Imagine how cool it would've been to be a knight

imagine how cool it would've been to be a knight
>inb4 le disease le plague le early death

yeah yeah i know

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It would've been pretty dope, but you wouldn't have gotten the opportunity, you'd be stuck as a peasant or a serf.

Just be born rich today and do martial arts. Its the same thing.

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Noice. That is an italian "alla tedesca" harness. One of my favorite styles. I belive the armorer is Jeff Wasson.

>tfw you'll never crusade with all your friends
>You'll never be redeemed of your sins including that one time you were fapping to dick-girl tapestries
>You'll never have purpose to being an incel because the church demands you're celibate
>You'll never take Jerusalem from the Saracens
>You'll never defend Christendom

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>romanticizing being a literal pawn for some shitty religion
>defending some prissy royals and doing their dirtywork

have sex sweetie.

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I still can't get over how fucking cool plate armor is. Being a knight must have been fucking sweet.

And how is that any worse than being a wageslave today? People still worked less back then than they do today, and not everyone was a farmer, unlike people seem to believe. Even if we weren't knights and couldn't afford flashy plate armor, we could join the army and stab dudes with spears just the same. We could have been merchants travelling the world and seeing wonders never imagined by people from our land. Hell, we could be monks, and then even our virginities would somehow become a virtue.

Face it, we live in the most boring era of human history. There's nothing to discover anymore.

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>Even if we weren't knights and couldn't afford flashy plate armor, we could join the army and stab dudes with spears just the same
Where you will probably die. Knights were relatively protected, they had the best armor and the enemy preferred to take them captive for a ransom rather than kill them. But your peasant ass will not get the same treatment, they'll just shank you as soon as they see you.
>we live in the most boring era of human history
Are you kidding? We live in the greatest era of history. The era where humanity gets to watch itself become obsolete. AI and robotics will be our successors, bringing out greatness to the stars.

>Be shitty peasant centuries ago
>Shitty peasant lumberjack 800 years ago with an axe
>Cut down 5 trees in a hard day of work
>Be me
>Shitty wagie lumberjack in the modern world with a chainsaw
>Cut down 50 trees in a hard day of work

5 trees a day? lmao fuck, could you imagine how easy they had it back then?

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>Where you will probably die.

This only makes it more appealing.

>being asskisser to some limp dick monarch

Yeah not for me bro

More like
>be shitty peasant
>be a shitty lumberjack because your father is the local carpenter
>you're learning the trade from him so you can inherit the family business one day
>only have to gather enough wood to supply the small local market of your village, and perhaps a special order made by your lord
As opposed to
>be modern lumberjack
>chop down five million trees because Mr Sheckleberg told you to
>get paid a shitty salary for it
>go home
>rinse and repeat until you die

>The era where humanity gets to watch itself become obsolete. AI and robotics will be our successors, bringing out greatness to the stars
Literally science fiction. I doubt our civilization will last much longer, anyway.

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>I have no idea of anything I talk about
>I have no idea what productivity is
>I don't know how anything works
>It's da joos

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seething copelet

What part of being a knight appeals to you OP?

I'd cut down a hundred trees a day if anything in my life actually mattered, we've lost all reason to do anything in modernity.
Serving a lord, christ, and your father is something that gives purpose, going to an office day in and out to serve a Jew without any real reason is just depressing and meaningless.

Why do NPCs insist on saying shit about disease or how you'd be a serf whenever someone speaks fondly of literally anything medieval?

>going to an office day in and out to serve a Jew without any real reason is just depressing and meaningless
most people have families and want to raise their kids user.

if you're single and have no purpose then that's your own fault.

high iq thread
we live in the worst period in human history, where humanity is cattle for the ruling elite and live in constant anguish every day of their lives. This world has been turned into hell.

it would've been pretty sweet but let's be honest, most of us would've been plague ridden peasants

Yes it would be cool ,but in 2019 I would puke from feminism and all those new ''genders''.

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why do NPCs always speak fondly of medieval things?

It was always like that but atleast then they were honest about it. Now we believe in the lie that anyone can make it so if you're not "successfull" its your own fault

>yeah it would have been cool to be born a knight but what if you weren't? haha, doesn't seem so cool now does it?

Why are NPCs incapable of any reply besides "no u"?

This is based on nothing but projection

>greatest era of humanity
Reddit tier meme nonsense
It's fucking boring, nothing ever happens and there are 50 metres of beaurocracy and safety tape around everything cuz of
>le muh morals xd
>no colloseums
>no crazy Kings building cool shit
>no massive empires

>it would have been pretty dope to be born in the modern world, but you wouldn't have gotten the opportunity, you'd be stuck as a nigger or a spic

I've noticed this with any sort of fantasy. Reddit npcs always have to try and shit on it.
>I wish I had superpowers
>oh but you have x limitations that I just added xd
>I wish I was a samurai
>le you would just be farmer xd
>I wish I lived in the future and could explore the stars
>le humans extinct lol

They are enlightenment shitters, they would have been saying the same shit back in the Roman empire before it collapsed. Romanticists might not be 100% correct, but they do know what the human spirit craves, and by extension human biology.