There are 4 normie mega threads here daily racking up a total of about 900+ normies (/r9gay/, drugfeels, mbti...

>there are 4 normie mega threads here daily racking up a total of about 900+ normies (/r9gay/, drugfeels, mbti, feels pub)
>many "fembot" and "no gf" posts scattered in between
>as we all know there are no fembots (and even if there are, they don't deserve to be recognized as such) and people who complain about no gf are incels
>from this we can conclude that on the outskirts of these mega normies threads there is no refuge for robots, just more angry failed normies

so this is what this place has become. A place for closet gays to LARP, people with no personality to pretend they have one, degenerate druggies to be pretentious and for normies to vent about their gfs with incels and trannys in between.

a failed normie who has everything but a gf is the closest thing to a robot we have and maybe wagies.
shitposting here isn't even really a thing anymore.

based on pic related it seems their tactic worked. Why? because they demographic of this board has, and this is an estimation. Been 60% normies with good sustainable lives, 15% neckbearded autists, 20% of what is now called incels and in the glory days 5% robot. The 40% of outcasts and even some normies shaped old Jow Forums
85% of this board was controllable, and controlled they got. Many turncoats leaped into the gay arms of tranny shills, normies weren't afraid to be normie anymore and many of the neckbeard autists have died or abandoned their ways. Robots still remain. But are so low in numbers that they can't do anything other then educated the dumb anons here on random things.
of course with this place loosing it's edge. content creators and OC people are gone as well. And after Jow Forumsincel shut down the floodgates were opened for 'that' website.

the PC people have eroded and dulled the edge from Jow Forums. Now it is the gay brew we see here today. As i am powerless to do anything significant. I can only wonder what will happen 10 years down the line.

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Finally, someone who understood the absolute state of Jow Forums.

Your telling me that there is a satanic Reddit plot too enslave Jow Forums ? Some how i knew this was true well any case this will be stopped time we get the gang back together

Attached: well would you ahve it any other way.jpg (259x194, 6K)

Well shit, get your ass to betterchan so it isn't so fucking slow then. Only reason this shithole is popular is for screenshots and larping autists.

Jow Forums is actually good if you know how to use regex and filter /b/

I can understand.
I see many post like this.

this board has been really bad for years now (at least since 2016) and if it took you this long to realize that then idk what to tell you

the /b/ raid, GG publicity, fappening, 2016, politic retards, trannies and incel subreddit refugees completely destroyed Jow Forums.

Sadly, that is the truth. But I still believe we could make this place great again.

Here is a basic /b/ filter:

/\/fur|wwyd|pics you should|shouldn't share|fb\/ig/i;boards:b

Behold, Jow Forums without cancer

>shitposting here isn't even really a thing anymore.

Fantastic. Time to fucking grow up. Don't talk to me about being controllable if all you need is a fucking frog picture to believe whatever someone says

In short time the world keeps moving on while Jow Forums refuses to change aka become a censored shit hole i hate Jow Forums with all my heart for bringing Reddit and summerfags upon us all but dont worry only time will tell what happens next

moot was right when he deleted this board in 2011. this is just a gay board for people who want to meet up.

Let's take back what's ours with fire and blood.

Let's start raiding normie threads and make r9k great again

Attached: revolution1.png (2200x1500, 1.69M)

We stand behind you lord mannis

I would honestly be surprised if youre one of the poltards who was angry 5+ years ago about this board and still whining

shouldnt the mod move all that shit over to social or fucking lgbt or somthing ffs

Amen brother. Even the last Misaki thread was shit.

As much as I hate plebbit, we should have rules against the stuff OP is bitching about.

>no normie trash
>no attention whoring
>gf threads belong on Jow Forums

He has a post with a pol flag written die on it and you call him a poltard


Literally everything that is wrong with not only this board but this site right now. Absolutely based and redpilled

what's the difference between a robot and an incel? please respond.

A robot is a cool man with sunglasses. He got the moves and the bitchies and men literally kneel to him.

if you want to ban all normies you'd have to come to an agreement on what a normie even is.

Why wont they leave us alone? We havent done anything in years

Let's turn this thread into a counsil and then decide. Whatever is agreed upon in the end should be taken seriously by the mods.

