why are feminist so obsessed with abortion?
Christ, I consider myself edgy but I would never go as far as to desire the death and torture of babies
why are feminist so obsessed with abortion?
Christ, I consider myself edgy but I would never go as far as to desire the death and torture of babies
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Imagine if every time you watched porn there was a chance of getting herpes or pregnant. You'd want everyone to think herpes and abortions are fine and normal.
there's too many of us anyway, fuck the fucking dead babies.
how is it "torture" of babies
The average abortion takes place at a time in which fetuses don't even feel or comprehend pain.
Abortion is important because it gives women greater freedom in society at the cost of "killing"(sort of like how you kill your appendix I guess?) an unfeeling unconscious fetus that only virtue signaling men on incel boards pretend to care about.
My question to you mr virtuous, why aren't you advertising the orphanage you run outside abortion clinics to stop the abortions?
And we used to call soldiers baby killers what happened to the left?
>killing already birthed Vietnamese children against their parents or their own wishes is the same as killing an unsentient 1 inch clump of cells
Is this the epic logic of the right?
Or I'd stop watching porn because I'm able to assess risk and live with consequences/
Do you have sex?
Do you know where you are? Of course not.
morning-after pills exist.
Im actually a leftist I just dont understand why women love the idea of deliberately killing their kid
Moloch worship
I'm glad you're conceding your last post cuz GODDAMN that was retarded.
Morning after pills do not have a 100% success rate.
Ok I'm a leftist too, abortions give women more freedom to fight unjust hierarchies. How can you organize against your boss, or state if you're at their mercy to feed the child you're forced to have?
I don't like abortions either but shaming women instead of pushing for things such as public contraceptives, child care, and maternity is missing the forest for the trees.
I am anti abortion. But I believe it is more about their rights.
Like most pro-gun people don't even own them. But you don't want the state to have all in control.
And if you haven't learned so far feminists are just dumb and go with the crowd. They usually don't even care about the issue, they just want to fill their boring life with something.
>How can you organize against your boss, or state if you're at their mercy to feed the child you're forced to have?
What's the point of doing that if you don't have children to leave a better world for?
.... you just have the child later? Abortions don't render u sterile, they just give women freedom to have the child on their own time. Most women who have abortions have kids or end up with them later.
guys if the woman has the kid its likely going to grow up on welfare that you pay for and do you REALLY want to pay to raise another mans kid? if so than just admit youre a cuck already
The fuck are you talking about? Women can watch porn without getting herpes or pregnant too
How about not making the babies in the first place
Do you have sex?
They mutilate the babies first before they take them out of the womb
If i did i won't be evil enough to bring a kid i didn't want into this world only for me to kill it later
Only in the extremely rare late term abortions usually only done when there is a risk to women's and or child's life
Cool propaganda though
Fetuses aren't babies.
Abortion should be legal for women if they agree to be sterilized afterwords. Same goes for the father.
>btfo with FACTS and EVIDENCE
>b-but ur a woman!
Because they are the female equivalent of manchildren. A woman doesn't fully mature until she is a made a mother.
Who fucking cares abort that fucking shit there's too many people in this world.
filler text yadda yadda
Literally untrue, you could fit the entire world population in Texas each with their own townhouse. Overpopulation is a myth.
If you don't want more people in the world, don't make babies in the first place instead of murdering them after they're conceived
Buddy just stop, you don't fuck. You have no idea how stupid you sound with your "just don't fuck" take.
Nobody's saying not to have sex. You can have sex without bringing babies into the world y'know
>you have no idea how stupid you sound
>while essentially admitting that he and everyone else who "fucks" is an impulsive animal with no thought for consequences, valuing a moment's pleasure over the good of themselves and the people around them
Living space isn't the problem. Hell, even food shouldn't be a problem, theoretically there's more than enough to go around. It's simply annoying having too much people though. Everyone's quality of life goes down with overpopulation.
abortion is all about evading sexual responsibility if the motivation is not medical or rape.
This planet deserves a reset already.
lets have a nuke for the same number of abortions and then I'm fine.
Well I mean if you're in the midst of a revolution or whatever you LARPing dipshits think, why not just not have sex?
>i prefer poor, uneducated women to have lots more children that they cant take care of and will send off into the world to become dysfunctional unproductive members of society
good choice
Ok but most pregnancies are accidents, contraceptives are not free and widespread, and when you're in the moment you don't always think. The rich always skirt by abortion laws so in practice, this attitude only leads to the weakest and poorest amongst us being forced to carry kids they can't really support. It's a ridiculous sentiment.
