I was at a bar and there was a black guy and a white guy sitting at a table just talking and being friendly like it was...

I was at a bar and there was a black guy and a white guy sitting at a table just talking and being friendly like it was normal. I thought this was a sex thing but they talked about sports, girls etc. Even though they were a different race, they acted like friends. It was very strange.

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sit with a damn honky cracker! Nevah!

I know right. I wonder what it's like to be able to hold a conversation. My autism alienates me from the ability.

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My best nigga is Portuguese, so you just gotta know that we're all just people living our lives.

Thinking of them as people or that any casual interaction that isn't one of master and servant is okay, especially between white women and black men, is not acceptable if you really consider yourself a white supremacist. Cavalier attitudes towards race mixing is what lead to desegregation.

People of different races can be friends desu, this is a known fact. I'm a pajeet and most of my friends are white and asian, with some hispanics and blacks.

No, at best you can be a colonial subject you disgusting piece of trash. No self respecting white person would even talk to you. If you were to dare to even look me straight in the eye I'd knock the shit out of you.

nice larp friend
do you talk to kids at school like this?

I'm in my twenties now, but yes, I fought with niggers until they kicked me out. I always knew how to defend my pride and honor. I regret nothing.

unironically do people think black and white americans cant be friends? Everytime ive been in America, albeit california, black people have always been super nice to me, they compliment my shoes, they laugh at my jokes, they hang out with me and we talk about guns, are white americans so autistic they cant have a conversation with black people?

Check this white nigger out

Where are you from?
That probably makes a difference.

But yeah, some white Americans are insufferable cunts on a tier specific to white Americans



>I'm a pajeet and most of my friends are white and asian, with some hispanics and blacks.

You have to go back.

I'm black and the majority of interactions I have with people of different races are very pleasant. Yesterday, I went to my Mexican barber for a haircut and went to the Laos owned beauty supply to buy some hair product. The Laos woman complimented my haircut and we made pleasant conversation while she made some harmlessly sexist comments about women.

Oh shit Mr. Tough guy, I probably mog your pasty chinlet ass anyways..
Probably contribute more than the average white NEET on here anyways, so whatever.

I'm sure that sort of redeems you probably because they don't realize you aussies can also be racist as fuck and almost as insufferable, assuming you're white Australian

Everyone knows we can all be friends. Most Americans have at least one friend of a different race or get along with an acquaintance of a different race. It's just the autists on this board who have very limited social experience and have never left their all white suburb who think races can't get along.

Yeah I always find it weird how people on here think that. Maybe it's because I grew up in an area that was mainly minorities but I never felt out of place. It was funny cause in HS when I moved away from where I grew up my only friend was black. It most likely has to do with personal experience and then we associate our personal experiences with being the normal everywhere.

I think you're retarded. We know Australians can be racist because all humans can be racist. But why assume someone is racist, especially if they're cool? Polite people just treat others in a polite way. If every person of color you've come across treats you like shit, I'm 90% sure it has less to do with you being a white American and more to do with who you are as a person.

Well you can contribute to society in streetshitter land then.

Nothing justifies having shudra slave pajeets in the West.

You can also be friends with a serial killer. This sort of mentality is pure cancer.

>a lot of valuable players and innovators in the tech industry are Indian themselves
lmao okay buddy.

I'm not white but it's obvious as hell that you are.

>the tech industry
You mean pure cancer? Anyone in the tech industry should be sent to the gulag.

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Can you? Really? Are you retarded?

>Literally one of the most important facets of modern society and the main reason we are at the level we are today
Yes, I don't see how you think that isn't significant.
>inb4 you say some Ted Kaczynski tier arguments

Let the roastie have her ape cock now, she'll pay on the day of the rope.

>you think that isn't significant.
Oh, it's very significant.

This planet is a few decades away from becoming a dystopia. Mostly thanks to slavish scum like you who assume technology = progress = good.

That's only because of (((them))), not necessarily technology. Technological process does not equal oppression. I can't wait for a future when space travel becomes an affordable facet of daily life, when VR and increased processing speeds are ones as well, and the Asteroid Mining industry kicks in too.

I'm not actually. I'm black.

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Yeah. You can be friends with literally anyone. I don't see your point.

Niggers should be IP banned from this site and then aborted.

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How about you meet me in real life then you subhuman filthy

Thanks for outing yourself, now I don't have to pay attention to you.

Why would I want to meet a "person" like you? The only person from this shithole I'd ever care to meet is Johnny Neptune.

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You're a coward like all of your species.

>implying I give a fuck about you or your attention
Lmao you're literally fucking anonymous, I have no idea who you are. I didn't know you before you posted this shit and I won't know you after. I'll talk to you later in another thread. Peace.

Which amerirace is the most powerful and why is it Texan?

>I can't wait for a future when space travel becomes an affordable facet of daily life
Of course you think that. Pajeets are perfect middle-management slaves after whites are mixed out.

Technology isn't inherently bad, but in practice the last century has been a disaster and the future will continue to be. Subhumans worldwide deserve a microchip though, so maybe that's good.

>not wanting to meet some insufferable teenage 120 lbs Jow Forumsfag
Yes I'm a huge coward. I'm shaking in my Bordeaux 7s.

I think a majority of Jow Forums is just people faking the whole white/black animosity thing. I have no experience with this whatsoever and my black friends are chill (consider they're kinda whitewashed).

Learn to accept people for who they are OP and you will find yourself being one of the two men at the table talking about sports and women and being friendly.

Because we represent America to everyone outside of America despite the fact that we don't even want to be part of this motherfucker.

Desu personally I respect white people and their advancements throughout history, and think whites are one of the best races to have existed other than East Asians. But at the end of the day, change is inevitable technologically. That doesn't mean we are giving away our liberty, though.

It really depends on the area. If you are in a upper middle class area, the blacks will be chill, sure, but if you are in anywhere below that they get real fucking wild. I've seen chimpouts in person and its not pretty at all desu.

Even in low class areas you'll find cool black people. There will be a lot of clowns as well though.

Sure, but its a small minority. The most act pretty nigger tier, at least from my experience.

>middle-management slaves

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Wow what a tough guy I am really impressed by your fedora collection.

>Johnny Neptune
He no longer browses this site and even if you did meet him he would bully you.