Incel is a person who bases his identity on his lack of sex. A robot is generally also involuntarily celibate, but doesnt base his identity around that.

>all the gay/blogposting shit was a plan to wither the board
This is like wikileaks confirming what tinfoil hatters knew for years

Normies have
>had sex before
>have genuine friends that love and care for them
>talk about browsing reddit or reddit in a positive light
>believe sjw type stuff
Thats my best guess

people have been saying Jow Forums is bad since the beginning of fucking time. but every faggot here wants to base their quality of this site on their own timeframe.

Its easy. Socially inept=robot. Not socially inept=normie. You dont even have to not be a social outcast. There are social outcasts who get along very well with people in their alternative groups. So the criteria cant just be being a social outcast. Its about lacking social skills and being lonely because of that. Involuntarily lonely maybe, lol.

>isn't male
>is passable trans(unpassable and abominations are in a weird loop. They're fags, but not even fags would do them. This suually happens with very late transitioning or botched transitioning that leaves a person physically crippled and stuck in limbo. Split on this)
>has had sex in any way shape or form
>is at or above 6'0
>has no disfigurements of the face or body or no disgusting/unsightly things he does physically (such as horrible proportions, a face below 4/10, pimple scars, mouthbreathing, extreme flatulence, unable to hold urine or excrement. Any of these gives a pass for this category )
>had more than two non-sexual relationships
>has more than 1 real life friend
>goes out to socialize
>has the social capabilities to have a stable career and climbed to a high position in it
>is rich (either is stable enough to earn enough money or has a family that cares enough to leave hi ma lot of money)
>is bi or gay
>has active social media (except for shitposting accounts or accounts specifically made to get free shit)
>was stable enough to go through the effort of getting a Masters or an above degree
>has long term goals that involve a clear path to improvement (such as being successful with your studies and being offered a good job)
>attends events or clubs (even chess clubs count. If you're able to sit with other people in a small room and socialize, you're a normie or a failed normie).

anything pertaining to should be removed
> trannies we could allow 1 general to be fair but if they bleed into more threads they need to be removed wqithout hesitation, and the discussion shouldnt be about how they can be better trannies and have gay sex its should be dealing with being a trannie
>gay shit or atleast keep it in one thread
>drug shit in terms of recreation
>degenerate sex shit
> if you talk about past sex expierences you shouldnt be here
> race baiting threads,
> fembot threads, we are anonymous ffs we dont give a shit if your a girl
> any thread that has a photo of these animie drawn fetish girls that all these norie faggots are making its just fucking obvious

I vote for this one here.

Attached: Aurelius.jpg (199x253, 9K)

Omg I wish I could upvote all of these comments! Cmon guys lets do this, lets remove these people from our subreddit.

this, i mean what do the janitors and mods even do on this board, shouldnt they be maintaining the content for fuck sake

okay great, im just saying that based on my experience the quality took a precipitous decline around 2016, you dont have to agree idc

Maybe not a consensus yet, but we'd still need a way to carry this out, in case a mod can't do it.

Reddit uses a bot and mod tandem method. And I think some of their bots can auto-ban too.

>>pic related

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Actual fag user here, the stupid retarded gay + tranny threads should be purged and moved to /lgbt/ or /soc/. Sick of seeing this stupid shit everywhere. Just kick them out to the other dirty degenerate boards

We could all just shitpost all of the unnecessary degenerate threads until they have to move. Makes me so happy to find out that there are other anons that are sick of this shit

Attached: 1555116480947.jpg (474x473, 26K)

>we could allow 1 general
No, fuck off. We tried allowing a containment general and trannies and fags, being the mentally unhinged attention-whores they are, started seeping into other threads and using this as a base to recruit the young for their degenerate discord raids. Fags and trannies should go to /lgbt/ period. Don't even give them the table scraps.

Do you have a link for the original plebbit post?

Attached: AKied.jpg (288x175, 6K)

I think we should define normies as pic related

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Lets face it, r9k was taken over by transies and normalfags. Move on. Invade their safe space, youtube, discords, forums, Twitch. If they can invade and shitpost Jow Forums, you can invade their media and shitpost there.
Stop being passive pussy hiding behind "muh normie sites", you leave them alone, they breed and overflow from reddit to Jow Forums. You take fight to them.

