Do you make music, robots?
Creative threads suck ass for sharing our music, so feel free to use this thread to post your own creations.
Starting with my shitty singing voice:
Do you make music, robots?
Creative threads suck ass for sharing our music, so feel free to use this thread to post your own creations.
Starting with my shitty singing voice:
Other urls found in this thread:
I like your song user. I wish I was brave enough to write lyrics and sing them :P
I started working on this song and I think it would be better with vocals. would like to add drums and stuff later on.
and yes I know my bass is horribly out of tune and I hit a wrong note
Good shit, user. Reminded me of Led a bit. I picture it as only the first part of a rock opera, as in a 7+ minute song.
Develop it further and please share, this is the content that's worth sharing
I just recorded myself jamming over a loop I made of Daft Punk's High Fidelity.
whats a good beginner book to read
"put down the fucking book and strum you idiot: a practical guide"
Theres already a creative general with 50 plus replies. Check the catalog before making new threads.
>everything must be contained in a general
ok dork
thanks user, I will continue to work on it. I don't know what led is.
Really really good. I love the atmosphere of it so much.
Thank you. It's supposed to be a sad song but I couldn't write sad lyrics.
It's very repetitive but other than that I think it's great as a standalone piece. Do you have any more to share?
I was working on another thing yesterday right after working on that guitar piece. It's also very repetitive and unfinished, but I will probably do something with it later.
It's sort of mellow but I like it a lot. Add some blaring synths 58 seconds in and it'd be really interesting, imo.
Also, just wanna share a simple dance song I made a little while ago:
Led Zeppelin you zoomer
This is pretty good desu. The switch between the low-pass and high-pass filters was a little abrupt for my tastes, but this is better than something I could do.
I was going for mellow. I made those songs because someone important to me left, and I've been trying make music instead of lying in bed all day. I thought maybe a song I make would catch their attention.
Lol. I realized what you meant right after I sent that reply.
Thank you. I made it in Audacity so I figure nearly everyone can make it as long as they have a good ear like I do. But, it's just a simple song that I made. Very standard by-the-numbers song and not really standout imo.
Got nothing to do and have my guitar on my lap, would you musical anons be interested in recording covers or our own songs on vacaroo and sharing them ITT?
p-pls say yes, it would be cool
sure but i caant play for shit
sounds like fun, join this discord and post something if you want.
i'd like people to share music with sometimes.
The shittiest voice in the history of mankind. I have to lower my voice too, as to not wake up the people sleeping in this house.