Seriously, why do you guys even hate trannies? They probably get more ass than any of you.
Seriously, why do you guys even hate trannies? They probably get more ass than any of you
I never hated trans girls op. Some of them are actually pretty cool people.
>They probably get more ass than any of you.
Obviously I wasn't refering to you. You're cool man.
I want to get topped by a tranny
Dykes. Either you get the shit beat out of you or all the sex you want if they feel pity.
The average Jow Forums user is an entitled little shit who either has terrible socializing skills or thinks the world owes him everything. The average trannie is someone who embraced what he or she wanted to become despite what other people say, and that is a quality that most people search in a love interest.
>Why do ugly bottom beta male homos hate women and trannies for having sex with attractive men
why are you prejudiced against bottoms?
Bro if we hate normal people who get ass, what makes you think we don't hate mentally ill weirdos who get ass?
There is a difference between an outcast in unfair situations and repulsive creeps who believe they will get the girl by doing shit straight out of a movie
its easy as fuck to get ass if you're a faggot, they're so promiscuous its unbelievable. i'm not gay but i look like a twink and when i was going to school in nyc i got no attention from girls but had faggots approaching me on the street on almost a daily basis. getting laid as a tranny or fag requires no skill or effort whatsoever.
>Mentally ill.
Explain. But seriously, I have always had curiosity why people call any kind of sexual preference a mental disease, I just don't see why
>repulsive creeps who believe they will get the girl by doing shit straight out of a movie
so americans?
I agree that some trans people are cool, but I could never truly be friends with them because I'd feel guilty, like I was enabling their mental illness.
Not everyone is Freddy Mercury in that sense user.
Pretty much, yeah, that describes it accuratelt
But youre really not its already there. If anything you be helping them cope with it.
I don't hate trannies, just stop expecting me to give a shit about them.
I also don't give a shit but I find it annoying when people start complaining, mainly due to the fact that it is without any particular reason or provocation
The way I see it, liking feet or getting shat on is weirdo, but doesn't affect your entire daily life the way that being a tranny does. Most of them make getting railed their entire personality, it's no different than sex addiction.
>be 5'3" ftm
>have had 6 gfs and 5 bfs
>don't care im short and have no penis
i don't know how some people on here claim its impossible to have a gf and have sex if youre a "manlet" or have a tiny dick its not hard you just treat them like any other person they're not some different species
>I'm not a homosexual, but I know what's attractive to homosexuals, and I was super attractive to homosexuals, because I should know. But I wasn't attractive to girls.
What a fagcope
Why act like you want to be treated normally when all you talk about is how not normal you are? If you stopped making threads about yourselves and just acted like a normal male/female then I literally wouldn't even care. It's only really MTFs anyway, FTMs have already learned that no one gives a fuck. All I ask if you just act like a normal person, if you want to talk about the fact that your a tranny then reddit is a stones-throw away.
I don't think I should be helping them cope with it, I think they'd all be indescribably happier if they could find a way to make amends with the reality of their sex. I don't know how to do this though, and they're very touchy on the subject obviously, so I avoid them.
Most modern medicine/psychology on the the condition is just cope for lack of a better solution, probably also some influence from rich elites who'd prefer the multiplication of queers among certain societies.
Except it's not about having sex but changing something about you. You can't be black if you weren't born black, but current technology allows us to change sex. Think about it, there isn't much information about trannies before sex change was invented.
how is that a cope and what am i coping with exactly?
You truly haven't met a normal person who happens to be a trannie, haven't you?
It's about becoming a whore because you think thats easier.
Literally the only representation I get of the world is provided to me by this site. Frankly, you're all fairly annoying. I would never know you were trannies if you didn't bring it up.
That's another thing altogether, and becoming or fantasizing over being one is a fetish that incels have. Again, most transexuals just change because they want to be from the other sex, no other reason
I don't hate trans. I just hate how much they flaunt them having a dick and being so different without provocation. It's obnoxious when it comes to that. As far as sex, I don't care if they're having it. Why would I?
>My perception of the world is what I see in this site.
Oh, you poor, poor soul...
>How is this thing a cope and what is this thing I'm asking you about?
