/r9trans/ - #2 - needy for affection edition

Due to the amount of trans spam on this board, we should contain the bulk of all transgender-related topics on one general thread rather than spamming the board!

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Nice idea but all faggots should end themselves

you have an entire board but then again i don't give a fuck what happens to this designated loser board.

Faggots/trannys are mentally ill "people" reliving their sexual trauma from being molested as children

that's not true, user. I was never molested.

Someone's getting a tummy rub!

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Did you either have early exposure to porn or sexuality activity and/or lack a strong paternal figure in your life who you had a good relationship with?

im a ftm that mainly wants to be with other ftms is that so wrong reeeee where is my trans bf

Plot twist: OP has a humiliation fetish and he is outsmarting everyone.

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I want a boyfriend so badly I cry every night in my pillow T_T

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Bump for cuties and valid people

something fucked has to have happend for you to become the degenrate you are today

you mean being born with gender dysphoria?

>tfw no bf who calls me a degenerate generic dead end freak while he hatefucks me into the sheets

I want one too!

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Go to /lgbt/ you mentally ill faggots. REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

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Reminder I made an /r9trans/ discord in case anyone is interested


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user I believe I found your safespace you should stay there

I would join but Im just gay not trans

After you got back to /lgbt/ faggot.

Hell is hot, trancnigger

Yeah it's really meant to be the official server of the thread. As long as you're nice I don't care but there's probably not much point unless you're questioning

there's no point, I will feel more like an outliar. Enjoy yourselves though :)


Can mods ban transpeople hate at least in our own generals? thanks.

I've only ever talked to one trans person in my life and she was one of the sweetest people I've ever met, if a bit clingy.
You guys are ok in my book.

I will literally be any transgirls bf. Drop discord.

Degenerate tranny shit belongs on /lgbt/. Stop spreading your filth here and be with your own kind

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Honestly, really now, answer me this. Why do you post here? YOU HAVE A WHOLE BOARD TO POST IN. Why do you continue to kill our threads?
I really have no problem with gays or trans people, some of you guys are cool, but this isn't the place to discuss it. Answer me.

hai, can you pls join this server if you're trans?
discord gg/pNBzpYs

also come back sam =]#3414 i miss you D:

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I don't hate you (((girls))) but you have your own board for this kind of thing, post your trans generals in there instead of here, thank you.

Exactly this guy knows it. There is literally no reason for you to be here

>joining a Jow Forums tranny discord after /r9cute/
look I'm sure you mean well personally but this is gonna be a hard sell

ill post where I want you gay little bitch

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Fucking tranny faggots go shit up your own board. Trannies and pedophiles belong in the same degenerate group, just fucking kill yourselves already.

And we are the ones who suffer. Please leave.

>please leave
lol no

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What's wrong with /lgbt/? Are you that addicted to porn you have to spam your filth here?

Behind every cute anime pic is a chem abusing, groin-gashed "trans"sexual, a literal failed male

>be a boy
>come across an interesting profile on okc
>start talking
>2 months later we're an ldr
>at this point i'm pretty convinced they're my soul mate (I was 18 and naive)
>they want to tell me something and make me promise i won't get mad nor leave them for it
>admits to being trans
>feel betrayed
>wish her all the best and end the ldr

i tried letting her go as gently as i could and honestly speaking i doubt i would've considered dating her in the first place if she revealed she was trans from the beginning, still feels pretty shitty 4 years later.

I would consider it now if it wasn't for the pressure of my family and friends which I understand is small relative to what trans people go through.

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>i tried letting her go as gently as i could
letting IT go, it's not a woman and it's not a man, it's a disgusting la creatura now

You did good



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I fucking love the angry retards in here lmao, they find an excuse for everything
>"theres too many tranny threads on r9k! Reeeeeeee"
>an attempt is made to move all tranny stuff into 1 thread to cut down on the clutter
>"reeeeeee get off this board and go back to lgbt reee"
>ignoring the fact that r9k is literally b but with unique sentences. Also ignoring that r9k has been like this forever
Smells like summer lads

>Smells like summer
Nah that's just your fuck wound.

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>tfw not even a tranny
Seethe harder my friend, just dont break your keyboard or mummy will be mad

I honestly can see why they come here instead of staying on /lgbt/. That board is seriously as toxic and vitriolic, if not more, than /v/ or Jow Forums and is like walking through an active minefield with Arkansas (FO3) having you in constant line of sight. If you're LGBT and aren't interested in such shit flinging then this is the logical alternative because the mods and jannies of /lgbt/ don't care.

this really blows my mind. no one here wants faggots. they don't belong on this board. yet they keep insisting on spaming retarded shit. you don't look like these anime girls. you look like a goblin. i didn't hate fags before but you degenerate subhumans have changed my mind.

R9K has been gay as fuck for over half a decade now
Newfags GTFO

i'm so needy.... please cuddle with me...

>i'm so needy.... please cuddle with me...
you better be willing to get inebriated with me. no funny business, just drinking and shooting the shit

/r9-traa... yep, cloworld is in full effect and it will only keep going. Tbh, it's fine with me, I find some transgirls cute but I don't think they're girls, they're just feminized twinks and that's fine, you deserve to be loved even if you're a deluded tranny that hates himself.
But I feel like I'd just try to make the tranny detransition and be happy as a guy-and I feel like they'd hate that.