It's the only place we've got. Its comfy. I'd rather die than go someplace else, let alone normie media.

>It's the only place we've got. Its comfy.
Except it's not. It's not comfy anymore and it's not comfy anymore. Literally a closed subreddit would be more comfy than r9k infested with tranny sissies fembots.

I'm not memeing. Literally move on. Join or create if you have to r9k communities outside of Jow Forums.

We could at least try to take it back by shitposting the stupid tranny plebbit faggot threads

I think we should ask reddit for more ideas and methods to moderate this board. Who's with me on this one?

I wonder if it would be possible to create a closed subreddit and have it invite based only to veto out all of the normies.

Is there an alternative Jow Forums board with actual robots and none of the /soc/ faggotry? I just want to finally leave this shithole of a board since it's already dead.

so... goreposting?

Triggering would probably be good enough but overkill will work just fine

You need to vacate this place.

The fact the these threads exist and get many bumps is the reason why we can do it

There have my vote.

Attached: Clint.jpg (1280x720, 94K)

fuck no, anonimity is big part of this place. what you are suggesting would just devolve into yet another discord server

This whole list should be a sticky and used as law.

The only place I'm seeing is /hikki/ on a site called uboachan. But it seems a bit slower paced and not as simple to navigate.

Not as shitty though.

Just sayin they're sensitive little snow flakes. They'll fucking die at the sight of gore

>>has had sex in any way shape or form
>>had more than two non-sexual relationships
>>goes out to socialize
>>attends events or clubs

>>isn't male
im fine with fags or fags acting like fems as long as they dont talk about it. if you have cocklust or whatever they say these days, just talk about it on lgbt. not that hard

>>is at or above 6'0
pic related

>has long term goals that involve a clear path to improvement
not necessarily, look at the mad scientist archetype

>has more than 1 real life friend
I'd say a real robot has no irl friends

>>was stable enough to go through the effort of getting a Masters or an above degree
mad scientist

Attached: black_ops_2.png (633x833, 782K)

What if we made our own user-pseudo reddit hybrid site?

Nevermind. That might complicate the issue if the hypothetical site doesn't get much traction.


Oh great, it's another gay LARP thread that will lead to no noticeable improvement to the board or even any real substantial attempt to do so

I so look forward to these

Attached: dissapointed or concerned social media amphibian.png (1103x1010, 725K)

Then GTFO faggot

then you are still left with voting, which hides "controversial" opinions and becomes a hivemind with set of unchallengable opinions sooner than later
q&a format exists where posts are sorted by order, but then it's just "a" forum with fancy layout....
stop fucking sealioning me and stop shilling plebdit. gtfo

Nigger mbti thread has like 70 unique posters in 2 days. And r9gay thread gets maybe a little bit more. How did you get 900+ normies a day?

This is literally a war council.

How do you count unique posters?

i miss when r9k was comfy and had feels threads for robots to support eachother in. i swear it wasnt always this edgy and gay. generally homos were relegated to one thread and would stay there if there was a gay thread up at all (cuz the mods used to actually do their fuckin jobs)

BTW you get banned on some boards for saying "tranny" now. Jow Forums is being infiltrated from the inside by fags.

people have tried before with little success. it's not like we can't do both at the same time. If we have to weed everyone coming to the sub, itll probably be very slow anyway.

Their mods probably don't really care about Jow Forums raids since they themselves dislike this site. Our jannies on the other hand, much different

nice one fag, ruin a few more sites and maybe you'll get a highscore

We need an original mascot for the uprising. Something we can spam on the tranny and dirty druggie threads

Goals means mental stability. A mad scientists is a failed normie imo. You will not be able to achieve your goals or reach higher level of education in any field without a good amount of interactions and socializing skills. You need to go through many hoops, group projects, discussions and so on. A robot would not be able to stomach any of that. But sure, lets say this is questionable and further up for debate.
>im fine with fags or fags acting like fems as long as they dont talk about it.
>if you have cocklust or whatever
I'm kinda okay as well, but this is the problem. The second you accept fags or people with a far greater dating pool and possibilities, you open the door for the board to turn into this again. Again, debatable for actually gay men, but once you move towards fem men, crossdressing and trans, I think it' a bad idea to accept them.
>I'd say a real robot has no irl friends
It can be possible to hold onto a childhood friend from when you both were growing up or a friend you only play games with, but this is also tricky. I'm not sure how to approach friendships. I mean losers and autists can form bonds and wallow in each others despair, but does it mean that they're socially capable or does it mean that they're able to understand each others "language" that others cannot.