I don't hate them because they're trans, rather I hate them because most of those who I've interacted with come across as arrogant and condescending.
Is this entire discussion not about the trannies on this site to begin with? I don't really have a problem with the ones in the real world.
First off, not all trans are like that, and second, you are on Jow Forums, it is to be expected that you wonder if people have sex or not, but you are actually better if you don't care, so I'm gonna give you that one
i really don't see what you're struggling to understand. i didn't get attention from girls and went through college a virgin because i wouldn't have sex with men, who demonstrated a lot of interest with me. somehow this is a cope i guess. idk because you won't explain, you'll just post ebig reaction pics and greentext.
I was talking about the people in this specific board complaining about transexuals, not the /r9trannies/ or the general LGBT community.
Son, are you retarded?
.t homosexual cope
.t retard cope
They're clearly complaining about the ones on this site you mongoloid. Hence why we didn't acknowledge their existence untold they made it known to us that they were posting here.
"Idk why girls aren't attractive to me! I'm just a twink lol uwu"
lmao@you fag
Wanting to chop your dick off isn't something a mentally sound person would do
if i were a fag it wouldn't have taken me so long to get laid lol. i looked objectively twinkish when i was that age, i don't see how acknowledging that simple fact makes me gay.
Chopping your dick is a rather minimalistic way to explain it. You still need something to be able to piss
>I just don't see why
Because people have certain sexual functions with correlating functions in the opposite sex that don't achieve any ends besides pleasure from the individuals involved in a homosexual relationship. What's wrong with this? Nothing, if you think pleasure is the most we get out of life. But if you think there's a telos to natural phenomena, ie, you're not just living for yourself and your own cummies, then it's worth considering that you take some notes from the apparent order manifesting itself in nature around you.
>probably get more AIDS until they turn 25 and cant pass for a 14 year old boy in drag anymore
Dogs are also gay.
>"Bro, look at that pic of me in me in my late teens or early twenties. What a twink lol"
Said no straight guy. Ever. Fag.
Dogs usually aren't gay though, you can't make an aberration the rule.
okay well i'm straight and i said it so whatcha gonna do about it?
additionally, dogs eat their own shit and piss all over the place unless you train them not to. You're setting the bar pretty low if you want to make dogs the standard of human behavior.
Tell that to absolutely every fucking dog I've ever met or seen. Every fucking dog at another person's house, every fucking dog on the street, and my own fucking dog have tried to fuck another dog of his same sex.
>First off, not all trans are like that
I know that. All the more interesting and generally lesss obnoxious trans people I've come across have only been on this board. Out in the world it's been mostly what I described earlier. Worst still I lived in a poor area for a while and had to rent a room out for this trans couple to stay afloat and this mtf trans was just the most disrespectful shit ever. I was only a kid but I remember very clearly how she would demand my mom clean things for her and yell at her and leave a mess in the bathroom. She would just eat food clearly labelled for my family and would delay the room payments like fuck. And when she finally left, the room she rented out was suddenly a dilapidated, wrecked fucking mess.
Well, there's also dolphins, who also fuck for pleasure and rape everything that moves.
notice here
so are you suggesting that humans should be doing this too?
Humans differ from other animals in their capacity for self-awareness and reason, we aren't beholden to our instincts like other animals.
>i'm straight and i said it so whatcha gonna do about it?
Nothing, twink ;)
You realise you're getting a pass, right? Current lunatic society is so incredibly focused on reinforcing and pushing out of the norm shit that you are absolutely not getting the same experience as a man is getting user.
It's like being disabled or some shit, you're getting very specific treatment because people are afraid of upsetting you or feel bad for you or don't want to make you feel bad. That doesn't exist for ordinary men generally.
First off, rape isn't fine, it never has been fine, and it will never be fine. I just don't understand that logic, if a so called "disease" is so common and doesn't affect ANYTHING OR ANYBODY, then every little mutation like having green or blue eyes would also be considered a disease! You get me now?