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this meme is so dead..
how about Tranny Yuga

Just gonna leave this here origindingdongdi

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did you mean cloworld?

Kys you stupid nigger faggot

not that user, but that seems nice

yus, that's what I meant to say. thank you for noticing, here's some dopamine.

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reminder to snort your titty skittles so they can directly turn your brain into a girlbrain

reminder there's no such thing as anti-androgen but just chemical shit that messes your body up. Cypro just empties you cells of water or some shit, i'm too much of a brainlet to remember but it's the reason why all trans girls look so pale :( You'd be better off taking some herbal testosterone suppresskrs and cutting one of your nuts off.

yo, that image is actually pretty hot.
i'd want to be in the position of the faceless user, tho. i wanna wrap my arms around a qt one way or another

>all trans girls look so pale
nonsense look at that absolutely healthy Mediterranean tone

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thank. i'll drink with anyone so long as the interaction stays revolving around drinking. i buy too much alcohol for one person anyway.. but i do end up drinking it all

better yet get the hell off our board

dude, c'mon, stop being such a retard. yeah, looks like a retarded troon but when's the last time you nutted to tgirl/trap porn?
go outside.

yeahh i know, i hurts to be ugly and manly and want to be the bitch underneath, oh well

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making fun of ugly trans might save some people from severe disappointment or regret tho not my fault this whole movement works on a physical beauty hierarchy

Went on /lgbt/ a bit. Problem is that the board is more for 'serious' trans stuff i.e. dosage, solving actual problems and coming out where I just wanna give ANY user male or female lots of soft snuggles and get really angry (start rolling around on my bed and chewing my pillows in irritation) if I don't at least express how much I love warmth and cuddling people to death with overwhelming affection at least 42 times a day. Also /trans/ tummies are totally patrician, there's the softness of a shaved stomach that one can glide their fingers around, or gently slide their tongue across, or twirls one's finger around the navel without being seen as a creep if one were to do that with a woman because trans are more ironically self-aware of their charm points. There's nothing I like more than a cute tummy!

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I bet if someone made a general for niggers it wont get as much hate.

>Relax bigot, there's only one /lgbt/ thread on r9k
>Relax bigot, there's only 2 sissy generals, 1 nonromantic gay general, 1 romantic gay general, 1 grindr general, 1 cocklust general and 3 tranny generals on Jow Forums

Maybe more robots are gay or trans than you'd like to admit?

Maybe its astroturfing???

oh noo, people aren't sexless losers anymore, now they're losers having sex oh nooo
kys, this is the real cybperpunk world

be a true 40%er and make that statistic happen faggot

Not leaving until /lgbt/ gets a red board

Stay mad Jow Forumstard

i'm already a slav, don't worry about me

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Oh no! This silly boy is originally seething

>"Y-you mad!" squeaked user as he closed the tab

Who would have guessed this board full of social outcasts had a few repressed gays in it?

>be trannazoid
>hate 90% of trannies for being insufferable, or transbian hons.

maybe this thread could be the containment general, since a lot of r9k faggots are trannies. I've mostly been gay posting about cute boys in the r9gay general.

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I was linked this fucking

I'm going to try my hardest and be nice for once, QUIT MAKING YOUR OWN GENERAL. It will only be a target for spammers and trolls who will just end up derailing your threads over and over again, sure, /r9gay/ was fine but this ain't gonna to work

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I do the same and have been outed a few times for being too gay.

nevermind, I waa optimistic for a second til I was reminded of how fucking degenerate r9k is.

>have a weird dream where I start an online group for cute maids as a joke
>abandon it and it somehow becomes full of cute maidgirls, butlers, masters, etc. posting about being maids and shit
>come back later to find out how active it is
>decide to meet up with some of them
>have a good time
>dream ends with me getting eaten/transformed by a bunch of spiders and turning into a girl
>wake up thinking to myself you know if you could be a maid or a master wouldn't be nice to be both?
literally what the FUCK does any of that mean?

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This isn't a surprising development, Jow Forums and Jow Forums in general is gay and repressed as shit.

repressed isnt the right word, agp transbian would be correct.

>Repressed gays
No, prison gays. Incels who became so frustrated and manipulated that they think that they can't get a gf and should instead become the gf.

prison gays at work.

Hahah it was a trap all along ~

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>Also /trans/ tummies are totally patrician, there's the softness of a shaved stomach that one can glide their fingers around, or gently slide their tongue across, or twirls one's finger around the navel without being seen as a creep if one were to do that with a woman because trans are more ironically self-aware of their charm points
except cis women love it when you do that during consensual sex

Why is this thread on this board? There is literally a board designed for this stuff. Go post there instead

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fuck you faggot I hope you get raped by a manatee

The hate is going to die off by thread 20 or so and from then on it'll just be filtered by people, just like /r9g/ or the druggie thread

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W-wait, women actually enjoy that? I mean I've seen questionable videos and I just thought they were heavily exaggerating.

You're not gonna make a girl cum by rubbing her tummy, of course, but getting all touchy-feely with your partner is what making out is about.

Many men aren't good at it but that's just because they're trying too hard, maybe that's what's going on in the videos you're talking about.

It just feels good when your partner gives your body attention. The foreplay and intimacy are the most important parts of real-world vanilla sex. Not even gender-specific in practice, it's just not part of what sex-crazed virgins fantasize about.

t. person who had sex with e-gf once