Try playing wow

>try playing wow
>play for 3 hours
>already wanna delete it

15 dollars wasted. I dont fucking get this shit game I have to fly back and forth and research shit for 4 weeks straight to figure out where I have to go. its literally harder than getting a 4.0 in college then finding out where to go in wow.

fucking gay. and this is ALL just to unlock flying in the shit old expansions literally just a waste of time. fuck this game. I quit for good

I have done fucking nothing but research, get lost, have to beg for help, still cant figure out what to do, get lost some more, research some more, find one thing, get lost again

shit game. shit game. shit game.

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just get one (1) person you know that knows the game and just play with them. once you get to dungeons, it's pretty fun
t. I felt that way too

I did. even with them explaining it I still cant figure it out. its literally more studying then going to Harvard and making deans list. whats even the point

I think you might unironically be low IQ. I went into the game completely blind on a draenei shaman and never had trouble figuring out literally anything and never got lost.

this has to be be bait just because there is no way somebody would 1. just begin playing wow in 2019 when its so far past its prime and 2. actually find it difficult

try and get the achievements for flying...

The fuck how can you be dumb enough not to know where to go? There are literally quest markets....

THIS IS THE FUCKING FLYING ACHIEVMENT. IT IS NOT LIKE ANYTHING ELSE IN WOW. it is fucking 10000000000000000000000x more hours than anything else and completely over complicated near impossible levels of bull shit where you have to study like 3 college courses worth of shit to finish it because the jews at blizzard wanted you to look at every last inch of their shitty expansion and have no choice anymore

apparently warlords of dreanor and legion is a fucking work of art aht the world has to see and they're sick of people not covering fucking every last inch of ground and text they added in their shitty expansions. and then do it with the worst fucking expansions of all time

its true, WoW sucks.

WoW is a shit game, but not for the reasons you're whining about. I think you might actually just be a retard OP. Congrats. For whatever pain you experience, you'll get bliss in equal measure.

this is for the flying achievements. I can level and do end game with my eyes closed and my hands on my cock but the flying achievements are god mode

Legion or WoD flying?
It has been a while for both. I think part of WoD was treasure finding, exalted with all factions (except saberon?l, all major story quest chains complete (probably includes some dungeons), unveiling all land too (no hidden areas in any of the maps), probably a bunch of garrison stuff too.
Legion is probably somewhat the same but I often get it confused with the class mount chain and farming those mobs from the ship (still need it on 3 more classes)

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doing both of them at the same time. I always have to spend hours just trying to figure out which quest to do next or where to find or what I have to do to unlock it

takes an hour per quest

Just focus on one and there is no point doing it until you have time to kill and are max level. They were meant to be done during the expansion being current by players slowly doing the stuff and slower exp gains when current.

im literally like one rep grind away from each flying being unlocked and I want them done and out of the way because it is literal hell and I want to just start a hunter and I can get all the heirlooms and stuff.

I have 1 lvl 120, 115, and 110


Cant wait for classic, no achievements or quest markers

>Why is a pay per month game extensively grindy. This will take months!

Really makes you think...

Just accept that WoW is one of those "where the fuck do I go?"
Also... Read your tooltips.

no its NOTHING like this. I thought I had to run a raid. I spent 3 hours in it with retards. they wouldn't do the right thing. I talked to an expert on the game. he says no you dont have to do that. he says look at this achievement. I said okay. I spend half an hour. finding the quest. I do it I hand it in. I get no quests AT ALL after that. and then I look all over for quests. nothing. all I have is quests leading me to that stupid raid I dont even have to do and takes like 10 people and I already spent 3 hours in it

I look for the achievement on wowhead I find nothing useful at all. its all fucking bull shit.

From there put in your realm and character and hit load, see what is 100% and open in a new tab to read it. Follow down the list.
>I can get all the heirlooms and stuff.
You can't most likely there are heirlooms that were Garrosh non LFR pre MoP patch exclusives. I ran it with about 4 characters a week and as they were random I still missed out on some including the Hunter weapon.
Don't worry though they mostly have old heirloom counterparts but their big gimmick was that they leveled to 110 in WoD (whereas no other heirloom did that till the .2? patch of WoD and you had to buy upgrades)

I quit wow in legion , I've seen on twitch the explosion of some streamers and that is the only thing that keeps this game alive.
I rather hit the gym or get high than play that game, I only listen to youtube songs now , even games are boring with all those streamers playing them.

Wow is shit, but not because of that. You're just an actual retard. One fucking google search tells you every single little baby step you have to take to unlock flying.

Off yourself, mongoloid.

WoW rn is easy enough for a trained ape to play it, including raids. OP is a retard or should get an addOn to guile him through steps like a total baby.
There is no comparison, in terms of difficulty, to the early expansions

The early expansions weren't difficult.. what made them good is community

ya its a terrible game lol

They were also harder when it comes to raid tactics and less informations overall
Now they are not only repetetive but more forcing week-by-week grind instead of long term farming