Screencapping this to send to my friends, you're fucking hilarious
for guys who support abortion , did you know women who had an abortion before having a child raises the chances of mental illness or affect any other motorskills to the child?
also most rape nowadays barelly exist, you talk about rape like its 50% of cases of abortion while its only less than 5% maybe, immigrants raised that % , so stfu and lurk more.
If you're in the middle of a revolution you should probably have as much sex as you can, yes. And those women who don't want to bring their child into the middle of a revolution can abort them.
>implying murder is ok just because having a kid would be an inconvenience.
>lurk more
>post absolute non-arguments to abortion
what if the women doesn't want any kids? Why should she care about future mental illness? What if they just don't care in general?
Abortion is and should be legal for non-rape pregnancies so who cares how many pregnancies are from rape?
>implying the woman is justified in murdering the child because she had a change of mind and now doesn't want to be pregnant anymore
If she doesn't care about society then she should be moved in a place where all the orgy happens and let them live there , not between people who want to continue normal life.
being desperate about sex and not wanting children is a mental issue already.
Abortions are a decision of the mother/couple. It affects literally no one else and the fetus will die in peace if it can even feel pain. I don't think it's necessarily a women's rights issue though.
Condoms exist, pills exist
Virtue signal harder.
>implying labelling it correctly as murder implies a moral opinion on the matter
SeeWill also add that we can work together to make those things easy to get in society while not forcing the weakest of our women to get trapped in poverty.
I don't think you have sex.
A fetus isn't a child.
First response was for you
>implying it's okay to kill a human being over semantics
>I don't think you have sex.
When you run out of arguments though , run back to red1t pls and learn how to troll harder.
I've tasted more pussy from hookers than everyone on this board togheter, relax boy and learn more about life.
And if condom breaks?
Pills dont have 100% success rate.
Historically it was white men that made all the rules so they still believe its white males telling women what they can or cannot do. They don't care if at some point its murder nor that not only white males are opposed. The pro abortion crowd are on auto pilot and made it a political decision one must make.
>actualy wrote a legitimate response before reading the end of your post.
Doubly screencapped.
> fetus are babies
americans are fucking retards
also you know Jow Forums is fucked when people here are prolife
Pro-life? I'm just anti-slut.
Yes, so what's your point? Neetbux are the same thing. Also that picture is just someone's opinion, nothing about that is objective.
>I'm just pro Male adult virginity
What about after the kid is born? If the parents aren't capable of raising it, and can't find someone to adopt it, what then? Is it okay to make the child live in a shitty environment just to punish the parents?
>Also if abortion isn't legal then the dad should be forced to stay or pay child support with no possible way out, either both can back out or neither can.
Nothing wrong with virginity you whore.
What does this even mean? I just don't want to feel like Im living in an Aldous Huxley novel.
>REEEEEEEEEE dont look at the 17.2 year old girl you fucking pedo. The children
Also normies
>REEEEEEEE I have a right to kill my kids you asshole
jesus you're a retard, go back to your church to get fucked by priests
>screencapping an argument on Jow Forums
Yeah you have no friends m8 don't lie
I don't approve of sluts, let me say it.
Women will happily kill their own children if it appeases Chad long enough to get his dick inside them again.
Women are literally evil.
some people don't want to go through pregnancy or just aren't ready to raise a child. it is better to get rid of the child before mother forms an emotional bond with it.
there's also the thing about many different complications that could easily kill the mother.
Are you kidding me? My ex and his family forced me to abort a child. My choice. Be abandoned and never given any assistance or abort and they wouldn't alert the christian university I was attending I was pregnant. Men kill women all the time that resist. Men make a promise and once the child comes takes off and only a court can get them to help financially. Men make the decision. Abortion far, far benefits men more than the woman.
You pass a law making abortion illegal the number of murdered woman will spike.
Nah, this was your choice:
>Be a dumb slut
>Be a less dumb slut and use protection
>Be rational
You chose the first option, unless you were raped you had no excuse. Funny that you're just another larping "Christian" who loves playing the part but doesn't actually follow the doctrine.
