Stuck in town

>stuck in town
>get SHAT ON
>get struck down by the people
>Its cold af in the winter and they are brutal
>nothing to do because no friends and everyone is with school/work friends
>nothing to do in winter because its cold af
>Try to leave the town but everyone forces me to stay
>The Town literally strikes me down every time I try to leave
>the feds hate me cause Im black
>all jobs shit cause the coworkers are shit but will never own up to their own problems
>Feds and rednecks get together to plot a narrative against me
>some minorities that are oblivious
>and majority are rednecks that would malfunction if you give them a differing opinion
>Literal NPCs that only know Nascar and nothing else
>everyone is antisocial here and hostile
>they ghost for no damn reason while in stores or driving
>I'm a nice guy
>always tip the pizza man when he's bringing the za like a broham
>generally hold door for people
>but people rarely hold door for me and sometimes slam it in my face!
>always disrespecting me in public
>the spring is barely spring and more of a mix of winter and spring
>people are rude for no reason even though you've never met them in your life
>get shit on in the road and in public by these brutish people FOR NO REASON
>they never say why they act that way
>I just want to be a big warm town
>like living in Vegas, Houston or New York or LA
>tired of being in this antisocial quiet and zombie like town
>generally a chill dude (most of the time)
>yet the people STRIKE me down
>they never let me leave
>I just want to be chill in a warmer or bigger city
>and be the cock of the walk
>but I get STRUCK down by the townspeople
They just keep shittin on meh

Attached: how-I-feel-inside.jpg (852x480, 33K)

I'm a nice guy when I'm left alone
I just pray and chill by going to stores and minding my own business
I just want to LIVE
but I get STRUCK DOWN by the townspeople every time

Elliot Rodgers felt the same way.

Is this a copy pasta? Or is there actually a little manlet black kid who keeps making these posts every day?

No that's different. He was an incel that was mad he couldn't get laid and was autistic
I'm being oppressed and they won't let me fear and let me LIVE
like keeping a raccoon caged and then shaking the cage for no reason

>will never own up to their own problems

That includes you too. LOL.

me be free*

I own up to my teenage mistakes
I do not however, own up to what happened in my 20s
Its the damn feds!! I'm telling you


Is that you small town nigger? Was it the border patrol that actually arrested you?

They hating on me cause on black
damn sons of bitches

I almost didn't realize it was you, dui nigger smalltown poster. The image threw me off. Fuck you and saged

>They hating on me cause on black
>damn sons of bitches

I feel like you are trolling mane.

Some of it is trolling but it is based on facts from years ago
there a definitely a bunch of racists in the feds

I meant years ago and even now

And the Feds are watching this board too
damn it

Literally fill a bag with food, put on as many layers of clothes as you can, and start walking. You stupid nigger, it's this simple.

They'd never let me leave
I'm always STRUCK down by these people

I feel you brother I am not black myself but I have also suffered living in a small town getting shit on at every turn and the rednecks are insufferable. The worst thing Is I was lucky enough to make it out of this hole for about ten years but a series of events threw me back and its god awful. Its like living in 3rd world country its so fucking backwards that its basically still about 2004 here at best. I was finally making some progress on escaping again then a bunch of health problems hit me keeping me stuck here for longer like some sort of black hole.

Things are not perfect on the outside either but its definitely better. We all have our place we belong and it can be very hard to find that place. But one thing I know with absolute certainty is I don't belong here and never fucking did. Perhaps we can make it out and find our place user. The odds are not that good but our path to reach heaven starts in the depths of hell. I am going to crawl on this path on my hands and knees if I have too. I don't care if I meet a horrible end its better than sitting here waiting to die.

I remember your story from way back around October 2018. Out of the cities you chose Vegas may be the most doable its far more affordable than New York or L.A. Denver isn't exactly warm but the people are nice and everything is pretty damn clean. They are very tolerant of black people there too. Avoid Salt Lake City at all costs. San Diego is pretty nice and is like L.A junior edition. Seattle and Portland are also based but on the colder side of things. Do what ever it takes to get away user I know you have problems with that probation bullshit but do everything and anything you can.

yeah fuck you. 2004. fuck you. my town is literally like the 1800s. it even looks like one of those small shanty fucking towns in red dead redemption. my house is literally from the 1800s and in the same condition minus YA KNOW fucking 200 years of brutal as fuck Antarctic winters

I like how you ignored everything that guy wrote except the one bit about your town being stuck in 2004 lol. Youre a piece of shit and Im glad youre miserable.

Not sure if troll or actual schizoid disorder. Either way, seek help.

How the fuck do they keep you from leaving? Just leave lol

Thanks man. I have the same mindset. I'd rather die to continue living like this for what seems like eternity
My only hope is to get out of it and find a better city like Vegas or Denver. And if I have to die to get there, than so be it

Lol I live in an old decaying house like that too. Its like one of those shitty apartments you see in the movie to telegraph its in a bad part of time with holes in the wall and basically everything looking like shit. Its like that but the country version so its a farm house instead. Ive been thinking of turning into a piece of post modern art calling it something like "Rural Crack House"

No worries I love that crazy son of a bitch we call OP anyway. He is hurting and lashing out

the only thing keeping you there is the act that you're too afraid to leave the comfort of your home

This is textbook paranoid schizophrenia if it's real. Honestly fucking horrifyingly tragic and depressing.

Actually there are several challenges. Namely things like jobs are non existent in many small towns and the ones that do exist pay absolute trash. If your town is far away from anything relevant just the cost of getting to the city is a big problem. Sure I suppose you can just leave with the clothes on your back or whatever you can shove into a car but its hard. Frankly not many people can do that. Furthermore people in the city will often trash your resume if they see all your work experience is from the country. This applies more for professional shit than if you just worked minimum wage shit.

You also need to cobble enough money together to pay first and last rent on a place. And then quickly get a job with enough money to keep you afloat. Renting a room for a semi retired old boomer is one of the best options because its cheaper. Its not an easy thing to do and basically everything boils down to how much money you have and how much risk you are willing to take. Like I said early you can go in with just the clothes on your back and basically be homeless and try and work your way up but its hard. Like most the shelters that hand out food and have other resources to get the homeless on their feet tend to be in the heart of the city. The problem there is you try and sleep in your car you will likely be told to move along by a cop or security guard.

Its really hard when you already have disadvantages like the people on this board. Its doable but it takes incredible will power,guts and the willingness to burn your old life to the ground. Most of the deaths of despair these days are in the country. It used to be inner city ghettos but things have drastically changed over the last 20 years.

Yup. You'd have to burn all the old bridges and sever the remaining ties.
Its a big gamble. And if you don't get a decent lifestyle then it would've been for nothing

You should move out if you dont like it

Exactly but rotting away waiting to die and doing nothing is probably worse. I didn't always think that way but after rotting for roughly the last 2 years my mind was changed.

Agreed. That is no way to live. I wouldn't consider such a person even alive
at that point