Why the hell are you here even, tranny fag
hehe sure user im still in a 2+ year long committed relationship with my boyfriend i'm still getting the same experience as any man despite being a tiny little dipshit with no peepee you should just take my advice and that people care more about personality than looks
I don't hate them personally but I just don't support the idea of that kind of route, as it leads to more depression, pain, heartbreak, and divide. It's more of a detesting pity as to how they were manipulated into this lie of that the grass is greener on the other side, only to find out it's the same shit but now your body is apprehensively FUBAR.
Oh yeah then there are those annoying fags that always have to make it about them and being obnoxious.
>in a relationship with a man
>as a ftm
>getting the same experience as a man
Are you retarded? Oh gee, men don't care about penis size and it's women who do, who would have known.
A homo relationship is not the same experience as the average man, because the average man is fucking straight and has to deal with women. Women who very much will treat you differently than they treat a man.
Twink is a common word on fitness and incel type forums.
because what they do is disgusting and there is an entire board dedicated to letting them do their fag shit but they still feel the need to go on our board and post about it like the attention seeking mentally ill people they are
i've had girlfriends before though? i just treat them like anyone else and the sex is great if you're just open with them most women don't even cum from penetration but fucking them with my prosthesis is fun too that and i pass i've had a gf that didn't know i was trans until we had sex but she was cool with that
that and i'm almost always a top with other trans men or cis men
>First off, rape isn't fine, it never has been fine, and it will never be fine.
Fantastic, we're on the same page, now just explain why that's so. I base my understanding on natural law though, idk what you base yours on, which might be difficult considering you just used mindless animals to justify homosexual activity.
>if a so called "disease" is so common and doesn't affect ANYTHING OR ANYBODY
lemme stop you there, loose sexual mores have always correlated with increased sexual deviancy. It typically correlates with times off excess wealth or the end of a peak of civilizational development. I do think some folks are naturally disposed to homosexual attractions but many can develop it, usually by early or frequent exposure to sexual activity or porn.
The issue with this comes with declining birth rates (shouldn't need to explain why this is an issue). No, it's not because everyone is gay now, but it is because the normalization of homosexuality has effectively opened the door for the "homosexual lifestyle" to be accessible for straights too: fleeting, transitory sexual relationships. Hookup culture. A lot of people are fucking but everywhere wombs are barren. So see, the problem isn't JUST homosexuals, but sexual dysfunction in general, and homosexuals are kind of the nexus of the entire sexual revolution. People support PRIDE so much not because I think they genuinely care about gays, but because they see them as analogous to their own capacity to enact their libertine desires.
Yeah, but there's 7 billion people on this planet and counting, so why would you care about low birth rate on the first place?
wow, such a relatively respsctful thread for ree9k
i'm impressed
we're getting ever closer. with transitioning it's less about attaining an "unreachable" aesthetic or style and more about conforming your body to soothe and ease your mind. it's impossible to permanently do the opposite without lobotomy or other awful conditions appearing. also as surgeries get refined and new options open up (doctors in the uk are testing the waters for mtf womb/puss transplants, for instance) it'll only get better with time.
sexuality and orientation has no bearing on gender presentation
oh no, i actually take pride in my body now, fucking crucify me
becuase there fucking disgusting and all have rotten dicks none of them are convincing unless they cake themselfs in make up have perfect lighting wear a wig and put some filters on, they are still men, deal with it, you like trannies your fucking gay
Because the same people who are telling us it's ok to be gay are the same people telling us we need to let in the third world to replace our population while the third world continues to boom in their own population thanks to aid from the west.
Think about this situation for a long time and consider what's happening.
>more about conforming your body to soothe and ease your mind
This is insanity though, your mind is in flux more than your body is, your body is what it is, it's static besides aging and disease.
Throughout all of history mental illness has been spotted by mind being out of congruity with reality, now you're suggesting we make reality conform to ones mind? This is to completely reject realism of any sort. Everything is nominal. You have no right to be saying any of this is good or just.
nobody gives a shit about your fag shit so stop fucking post about it, come to Jow Forums and post Jow Forums stuff not your fag shit, then nobody would really give a shit
>why do you guys even hate trannies
They make the worst bait, just like you
Why the fuk do faggots spam pictures of their asses every where. Imagine being such a scrawny weak pathetic twink subhuman failure of a man you go around posting shitty blurry cropped photos of your ass for validation. You think youre something just because a bunch of prison gay fuck up desperate simp losers trip over themselves when your post your shitty little pics? Its fucking pathetic
reminder that it's late and i'm groggy so i may not be as coherent as i'd like to be
>your mind is in flux more than your body is
not the subconscious underpinnings of self. no matter what you do or what your experiences are you'll always have a sense of being and an ideal of who you want to become, and for the majority of people this never changes.
