I have noticed that over the last few years the definition of a Robot has changed from socially inept, autist or sperg to anyone who is a bit weird. These days you have people who have 50 friends and a gf calling themselves robots because they post on Jow Forums and say nigger in private. These people were always called out for being normies back in the day yet nowadays nobody even questions them and they are accepted as robots. How the fuck did this happen? Its like all the autists on the internet suddenly vanished and there is no left to keep these normalscum in check.
When did the definition of Robot change to le quirky person?
this greatly upsets me as well
fuck normies
When mass shootings, greentext stories and the Donald Trump presidency began to be connected to Jow Forums. More and more normalfags came here, and when you're a turbobasic AI, you crave to know what it's like to be "different".
This board was full of social outcasts so people who wanted to feel different from everyone else decided to come here and pretend to be one of us. They started posting their goofy ass life problems like being nervous around girls or having a katana at home and thought that made them fit in with people who were so isolated and lonely that they had already planned their suicide (me).
As more and more NPCs started coming here, they began to make up the majority. Now this board is full of people posting screenshots of themselves sexting their gfs about their fetishes yet still claiming to be a robot because they get stage fright when they have to present something to their class.
Discord happened my fren
Why does this surprise anyone? Memes lose tgeir context really quickly on the internet. You can't keep going and expect everything to remain the same no matter how much yoy
u wish you were frozen in time.
discord's fucking aids
I literally just typed out What the fuck made you think Robots are a meme, and then i read the sentence. Lol.
Jokes aside, really, what you made think Robot is a meme? Robot is just another word for socially inept person. It was never a meme.
This is a well thought out post and proper answer to OPs question.
I have no irl friends. I'm a NEET at 22 with no hope for the future. Can hardly relate to most posters here who can hold jobs and have friends.
Son, everything on the internet is a meme. It's the inevitable fate of all labels.
Because people started usung the term autistic to describe someone who is socially awkward
That is what it means though. The thing is that people now think that if you ever felt socially anxious that you are socially awkward.
One of the most based and redpilled posts ever made on this site. This should be stickied
Okay but being socially inept is not a label, its a real thing
It's because Jow Forums is just as bad as Reddit now If you want an Jow Forums filled with real robots move to cripple or wizard chan.
Cripplechan is dead and wizardchan is suicide fuel (and also dead). I just want a place for socially inept outcasts that doesnt revolve around pure depression all the time. I hate that r9k was the only place for that and it has been destroyed by redditors and homosexual attentionwhores from tumblr.
>people who have 50 friends and a gf calling themselves robots
what people do this?
Elaborate on what you want to see, for me the past was just that suicide fuel and the same retarded posts about wanting a gf/ doing things to a woman/ woe is me I can't enjoy anything that we still can see here regularly
IRC and Jow Forums co-existed fine
I think its similar to how there all these people that think they are severely mentally ill because they have a small amount to moderate of depression. Don't get me wrong severe depression is very real and very life ruining but these are just special snow flake normies who don't realize what the real deal is. If they had the real deal they wouldn't have friends or girlfriends to whine too. Just getting out of bed is like climbing a mountain let alone maintaining even a brain dead job.
Bro I feel this shit I get out of bed with pain splitting headaches and chronic back pain and quit my job cause I didn't want to talk to my coworkers they started to see me be a sperg and I dipped
There were alot more things to do on this board in the past. You barely have any fun threads anymore. Rather you have thousands of low effort posts, and absolutely no fun. It used to be some really good crossposters would post on this site. Lots of autist /tg/-like writefags would create scenarios and quests for people to participate in, there were interesting conversations had about hypothetical robot colonies, etc. Look at all the top posts now, and they're all about relationships, or lack of one, or girls, or something that isn't fucking fun, only suicide inducing tier.
This is in part due to the invasion by sex and relationship obsessed incels from leddit as well as the normies who come along to fuck with them. Any self-respecting robot would never call himself an incel because of that.
I literally made the fresco vs NEET scenario
When did the definition of "robot" change from "mechanical being" to "edgy beta male"?
Edgy beta males are the posers though. Robots arent poltards, a robot is just a socially inept person. Most people on Jow Forums these days arent socially INEPT. They may be antisocial(edgy) but they are not socially inept. Infact beta males are usually more socially oriented than normal men because they are feminine.
when i see a normalfag thread i just hide it so the only people you'll find in normalfag threads are normalfags
>when i see a normalfag thread i just hide it
Same. I've also amassed a shitload of filters that take care of most normalfag threads.
Its all the reddit faggots who came here and they are all normies oh and the disgusting trans i think most robots found another place/board or they only lurk
Yeah this board went to shit with the uprising of plebbit and those fucking normie YouTube videos
us real bots realized how easy it is to get laid, a gf and friends when you put in the effort
Well, I guess you might call me one of the normies.
The reason I'm still here is because, well, once upon a time I was a socially inept little piece of shit who fit in here really well but I've kind of grown out of it by now. I guess I'm just here by habit at this point. Is that really that big of a problem for you guys? I mean, the demographics will shift regardless of what you try to do to stop it.
Theres no escape.. if you have been "grown out of it" then u were never real. Its only death that can bring salvation.
Robot originally meant "forced labor" or better put a "slave".
>us real bots are actually normies
A robot should mean a person who feel very little to no emotion, and typically is someone with autism.
It would make much more sense this way, since having no emotions is the hallmark of an actual robot, and many of us don't experience much emotion.
>taking the robot and normie types too literally
It's a meme, you dip
nobody accepts them as robots, they just do it themselves, they see themselves as robots and think its enough
same shit as with transfags thinking they are women/men
nobody on Jow Forums tries to correct them anymore because whats the purpose honestly, it wont change their mindset anyway