Cant stop thinking of a girl I saw today. She was 13 or 14. Long, brunette hair tied in a pony tail. Creamy skin...

Cant stop thinking of a girl I saw today. She was 13 or 14. Long, brunette hair tied in a pony tail. Creamy skin. Intelligent, alert features. Quite thin, but still had very grabable thighs. Glasses. She was wearing shorts. I was walking into the store when she was on her way out. She was squatting down to pick some stuff up that she dropped before leaving. She thanked me for holding the door for her. I wish I could take her into my care and teach her things.

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Well hopefully some jail time will force you to stop thinking about her

Why would I go to jail for thinking about someone I saw?

OK then mind if we take a look at hard drive

You honestly wouldnt find anything incriminating. I dont break the law in any aspect. I dont even have overwhelming proclivities as described in OP. Just every now and then I see one young girl that stirs my passions. Have you really never felt it? Please be honest- this is anonymous.

This description reminds me of a story I saw posted here earlier

Back in the day it was normal to f teenagers. Now its illegal

i like you user
you are honest

if we are going to be honest, i have a 16 year old gf and i make her dress up in skirts and ponytails

in some countries you can legally fuck 14s tho

supress your infatuation forget her.
Can't say it's every day for me but when it happens I don't care and just really suppress something that isnt really helpful in my loner lifestyle. I once saw an attractive girl in the bus jerked off to her and then i simply forgot her. It's the most omega thing ever... but FUCK YEAH IT WORKS

>Cant stop thinking of a girl I saw today
I know how that goes my dude, it really sucks when you
>she was 13 or 14

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deport yourself

Hei FBI i would legally have passionate sex with a 14 years +1 day old girl in my country, and there's nothing you can do about it.

>she was 13 or 14


get the fuck off this board normalfags reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

can't tell if memeing or if you're genuinely retarded, anyone who supports having sex with underaged girls is a piece of shit

G-D bless meriga free land :DDDD

Pubescent girls are beautiful. I want a 12yo gf.

Not him, but articulating a sort of desire isn't the same as supporting its actualisation

hope you rot in hell fag

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God men are fucking weird, horrible and insane. She didn't give you a passing thought, OP.

Think more than pedo tendencies this speaks about raising a kid, tied to the desire everyone has to work on something bigger than oneself.

Go do some voluntary work

>sjwing on Jow Forums in 2019
shut the fuck up
go find a rope normnigger


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