>Oh God I'm so lonely. This solitude is literally destroying my soul. My heart aches so much for a girl's love. If I can't find a gf it'll literally be the death of me.
>won't date fat girl tho lmao
Why are robots like this?
>Oh God I'm so lonely. This solitude is literally destroying my soul. My heart aches so much for a girl's love. If I can't find a gf it'll literally be the death of me.
>won't date fat girl tho lmao
Why are robots like this?
Those are the minority. Most of us will date a bigger girl.
A fat girl almost cucked me
She said she was lonely as fuck but there was like a hundred of guys trying to be with her
Fuck you OP
Death b4 dishonor.
have you tried being gay
or going outside
or getting a job
or practiced social skills
or NOT going on Jow Forums for a day?
body fat % is not the single most important factor. it's the frame which holds it. (& face)
this determines if she's 1/10 or 10/10
much like a chad.
that's why some bbws with hot faces and bods can be lingerine models and most are just fridge mode obese subhuman waste
good day
Literally every man that is alive would date this woman.
Kys faggot
rather die than to be with a fatty! NEVER!!!
that face is 4/10 but that body is a solid 8
This. what are we? 1/10s?
might as well die then
Gimme the fucking sauce cockhole
I know this is a shitpost but the problem isn't getting a girl to fuck me. Maybe I could find some overweight retarded girl to date me, but that's not the point. The pain comes from not being good enough for someone to truly love you, or really like you. That overweight retarded girl would only date me because she knows I'm the best she can do, not due to anything I give her (at least not that anyone else could).
But the only girl who ever said yes (eventually) was a total land whale.
The only thing about her physical appearance that I found as a positive was her face was cute enough to edge past average.
Try again. I would date about any living breathing human female between the ages of 15 and 60
>I'm the best she can do
Lol, as if. You truly underestimate the modern dating market.
I would date anything. I live in a small town tho aka prison. no wait prison has more people
Because that's literally the only thing a girl has to maintain to be desirable to literally any man. If you can maintain your weight as a woman to be at least average, you're an A for non retarded men. If she can't maintain that one vital thing she deserves to be fertilizer.
Gimme some evidence you faggot.
Fuck you, you fat enabling racemixer, you can't shill me into fucking fat spics.
Fuck you dastardly OP
>"fat girl"
>posts chubby girl
I refuse to date fat girls because they're all lazy, stinky and a pain in the ass in general. I don't have a problem dating anything below the 7/10 but fuck fat girls.
She has a nice body 2bh.
I'm lonely, not desperate.
>lazy, stinky and a pain in the ass in general
And that's also why they don't date you.
That bitch aint fat
>>won't date fat girl tho lmao
i would date anything that was born with a vagina in a heart beat
She needs to have muscle too
Being obese shows you have seriously personality issues
Body is 10 face is 7 your standards are ridiculous
>Oh God I'm so bored.this boredom is literally destroying my soul. if i cant find something i care about it'll literally be the death of me
Guys ask hardly anything of girls nowadays. Most liberal women are slutty, trashy, feminazis. To not be a landwhale is basically the one thing guys ask of girls and they can't even do that.
Robots are vapid whores. They dont know loneliness
People have different definitions of fat./
>>won't date fat girl tho lmao
Why should i have to date way down? I'm not trying to brag but i am;
>Work out 3x a week, heavy weights (Olympic)
>I also do 3x martial arts a week
>I go camping, and hiking regularly
>Overall i am athletic, love the outdoors and being physical
I won't lie, i am average looks, where even on tinder i cant get matches. I just want a thin girl, with average looks that has similar interests as me.
>no matches
>average looks
might wanna be honest with yourself
Difference between a thick girl and a fat girl.
What you posted in the webm mostly everyone here would date. A 2/10 whale with a dumpster face and hasnt showered in months and smells like sweat and sour milk might be a different story.
Based and oga pilled
This. The standards for women are already so fucking low and they still can't meet them. Meanwhile men have to meet sky-high standards or they're considered worthless.
I'm also fat, and my dick is small to begin with. I physically wouldn't be able to have sex with a fat woman. Even if I just wanted companionship, she would want more and I would not be able to satisfy.