Tfw no murderously horny goth gf

>tfw no murderously horny goth gf

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seriously how the fuck does this guy get a goth slut but i cant get anything?

becuase im in a fucking small town. fuck whites. fuck god

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>have black hair
>get called a goth
Fuck you.

dude she has a goth hair cut goth look all black crazy as fuck crazy as fuck looking and pale as fucking ice

>turned her down for sex
he turned down sex for sex

All I get is asian girls because my dad sent me to fucking Guangzhou (a city in China). This isn't normal.

My best idea is to go for support feminism and allow women only to wear weapons, that should work I guess..
Just saying you know.

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Imagine not pumping that little cutie full of your cum at every given opportunity.

yeah well I would take fucking ANYTHING fuck god

She was probably on speed

Don't whine about where you live unless you have already fucked every girl there

that guy looks like a fat Mitch Jones. he has attractive facial features tho


That's expected when you live in the woods

Dude you never know. Maybe he got better communication skills than you. Maybe he got more life than you in general. You never know so dont judge. Cuz deeeefently if he got her and you got non it means something is wrong with you m8.

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And who the hell want to have a gf like that in general like wtf one day you refuse to go get the trash out in the next day you gonna be in the grave cuz of it.
Yall too much suicidal here lol

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Maybe its not normal but its logical kek

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He looks nice enough

Why do I have to approach girls? Why do they never approach me? I want to die

Imagine a girl wanting to sleep with you so badly she reacts violently when you reject her

Imagibe a girl wanting to sleep with you at all

honestly I don't even care about the sex, I'd eat her pussy two hours a day if it meant having her hug me and tell me she loves me every now and then