Of course almost nothing on that list is set in stone and should be debated, revised, changed, added. Just a starting point.

these are the newfags who want to "save the board" they were never around for in the first palce

nu kc

Robot describes a full lifestyle, while incel is a sex fiend. Most robots probably dont give a shit about having sex.

NONSENSE, you were a newfag at some point. I was too little to know about Jow Forums and then I found this promised land. Made me feel less lonely and at home. Newfag isn't bad. Normie is bad. If you're new, as long as you're not a normie, you're allowed here period.

Attached: Blodtorst pepe.png (831x1000, 1.33M)

poster count is bottom right corner, now stop with the gay LARP you aren't a warrior you're just late to the party

this is always gonna be tranny9gay now

FUCK autists and incels

Attached: 1553264782068.jpg (511x671, 41K)

We'll see and thanks

fuck you and normies

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Maybe like that Tarrant-chan meme, except with someone like Misaki.

Or maybe a modified Doomer character.

what happened in 2016? I've only been here since late 2017 so I wouldn't know but it keeps coming up every now and then

>Their mods probably don't really care about Jow Forums raids since they themselves dislike this site. Our jannies on the other hand, much different
our jannies literally support fembot and transexual threads because they are liftist and want to get rid of racist and misogynistic robots from r9k. That;s why they do little or even promote trannie sissy fembot threads.
Wake up.

>We could at least try to take it back by shitposting the stupid tranny plebbit faggot threads
And we do for how many years now? 2? 3? Since it all started? Fuck it. r9k is dead. Take community somewhere else or burry it under fembot tampoons and trannie socks.

You don't loose anonymity by having "nickname", as long as you don't use your real name and adress it's fine. Simply stop attaching value to names/nicknames and focus on the content. You are the problem, not the username system. Anonimity on Jow Forums servers as a way to express yourself without censorship not as a means to be le secrit club.
Therefore the biggest problem when going to a different site with robot community would be their terms of service censoring the community. You would have to constantly hide your power level. Although people inside the community would be aware of it and outsiders would have no idea what's going on. It's actually quite tempting because it does gives you a sense of community.

the election, the Jow Forums explosion

Attached: pzhcll.png (540x651, 221K)

THIS. Someone good with graphic design stuff?

Gimme like 20 min. I have an idea

>people who complain about no gf are incels
you fucking retard need to learn about the culture of this board before spamming 8 chan autism

>modified Doomer character
wojack has already been taken by the trannies.
>inb4 lets take him back
were playing defense bud, doesnt work that way

Fuck normies and trannies

I can't even make a thread without tranny shilling
Maybe use bangposting but that wasn't really effective, it died too quickly
We also need a mascot as

Might be far-fetched, but I could somehow see this influencing a different cultural movement.

The idea of Modern Nostaliga, because people don't realize how good things were until they lose it.

Attached: Modern Nostalgia.png (937x526, 697K)

>our jannies literally support fembot and transexual threads because they are liftist and want to get rid of racist and misogynistic robots from r9k. That;s why they do little or even promote trannie sissy fembot threads.
>Wake up.
where you talking to me? i was trying to say that the mods stopped us from raiding, agreeing with you in a way

good work user, the traniban will be taken down once and for all!

Be gone with this anime cuckshit.

I can agree to that. Defense is a different ballgame that offense anyway.

The key is to have a better strategy and solid ground to work on (in terms of our site, not wojack)

I'm just curious to see what the other user will come up with.

Sorry, I used a bad illustration for my point again.

no from me, just seems like some random anime to them. not very iconic considering we're on all about japanese culture

really hoping he doesnt come up with something shit

>baord tan
Oh great, can't wait for more weeb bullshit or crossdressing nonsense that people will create porn of. just have some symbol or something.

this board is unusable. just fucking look below this post, and every other thread wants you to become a literal cuckold / gay / tranny