feel so helpless respect your self and move on find somthing to distract yourself even tho it will feel distant and pointless just pass the time like a waiting room try and sleep even but dont give power to these moments
buy some weights and do weight lifting when you want to self harm it will reap similar results except positive then if your still looking for pain start boxing or something it will be rewarding
you might think these things are stupid but they cant be as stupid as cutting yourself like a girl

"current evidence" like what, you being a fag cutting himself? Yes if you keep doing that you won't get a gf

I'm 33 fucking years old and I've never had a gf but i still have sex several times a year being a complete fucking loser that dropped out and was a NEET from age 13 to 23. It gets easier when you're older, right now you're just an emotional pile of jello and this will iron out over time naturally even if you are a dumb fag at your current age

>Though I have been depressed for 4-5~ and I told almost no one about it other than doctors until a few months ago.
Okay so if you're so depressed, why don't you try to work on it instead of trying to get attention? Go to a therapist, get clean from any drugs if you take them, better yourself as a person. Take SSRI's/mood stabilizers/eyc if you need them and they help although i'm against psych meds. I don't see the problem

Welcome to the club user! Now enjoy the rest of your life where people who notice your cuts won't say anything about them but will silently judge you for not being able to hold your emotions together, therefore making you an unreliable person in their eyes.
Oh and remember that tattoos don't really cover them. Hope it was worth it!

>Cuts self over crush
Step one: grow up
Step two: man up

Thanks user

>"current evidence" like what, you being a fag cutting himself

Yeap, that's part of it. And I don't want to have casual sex and the possibility of maybe getting a gf ten years from now doesn't make me feel much better.

I've been seeing consolers/doctors about my depression for about two years now and I've been on a few different prescription drugs for the past nine months. I don't take any recreational drugs and I don't drink or smoke at all.

They are on my upper arm, the public can't see it.

It was the fight with the friend that was the proximate cause and the five~ years of depression that was the root cause. But I am a pussy I'm not denying that.

Please anons talk to me some more.

Relying on others is what got you into this retardation in the first place

Yeah I guess user.

i'll talk to you as much as you want as long as you carve my name into your leg.

Ya want something that lasts longer? how about you shoot both your kneecaps, your stomach, and then attempt to shoot yourself in the jaw. how's that for scars?

get a good razor blade. thats literally it. I bought these a couple of days ago. I barely put it to my skin and I had a cut deep as shit.

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stop being such a fucking faggoty coward and man up in life

i bet you anything you have no legitimate reason to be depressed

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No thanks senpai. I'm not doing any more cutting today anyways.

Don't have a gun, if I did I'd might actually kill myself.

Thanks user

I mean I've kind of already said something similar to that in this thread. Though 'legitimate reason' is kind of vague. I'm not dying of cancer or I didn't get raped or anything like that.

cutting yourself has no other purpose then crying for attention, you arent depressed youre just an attention seeking queer

>but i still have sex several times a year

The absolute state of this normgroid infected board

I've been depressed for five~ years and for most of the time I told almost no one other then doctors/counsellors so I'm pretty sure my depression isn't just for attention. But I'm not denying that the cutting isn't partly for that goal.

why are you depressed???? what reasons do you have to do such things

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why cut yourself when you could literally destroy your body through intense exercise, achieve a better mental effect, and have something to show for it besides scars

Loneliness, particularly the feeling that no one cares about me (romantically or platonically). Stress from school and uncertainty about the future. Those are really the big problems, I know they aren't that bad.

Cutting is easier.

they arent bad??? dude those are literally facts of life stop being such a fucking coward. All those problems are caused by your own laziness

Your pain is fake though. Boring!

Yeah that's probably true user.

You are a faggoto

A 9lbs hammer; however hard you can swing

you are like a little baby
get drunk, get a safety razor, go fast and press hard

also i would advise you to stop because its stupid, i am stupid.

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