>your body is what it is, it's static besides aging and disease
some of us are still growing and aging, we're all always getting older and wiser
>now you're suggesting we make reality conform to ones mind
the reality of my bodily autonomy should not concern you as much as you let it. if i am ill i will continue to take the procedures and medication that has been recommended to people like me for the past 30 years. the reality of the situation is that yes, being transgender may be a relatively new front of reality compared to homosexuality and other non-conforming facets of the self, but this is in stark contrast to just how much all the levels and knowledge of medicine and psychology have changed in those 30 years. despite terms, procedures, standards and more being shifted back and forth, the standards of care for trans people has for the most part stayed the same. is this because there requires more research on the subject? perhaps, but this is a point i can't argue tonight, and it's not an opinion i share.
cranky nobody's ever busted a nut to your tight ass, yeah?
>not the subconscious underpinnings of self.
Yea, those change too dumbass.
>the reality of my bodily autonomy should not concern you as much as you let it
If I'm to say I have love for others, as I believe I should, it does. I'm also wary of the madness you abet by participating and affirming others in doing so as well.
This sort of shit is exactly why gays should have their heads bashed in with hammers. Predatory, pushy, obnoxious fucking perverts.
if others choose to alter their forms the way i have, so be it. it's not my place to intervene on their journey to seeking true happiness, realized or falsified, and i don't think it's your place either. they will learn on their own, just as i have and will continue to. so far the effects of my decision have increased my confidence and self-worth, and pulled me from the brink of self-destruction. i get to look in the mirror and see someone who i feel comfortable being, someone who i'm proud to have represent as me. my tics and obsessive behaviors, along with my abhorrent rage, have vanished. the physical aspects so far are everything i dreamed of having when i was younger. i get to laugh and cry with intensity i've never felt before, and it's liberating. i feel like a real person, willing to experience and enjoy life, and not some passive ghost harbored inside a shell that didn't belong to me. i finally feel like me, the me that i was supposed to be.
dude most people wouldnt give a shit if fags didnt expect and try to force normal people to play into their delusion
>i finally feel like me, the me that i was supposed to be.
You don't know who you are, and one of these days that reality is going to hit you. When it does, I hope you won't destroy yourself as so many others have before. It isn't just about being able to pass or whatever, it's so much more than that. It will hit like a ton of bricks and you won't be mentally capable of dealing with it.
i'm not forcing anyone to do anything, just highlighting my experience. believe it or not i don't fucking care, it's just tiring having to defend my existance because people think i want to be treated special, want to diddle children or women in the bathroom, want a fucking axe wound in my crotch, want to hypnotize people into joining the tranny cult, want anything other than a quiet and unobtrusive life in a way that sets my mind and soul at ease
>It isn't just about being able to pass or whatever, it's so much more than that
yes, it is - it's about the mental clarity, it's about being perceived and treated like i've always wanted to, it's about not trying to kill myself for reasons that were unknown to me at the time, it's about loving and being loved in a way that feels right, it's about making up for all the lost time i spent ready to die. should i go back to that unforgiving shell, the one that caused me so much pain and hate and agony and despair? my family still loves me. i can love myself now. and for once, everything seems like it's going to be okay. and you still want me to throw it all away because you know me better than i do? the reality you speak of is nothing more than an evil rhetoric used to scare people like me into submission and complacency, and to take from them their hard-earned peace and happiness.
