How does it smell, robots?

How does it smell, robots?

Attached: pussy13.jpg (750x724, 161K)

why the fuck do you make threads like this?

if you dont like my threads then fuck off retard

i have no idea

*walks away*


Attached: 200px-MW-creature-Kwama_Forager.jpg (200x200, 11K)

Depends on how she washes, it smells and tastes fantastic. It depends on the day of the month a bit. I've only ever did anything with my gf so who knows how it is with other girls. But if a NEET shut-in girl is able to keep proper hygiene, then i'm sure Stacies and roasts are able to do it as well. At least I hope.

Bro, that's a dude

quit shitting up the board faggot

spit on your palm, rub both together for a minute, smell

id take these over tranny threads any day of the week. this board belongs to straights and asexuals. if gore belongs on /b/ then faggot shit belongs on /lgbt/

pussy does not smell like oreos and milk

if you take a shower together and have sex afterwards it smells like roses and tastes sweet. literally nothing better

Pretty Musty actually, unless she uses perfume, then whatever the perfume smells like.

Like raw fish, in a weird way

ewww wtf that pussy doesn't look normal

same but i've only ever seen pussy in porn so i can't be sure if it's normal

because it's from someone underage

Some girls have very tiny tight pussy, literally Heaven. It feels like you're deflowering her everytime you fuck.

christ vaginas are so fucking repulsive

I want a beef sandwich now

how can you tell? just because it doesn't have hair doesnt automatically mean its a cunny

it can smell like rotten cheese/musky if she has not shower for few days.

rotting fish with just a hint of nigger

Spices and onions with my Indian girlfriend

Depends on her hygiene. Usually has a light acidic smell, if she stinks expect fish-tier shit.

i have never seen a post op that looked even close to real as that does. proof?