I'm fine with abortion for rape victims/pregnancy complications/infant deficiencies
But slags such as yourself should be punished with sterilization
You keep using the word "men" but what you're referring to are boys
Real men take responsibility for their actions and if they get a girl pregnant, stays and builds a happy family for the child to be born into, that's the difference
I've noticed that in general, women don't abort Chad's baby. They seem to mostly abort because they fucked bareback with some ugly beta out of desperation and regretted it afterwards. Or they got pregnant by their long term bf but their boyfriend isn't Chad.
Like I said there would be a spike in murders of women. You impregnate a woman and kill her so you can go on happily with your life. I get it, we get it.
Then maybe you shouldn't have sex with murderers?
the woman brain thinks every man is a murderer , women can't think otherwise , they need more school.
fuck the immoral roastie whores who cant stop getting pregnant
Sorry but this is isn't an argument. Yes some men have killed their partner after she got pregnant and refused to abort the kid, but it's pretty rare.
If a guy's going to kill you because you got pregnant with his child, he's a psychopath and would probably end up killing you for some other reason just as easily.
Also, if your psycho Chad bf wants you to abort, why would you just do what he says instead of getting away from him? Oh, because he's Chad, right? So you'd actually kill your kid just to please psychopath Chad?
You make it sound like there's only two options in this scenario, when leaving him would clearly be the most sensible option. But I forgot women would rather kill their kid than have Chad leave them. You really are fucking depraved and insane sometimes.
If they are boys then why does the majority of males treat them as men. I concede there are some responsible men but not many. What prohibits boys from becoming men instead of being forced after running. My ex and his family said I was out to ruin his life, well what about mine, this was not part of a plan, does it not count?
Like I said. Abortion is a larger benefit for men.
Just another story of a girl going after a Chad playboy and then acting surprised when he behaves like a Chad playboy. Meanwhile robots get ignored.
you're the psychopath
Most women don't have a problem with fucking criminals as long as they're Chad. There's a reason most hybristophiles are women and so many women have rape fantasies, they are attracted to violent high T thugs, even if they're psychopaths.
If I was a psychopath you'd be slobbering all over my dick you fat roastie whore.
>I consider myself edgy
Dear god this thread is full of retards.
>b-but muh rape
>b-but muh mothers life at risk
Literally not an argument. Barely 2 percent of abortions are because of rape or the mothers life being at risk.
>b-but i cant live without sex
Everyone can easily live their entire lifespan without having sex. This board is proof of that. All people need to do is to STOP BEING DEGENERATES.
>Dear god this thread is full of retards.
>Everyone can easily live their entire lifespan without having sex. This board is proof of that
wait a second.... hmmm......
Well they are boys and actual men do not support them, it's boys patting the back of boys that they got laid and got away with it
A man would first of all get to know you rather then jump into bed straight away, also offer protection for a night of fun and down the line ask how you felt about kids
Boys will avoid all this and focus on getting laid, the more laid you get the higher your status amongst other boys, which I quite frankly do not understand as they're just as bad as the sluts they're shaming
I can only offer my condolences for your loss and refer you to in the future to get to know what their future plans are, even if sex is a welcome addition, least make sure to use protection until you're both ready for a family
The thought of having consequences for their actions terrifies them.
They currently can either sacrifice their child to satan in PP or use it to leech off of the father for decades.
Threaten to make them face the consequences and the fear rises
unironically these
i like these anons. they make valid points. and don't give me that "it's only africans and indians that are overpopulated" shit, whites are also fairly responsible for their shitty western values
Why do you live with your boyfriend's parents? Why do they control you to that extent? Are you a slave?
Shut the fuck up retard, it's close to 99%
The 1% is irrelevant and most probably due to statistical error
>leech off of the father
So the father is not responsible whatsoever for their own child? Not a surprise.
I can't believe the only correct answer in this whole thread was ignored.
>forced to have
This is so fucking stupid, the woman's choice is at consent, not conception. If you don't want to get knocked up, close your goddamn legs, whore. The result of sexual intercourse biologically is a pregnancy, when you give consent you consent to sexual intercourse. So people who want abortions are irresponsible and they can't understand that their actions have consequences
>cool propaganda tho
fucking faggot, he's right. even in first trimester they use a suction tube to vacuum the bitch outta there. they can't take the whole thing out at once so they have to reassemble it on a table to make sure they got everything.
>Shut the fuck up retard, it's close to 99%
>The 1% is irrelevant and most probably due to statistical error
Okay, but there are billions of people who have sex. That 1% affects a sizable amount of people.