>not forcing anyone to do anything
>want to go into normal people bathrooms and expects people to accept you
>wants quiet and unobtrusive life
>fucks with normal peoples life by existing
>not forcing anyone to do anything
>want to go into normal people bathrooms and expects people to accept you
holy hard-ons batman, that's a lot of implications
>wants quiet and unobtrusive life
>fucks with normal peoples life by existing
trannies weird me out desu
also I aint gay... and like a woman having a dick is disgusting, also why would you choose to be trans? (if you arent born with it)
its just really fucking weird and disgusting to normal people, the fact you people exist openly now makes people hate and avoid you. People dont want you near their kids or in bathrooms for a reason. There is literally no way you guys can ever be accepted by society and to entertain the idea that it can and should be is insulting to normal peoples intelligence and morality. You are the physical manifestation of clown world. You people have the same value as aids riddled druggies. If you guys just kept to yourselves and accepted that you werent wanted and in turn left society alone nobody would care, its like scat fetish people, they dont hold parades or push for acceptance they keep their disgusting shit to themselves.
see 1st half of
Because transsexuals are evil, and your behavior is destructive to society, destructive to children, because it isn't normal or good behavior, and you don't care, you relish it, and that's why there is no cure to being a tranny, you will commit suicide. Its inherent to the pathological brain that made you act like this in the first place. Its an evil self-destructive behavior like being addicted to meth, and it needs to be stopped. Trannies are co-morbid, meaning they are ill, and this pathological illness makes them think this behavior is acceptable. Look at these trannies on this thread, they don't act like humans do they?
I hate you. You crossed the line when you become a far left identity who thought it was okay to mutilate children. And I think you ought to be treated like pedophiles, because being in fear of your life forces you to act in line. And you need to be humble about the fact that you don't have the right to make people like you. You can't force a person to like a maggot on a corpse.
>it's just tiring having to defend my existance
You don't deserve to exist, that seems to be the problem you trannies don't get. Your existence forces people to have to deal with you interfering in their lives. If people can figure out why trannies emerge, and have the choice to produce trannies or not, they will chose not too. Only the most disgusting and dysfunctional parents will chose a tranny as their child, and that says alot about trannies and their mentality. Not a single one of them is healthy. And it seems even more foolish because I believe that being a tranny can be cured with certain medication, but the research never got too far.
>yes, it is - it's about the mental clarity, it's about being perceived and treated like i've always wanted to, it's about not trying to kill myself for reasons that were unknown to me at the time,
The absolute narcassim of trannies. The fact that they wrote this, and thought that was gonna convince anyone is just proof of how fucking evil and mentally fucked trannies are. It's like a schizo trying to justify how their minds act, and think its okay because they are now "normal". Transexualism is a co-morbid disease, it is never just the transexualism, there are numerous problems with trannies. Because there is no such thing as "gender dysphoria", rather, its a particular class of disorders. And that's why trannies still kill themselves after transitioning because you can't CURE that mental disorder by cutting off your dick.
Trannies can live quiet unobtrusive lives without society accepting them. Humans are social creatures, our social interactions keep us going and we want to feel accepted by society, its only natural. Incels and other autistic groups like them cant either because they are socially unacceptable (not as much as trannies but you get my point) and its why a lot of them have depression and other mental issues. The only way you could ever live a quiet happy normal life is if society accepts you, which would be playing into your delusion which it will never do. The only way you could hope for such a life is by expecting society to change. Usually i have extreme hatred for you and people like you but sometimes i realize that you have a mental disorder and it is only natural to want to feel accepted and really blame you for it, that being said what you are doing people see as wrong and will not play into it. Sorry but this is the life you were given/chose and it will not change.
CANT live quiet unobtrusive lives without society accepting them.
my bad changes entire thing xd
>Yeah man its them rich jews that want more trans people
Dumb fucking nigger
I hate them because the only two other options would be to embrace them or tolerate them. Both options being an insult to those who created this society for me.
discord link Gsk4q59
>if someone gets more ass than you, they are superior to you.
OP are you on hormone therapy? cause you logic like a woman.
>They probably get more ass than any of you.
Yes, because they're faggots.
I don't hate trannies at all. I hate tranny threads on Jow Forums though (a lot of which I think may just be bait to make people hate trannies even more) and if someone's only exposure to trannies is on Jow Forums, then no wonder they hate them.
fags fuck like theyre saying hello. average partner count for US faggot is 300+. fuck faggots fuck trannies and fuck jannies. dilate