How do I find e-friends?

How do I find e-friends?
I'm so fucking lonely and public discord servers are cancer

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depends what your looking for

you gotta make them

join a server related to a hobby of yours, be it a certain videogame, animu, potted plants, whatever

it's tough dude
every discord server already has established cliques of popular people
hard to break into

Add people on discord from threads, online communities based on hobbies you like (yes there are non discord ones still), or online games if you play those. Hell, there's still some people who log on r9k omegle text sometimes looking for friends. A lot of people who use discord dont give a fuck about servers and dont go farther than a group chat of 3-4 mutual friends at most. Server regulars are legitimately fucking weirdos (as in trannies and erpers) in most cases unless it's a discord surrounding something that could NEVER be associated with anime or gaming, like legitimate basket weaving.

you really wont find them if youre looking for them, you just kinda find them

one i found while playing csgo and we just kept talking and playing, best friends for almost 4 years now

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i'm on the same boat as you user. it's gonna be a long night.

>tfw all my e-friends are gay guys who I met under the pretext of them thinking I wanted a relationship with them

don't mind me, just a completely normal guy with normal friendships coming through

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hahaha I feel you
my only online friend is a guy I e-dated because he was cute and I'm lonely as fuck even though I'm not gay

It could be worse, I could be totally lonely but ngl I really hate not having straight friends anymore. I just want some bros but I feel like I'm too socially impaired to do that anymore.

just post your original discord tag

dude I'd love gay guys hitting on me
I could use that self esteem boost
take what you can get dude

dont waste yout time user. they'll only ghost you and disappoint you

It gets old when you don't have guys to hang out with who aren't also attracted to you.

I've tried but I also can't make any.
Social anxiety won't allow us to make friends anywhere, user.

I feel you
good luck with that

i feel that same way but im a girl

I will talk to pretty much anyone. Nicholas#7474 is my Discord tag.

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Befriend girls or gay men then.

both tend to be drama filled :/. i like talking to guys because they tend to be really knowledgeable and easy to talk to but it always gets awkward once they catch feelings. i wish i had more friends

lift weights, change your hair
it's honestly not as hard as you think

Maybe you should get a bf then. Women aren't typically great at friendships, although sincere ones do sometimes happen.

if they're awkward once they catch feelings they're probably just too young

i have one. trust me only having your gf/bf to talk to gets eh after awhile, more so if you're trying to learn a new skill(they usually dont wanna join), broaden your knowledge, and its just nice to have someone else to talk to sometimes. also when you get mad at them you have nobody to vent to/hang out with

theyre all older than me. its really annoying with both genders. at this point i've legit given up on trying to make friends

if they're that awkward even though they're older it's probably because you are ugly
there is a chance though, that you are decent looking, and they are just lifelong NEETs with no social skills

>i have one. trust me only having your gf/bf to talk to gets eh after awhile, more so if you're trying to learn a new skill(they usually dont wanna join), broaden your knowledge, and its just nice to have someone else to talk to sometimes. also when you get mad at them you have nobody to vent to/hang out with
Then you have a shit bf.
>it always gets awkward once they catch feelings
Why don't you just tell them you have a bf right away then?

The closest thing I have to efriends is a group of 30-40 guys I met in a flash game via /sp/. We all sort-of splintered into a few interweaving groups in whatsapp groups, various games, etc. It's a nice little psuedo-community

>30-40 guys
what the fuck

Find a community of something you're interested in (the more niche/smaller the interest the better) and go from there. I found my group of e-friends off this small subreddit and we been friends for about 4 years now.